I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Airconditioner/Heater is installed.

Last Thursday I posted that Jose (names are changed to protect the true identity of Jose) came to give an estimate for the installation of my airconditioner/heater unit.
I am tying to be truly positive here about the experience, first of all, he came highly recommended. I am sure he is, but his assistant is not. Let us just count the ways how this experience could have gone better but let us start with what went right...Nobody could ever accuse me of being biased when writing these posts (unless otherwise specified)...
What went right....
a) he showed up on time ( in Argentina, this is close to a miracle)
b) he came prepared with the brackets and hose covers and his assistant
c) the installation was completed in one day.
What did not start right...
a) to install something in a place higher that oneself, hoisting a heavy object like an airconditionere - one would think a ladder would be one of the tools the installer would bring - NOPE! We had to search for the portero in my building to "borrow" one. I am not sure what this is all about but he is not the first "worker" we hired in Argentina that shows at a jobsite WITHOUT a freakin' ladder and expects us to provide one - unprepared? wait there is more...
b) My place was (no bragging here) spectacularly painted when they walked in the door. They nicked, chipped, scratched, dirtied and stained spotty areas around my condo. ARGHHH!
c) THEY SMOKED. I do not mind smokers...as long as they do it in their space and NOT INSIDE MY CONDO...I did not have an ashtray so I handed them one of the china cup with a chipped lip - something I was meaning to throw away anyway. I was glad I did not have drapes up yesterday.
d) The job started at 10am and lasted until 8 freakin thirty at night. "R" and I were told until 4pm but we had caught them on endless cigarette breaks several times when we walked by the condo. I am sure they saw us, coz each time we would come in they would be working - but 2 minutes ago they were on my balcony having a nice hit on those cigarette. ARGH!
e) I had dust all over the place! I spent the rest of the night cleaning up.
Take anything that you want from this blog entry. It was not the worst of days, but it could have been better, oh well...
And these guys were supposed to be the best, could you imagine what the worst are? I shudder to think. Well, that is out of the way..in a day.."R" will get the extension cord and we can hook this baby up. Oh, did I tell you they just installer, regardless if it works or not - yup - that about sums it up. I am not crabbing really, I am DIVA-ing! A recommendation should be with high regard - this was an utter disappointment. I can count the great experiences I have had in BsAs and each time they come my way, I cherish it like anything God's green earth can give me FRESH. I close my eyes and thank the GODS!!
I remember recommending something to a very close friend and I thought, if I make a mistake here it could cost me my friendship and as much as I would like to be helpful unless I am so freakin' sure about who I recommend, I would prefer to not recommend anyone unless he is s smile short of spectacular, know what I mean.
Sorry "R" but if you are reading this, as much as I love you, you know the installation could have gone much, much better, right? Thank you.
Well we live and learn, all I can say is as long as I have you, I have everything I need.
Ciao for now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

when will I ever speak spanish - castellano spanish...

I am in BsAs unlike some devoted, dedicated I want to learn spanish person, I am doing my spanish immersion (ja ja) by going on with my everyday life. That is the extent of my spanish lessons.
To expect much after just spending a few moments of each day with a sentence or two and here and there, words even hardly sentences at all - cannot possibly provide me the resource to practice my pititful spanish vocabulary.
OK, well I do speak some very very limited spanish to get by, but nothing story telling quality. I read my how to speak spanish book but I always end up going to sleep after reading a few pages, even when I am seated down, so I have decided to read in bed - knocks me out like a 100mg valium. I can save on sleeping pills but my program to speak spanish suffers.
"T" occasionally teaches me spanish, when we read the paper together. He is more patient with me in going thru the details but sometimes, I cannot understand basic Argentina words - and that frustrates me. Oh well, we keep chugging along...
"R" is my all time protector, he wants to serve me everything - he knows I am DIVA bless his heart but sometimes, I need to get my hands dirty - jaja - hands I said not fingers - figuratively speaking. I would like for him to teach me more spanish but considering I like to read and do my learning in bed - that might not be a very good idea at all - spanish speaking wise that is.
I will stick to the book for now and give it another 2 weeks and then start venturing on my own. Talk the silly spanish that I know and I am sure people will correct me and try to understand me, and I will laugh about my errors more than they would. So if people ask me where I am from - I will say BELGRANO - that would give them a laugh.
I havenot given up on the quest to learn and master (50%) at least this language. I love people here and I would like to talk to them - in their own language. This is their country and I should make the effort to learn it - just like those that go to other countries and learn that country's language. I should do the same. I am doing that. My commitment is here, I hope to succeed.
Wish me luck. So off to bed I go to read my spanish book again...should it get quiet in a few minutes I would probably be sound asleeep.
Caio for now.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Talking with my Tatay

I have been a soar bear the last few days because I have been sick. I try to be pleasant but when one is not feeling well, one tends to be boorish, so I was a little bit.
I am feeling much better but still a tad bit dizzy now and again, and my ear infection is only on one side (right) unlike a couple of days ago that I feared I lost my hearing (YIKES!).
"R" has been so extra sweet and caring these last few days. But last Monday, I had to speak with my Tatay (father). He is one voice I needed to hear. There are some concerns I had that he knows he can be the only one to talk me out of, and he is man of reason and wise advise.
I am calmer after I spoke with him and the sound of his voice has given the assurance that for now, things will be better and that I should be true to myself first and foremost but also be fair and that give a situation time to correct itself.
My father is halfway across the world and I marvel at the technology of phone that I can almost hear my father put his coffee cup down as I spoke to him, past dinner time here in BsAs and it was breakfast time where he is at. Wonderful. The sound was so clear and his voice was unwavering when he said - I love you - and with that I heard all that I needed. And I said good bye. I almost felt better instantly that I slept so well after that phonecall. I know he missed me, and I miss him but life takes me to new places and as I always say no matter where I am I will always be there....(in his heart).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It finally stopped raining....

I woke up to the sound of dripping water unto the metal case of the airconditioner of my bedroom, by my bedroom window. Tok,tok, tok..it is raining, I thought. Went back to sleep after that thought, only to wake up an hour later and it was raining "cats and dogs", heavy down pour. The Buenos Aires weather has been extremely cold lately that rain like this makes if even freezing cold. Bone chilling cold!
Well "R" and I had to head to Temperley and get a light fixture from a ironsmith guy. He does polished work and very nice. He and his wife are always nice to us, service and product.
So we drove, "R" drove really. But one thing I can say is...people around the world do not know how to drive in the rain. Speeders galore, slow cars are even slower today because their windows are all fogged up, and no lights - CHRIST - no lights - how freakin' dangerous is that.
But "R" drove carefully, fast but carefully. I got wet in the rain for we headed to the country house after the pick of the light fixture. It was a long day, and now I am here looking out the window and the rain had stopped. I am making beef stew, seemed like a nice thing to prepare for dinner in a cold night like this.
Tomorrow I believe we are having another drive out in the country. Some more work needs to be done to the house - interior mostly.
Oh and yes we are looking for more lights - that would be exciting.
Stay warm and bundled up for the night, for it looks like it will still be cold. And my ear infection still hurts.
Ciao for now.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ear infection

Last night, I had a slight temperature, a very sore throat ( hard to swallow any freakin' thing!) and my ear was aching (my left one).
So I took some cold medication and I conked out for 4 hours, straight.
As I got up I needed to drink ( took sips really) to wet my whistle. And then I slipped back into the warm bed and dozed off once more, until past 9:30 the next morning.
At this time, my ear still hurts, my body aches a little bit (but it hurts all over) but the throat is getting better fast. I am not sure what I have in my ear but it is throbbing like crazy and I am sure I did something to it to make it this way, but I can't remember - I am devoid of memory especially when it comes to what I might have done or taken to cause a "malfunction" in my delicate body.
I take a couple to TYLENOL gelcaps every 4 hours and that seems to relieve the pain in my ear. I can even hear my heart beat thru there, if that is at all possible. So, today I am not my usual perky and lively self but I try to be as much as I can since "R" and "T" were with me today - bless their kind souls to keep me company.
Well maybe another night of good sleep will make me feel better tomorrow. I always love the thought of looking forward to tomorrow even if I am not 100%.
It is Saturday and the honking in front of my street is normal, so it seems that everything is as usual except me. Well, we will see about that tomorrow.
Ciao for now. Have a nice night.

Friday, August 24, 2007


TGIF...Thank GOD it's Friday!
People get this wrong sometimes..TGIF...some think it means..Thanks, God. It's Friday!
NOPE, that is not it. It is THANK GOD, it's Friday!
Like, as in, finally it is Friday it is upon us, THANK GOD!
That kind of sums it up.
But anyway you say it, Friday is here and Thank God for it.
Friday is never just another day for me. Now that I am in BsAs, I get to spend it with my "R" and those are special days. When I am with him it feels like it is always Friday - and there is nothing ever ordinary about that.
Ciao for now.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today is Thursday..airconditioner installer came to give estimate

Looking for somebody to do something for you in Buenos Aires is a very precarious proposition ( notice how I am trying my best to phrase this properly). Most of the time people just do not just leaf through the yellow pages and pick a name thinking the guy should have a license to do his trade and anyone is as good as the next. WRONG!!!

First you must be well connected and have a list of reliable network of friends. People who like you, not people you JUST know. It is by high recommendation that you hire a person to do some work or another for you. First of all, your friend will not recommend just anybody - he cannot afford to loose a life long friendship over a lousy plumber - no way Jose. He will give you the name of the very guy who fixed his cabinets and in this case installed his own airconditioner in his brand spakin' new house.

Then you try to call the guy, with the phone number and name that your friend gives you. After a few "I will call you" and "you can call me anytime" kindda phonecall, one or both people will loose the phone number and comes in THE ULTIMATE DIVA who keeps everything -including the piece of paper with the AC installer's phone number to the rescue. Then we continue to set a date so he can come to my place and look at the AC and the location where it can aesthetically be utilitarian but will make the place still look nice. So a few, handshakes after his initial arrival , this time he is on time, knowing that you friend reminded him how important you and you time are, he points and points again, and says this is how we plan to do it, and more pointing. And then comes the price and time frame, you have to ask or else they do not volunteer these kinds of informations. So he says in one full day and price is OK, no inexpensive but for the price, I am sure "R's" friend will say the price is reasonable for the good work this guy is going to do. Then he shakes my hand and tells me, it was nice meeting me - thank you- thank you. I say the same and off he goes.

Easy for those who have an "R" in their lives. I could not imagine having a conversation like that with this person in the next 6 months, please need I remind you I do not speak a lick of spanish. Stay focused here people, Yo no habla espanol. k? But I am catching up, not fast enough but Iam getting there. So I understand most of what he said. "R" said we need this kinds of cord and this tube, I say OK and lo! and Behold, I will hopefully have my heater/AC installed on Thursday.

Painless and easy, again , you have to be THE ULTIMATE DIVA to have a special "R" in your life to get this going and pull something like this. All I have to do was stand there and decide if I like what the proposed end result it, and YES I DO.

There, next Friday I would have the low down on how this came down.

I wanted to write about the new bakery/pastry shop "R" took me today, but I do not think I am ready to share yet. Let me enjoy it for the next few months and then I share. Thank you for understanding.

Ciao for now. I had a splendid Wednesday night, if you were wondering.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I received very lovely flowers today...

"R" surprised me this morning with a bouquet of beautiful arrangement of flower...ahhh..he loves me...he really,really loves me!
I thank him and more of that showing of gratitude for the rest of the week...he-he-he
I am a sucker for flowers. Jewelry and flattery will get you everywhere but thoughtful gestures like that makes the heart so aflutter.

It is still on the cold side here in BsAs, but you can always combat the cold by using feather (goosedown) blankets or find a good someone to cuddle with ( I tend to choose the latter on, if available). Well today I eat lunch alone as I read my ELLE magazine. But tonight I cook dinner (curry) and "R" cooks the healthy rice and he will come over to my place and we have dinner together. This is the best arrangement any couple can ever have. He does his thing, I do my thing and we do things together. It has worked for us for ages now and I think this is the best of all worlds.

I do not ask too much, he tells me what he wants, I tell him everything when I have stuff to tell and then we have a great time in between. I would like to think that we have our hearts set for each other but looking at others (girls on his part and hunky guys on my part) but at the end of it all we go home to each other. Fun alone and fun together. What a deal, huh?

I think "R" was just reassuring me today that we might be in a different time zone and things are done quite differently here in BsAs but if we stick to what works for us, we have half the battle won; the everyday battle with BsAs will always be there but it is not written anywhere that we can not have the time of our life as we wait in line, for the bus, for our coffee , our check and others.

The flowers is just a very nice touch from his heart to mine. It was spontaneous and it was sincere and I love it. It sits here on a vase he "made" for me. I look at it and I do not see leaves, not pinkish rosy flowers but a truth in his gesture and that counts for a lot. A mighty lot.
I hope to tell you what happens tomorrow after dinner but I do not get up early to post it, I know you will understand.

I sit here and trying to do some work but all I can think of is "Ahhhhhh..."

Ciao for now.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A quickie in the country...

As I was typing the title, it could mean two things really - and it is not the first one you thought of- SORRY. I was getting ready for a slow day when my "R" called and we were to dash to the country for some expected delivery. So in ten minutes he was at my door and I was holding the phone trying to figure out where the heck he was in all that melee of a traffic downstairs, I see him and as I put the phone down I head to the elevator pressed some buttons and down I went. PHEW! I know when he is in a hurry.
We were, HE WAS, driving faster than usual. Try telling an Argentinian to slow down when he is in a hurry. It would be like telling a bird to not fly. He listens, but does not do it. It is OK.
So we head to the country in less than 30 minutes usually a 40-45 minutes drive. 120kmh was registering in the speedometer, I do not even care to look a second time after I saw the needle hit that the first time.
So the delivery guys were there, very very nice and efficient. I love this furniture company we are dealing with they are just EXCELLENT both product and service.
So they delivered and in the furniture came. Then they were generously tipped for the great patience and service.
"R" and I decided to hit the local panaderia our fave, but they were closed. Well the one next door was open. In we went, they had everything we needed and some ( fracturas ). Service in this countryside store really makes their city counter part pale in comparison. People here in our little piece of heaven are REALLY NICE and smiles readily. Love this place.
So we ate at home and laughed and relaxed. Then we sat outside and took in some nice sun and breeze. We watched the neighbor's workers build a swimming pool, we thought they might have dug a hole to bury a corpse or corpses; but we thought that was just our imagination gone wild. We had a nice time watching the birds dig out worms. Some meaning conversation happened and "R" was sitting there looking peaceful and serenely happy. It was a pleasant sight.
So off we gathered our stuff (dried laundry) and I found the item was I was desperately seeking. Thanks for asking. But off we went to the car and headed back to the city. Again the Argentinian driver in "R" kicks in and we weave in and out of traffic. I swear to GOD, when I drive in BsAs I will not make it my life's mission to scare the daylights out of everybody. Speeding at 140kmh like that BMW did that passed us,as if we were just standing still, was to say the least, made me think of how crazy some drivers are in here. Some, I said some, ok, I did not say ALL. So lay off the nasty emails.
There - a quickie is as always, fast but good while it lasts. The trip, I mean!
Ciao for now.

Monday, August 20, 2007

A day in the countryside outside of the City of Buenos Aires

Yesterday was a serene Sunday in Buenos Aires. I was relaxed, "R"and "T" were as well. We got some cooked meals from Jumbo and piled into the car and off we drove to the countryside, a 45 minutes drive north of the city. The traffic was as always a reminder of car chases on video games except we have Audi's, Mercedezes passing us and lots of various cars in between - fast and slow ones alike. Weather was really on the nippy side yesterday. It was definitely a jacket weather, heavy jacket and scarf weather. As we ended on our northern destination, we were eased to the calm surrounding, sounds of the heavy breeze and occasional wimpering of Teros from afar. After miles of just cold breeze and a car or two passing past us, it was a deafening silence. SILENCE, you say?! Yes, it is such a breath of very fresh air to not hear any trucks, honking or people's incessant talking - just pure unadulterated silence. I love it!
We had lunch there at the house and search for some stuff amongst boxes and boxes of my stuff. Never to find what I am looking for anyways, I find everything else that I am not looking for but the VERY ONE that I am searching - story of my life!! But it was a fun day. I have resolved that what ever I am looking for I will find one of these days amongst the "not so many anymore" boxes that was assigned to me. Oh well...
As we bundled up again to head back to the city, we know what lies ahead. Noise, pollution of varied degrees, but we know that we are amongst a few very blessed few that have a place of peace and quiet. Our little corner of the world to commune with nature - all because "R" makes it all worth while and we try to tell him in our small little ways that we appreciate his providing us with this splendid little slice of heaven on Buenos Aires earth.
I am looking forward to returning there in a couple of days or so..my search fo that illusive item amongst those boxes is driving me nuts - and so are the people around me - well... the DIVA reigns....
Ciao til tomorrow, right?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Adjustment period

It will be a week tomorrow that I arrived in Ezeiza to start my stay for 4 months. I am to see if like in BsAs will agree with me. I am optimistic it will, I have this very small minor detail called " I do not speak spanish" problem. Not a problem really, I know some words and simple phrases but that is it.

This is like being in SURVIVORS or AMAZING RACE. I need to get to the end of the game and will have to wing it as I go along. I think I am in for a great adventure.

I want to have fun also in the process, the weather right now does not help though. It is cold.

I hope to do some fun stuff over the weekend.

You too have fun, OK?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Delete and backspace...

This morning I woke up and was itching to write on this post about the inefficiencies of some branches of the government and why they are making our lives more difficult and complicated - unnecessarily. But after I said that first line - I thought again and I said - NO! I will not give them the satisfaction of taking more space of MY BLOG than they deserve so I will speak about something else instead. But I got it off my chest - thanks for listening.

Today, another day in my life in Buenos Aires will promise to be a divalicious ( my word - please do not copy!!) day. I made coffee and I made myselg an omelette with longaniza ( BsAs brand). I diced them and then with a nice organic egg proceeded to make myself the omelette. I have this nice 6 inch omelette pan - works wonders! And then as it was cooking under very slow fire, I wanted a media luna, so I placed the stove top toaster over the flame and toasted one media luna, all the while my coffee was percolating. After I served the entire array of food on my plate I thought it would go well with a nice glass of water with a slice of lemon - D'LISH ( as in de-licious! - again please do not copy this as if your own!!)

I was working on assembling an array of samples for my "R" to pick up - work and business related so maybe I should bid you all adieu for now and then fix myself some lunch. It has to be something light for "R" will be here later in the day and we plan to have dinner together (nudge-nudge, wink wink), really just dinner - yeah right!

Later folks. Be good. HA HA HA! Maybe I should delete and backspace the last line - nah!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I am dying to tell you readers a secret..but in a week or so..I am sure I will be able to write about it. I just wanted to give you a preview why Argentina holds a special place in my heart. There that is all I can say about that at this time...meanwhile allow me to distract you...

Today I went to a portion of BsAs called Corrietes and Larea. A very busy place with bustling streets and people busy with business and public transportation that seems unending at times. It drizzled a little bit last night lasting all the way to 8:45 am this morning. But I was determined to go to Larea and look at some stuff in there. And I did , "R" took me and we made a productive morning of it. I got what I wanted and then some more... :-)

Then we decided to take the SUBTE from Pueyrredon back to F. Lacroze and then hail a taxi back to Palermo. The SUBTE was fun, as always, I entered the wrong way and a very nice Argentinian cop watching the passengers saw me make a mistake and he took us to the correct side of the subte and let me in on the side - nice guy - keeps my faith that there is hope yet for the males of Argentina. He was so nice and polite - I almost gave the guy a kiss for saving me a ticket. My porteno "R" was impressed and surprised as how the policeman was NICE. I will always think of that guy every time someone irritates me. I have met a very nice young man and he was all correct and proper.

Well after that pleasant experience, the SUBTE (red line) was packed with people at 11:45 am.
But after 3 minutes standing in the subway I was able to grab a seat and later, "R" was able to sit next to me. That line was busy, lots of people selling stuff. I am not used to a line like that since D Line (green) is more relaxed than the Red Line. Oh well...

Then we ended up at Chacarita (F. Lacroze stop) it was filthy dirty. Argh...I couldn't wait to cross the street and get into a taxi.

The cab driver was nice he was saying how nice the weather has been and looks forward to a nice weekend so people go out.

"R" and I ended buying lunch at COTO and eating it at home, now he is at the office working.
I am here at home reviewing what I got from Larea and admiring what I got. And what a positive day it was, overall.

Buenos Aires is a very aggravating place. It is nice and culturally enriching, various places to discover, but coming from a First World country, one tends to wish the streets were cleaner, lesser level of noise, side walk constantly maintained - but these cracked streets and dog dropping give Buenos Aires the distinction that it has, both positive and negative. The people here are good hearted in general, it is just sometimes bad things happen to good people. The frequency and "everyday occurence" of negativity numbs both visitors and locales of the shock when something untowards happens, and that is sad.

To end this post on a high note...as I am finishing this entry, my neighbor across the way just stepped out into his balcony, followed by his "calico- like" colored boxer dog, he is wearing his maroon briefs, ONLY! In winter time - this guy does this - I guess to shock the rest of us - who live across him, 5 stories high off the street level. He is so funny - Distractions!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well after getting my equilibrium back 2 days after arriving in BsAs, I have decided that this time around I will channel my ZEN to obliterate the noise so I can sleep soundly at night. I live on a HIP and HAPPENING street in Palermo. Lots of young ones roaming the street partying at night (and at times in daytime). I love this street, it is just that the BUS 64 passes by my front window every hour on the hour - at times several times an hour. But I have overcome that noise. I came back to BsAs thinking the noise will not prevail - I shall be above the noise - and so far I have had perfect 8 hours uninterrupted sleep since I got here. Mind over matter, does work, who would have thought..hmmmm.

Well, the last 2 days have been fun. Family here is well and I enjoy the company of the boys that I hang around with "R", "T" and yesterday Claudio joined us for dinner. He is such a sweet man. He is really a nice and true friend to my "R". I just love him for that. I love, love my "R"; but I luv Claudio as well. :-)

Yesterday night during dinner, I reckon "T's" english is much better than my meager, pitiful castellano. He speaks english much better than the scraps of spanish words that I use. I promise to improve my spanish this next several months. I am excited to learn it more but I am so chicken to speak it, and be afraid of sounding "silly" - well what can you expect but perfection or wanting perfection from me - Soy es La Diva, Ultima Diva!

Back to the Noise - I hear people and read about blogs where people make noise a priority to complain about. There is not much that will be done to diminish the degree of noise level that we are subjected to in BsAs. It is sadly part of the everyday life in BsAs, I hate it, please do not get me wrong, but if you learn or train yourself to tune it out, you can. I know, coz I did. It is just that when in the ZONE of tuning noise out, when the phone rings - you might not hear it.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

... in Buenos Aires

I am officially on my first day in Buenos Aires (BsAs). I arrived yesterday after a surprisingly pleasant voyage via Delta 101. The passengers were all great ( I was fortunate to sit next to a gay guy - smelled very good, good manners, polite, ate nicely - and did not wear polyester, well groomed - and the crew were excellent.

That being said my trip started on a very high note. I arrived in a very cold Buenos Aires but the reception of my "R" and his ever so you-cannot-help but love brother "T" was warm. I am staying in Las Canitas. I love this place. In BsAs, this is the place to be, and be seen.

I remember unpacking and cleaning the condo; I remember taking a shower, having a nice Mundo Spaghetti's ravioli's verduras con varios quesos and then I remember taking a nice hot shower and then when my head hit the pillow I was out until 9:45am Sunday.

The trip was great, and most importantly I looked great when my "R" saw me, I am sporting a very short (in the back) but long in the front coiff. He likes my hair short and I like it long - thus this compromise haircut.

I will start blogging about my daily life in BsAs, and I am sure I will offend others - but honestly my dear, I don't give a ...you know the rest....

So tomorrow, log in and see what is up ahead....Ciao for now.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I'm baaack....

Hi, everyone. I am back from a business trip to Asia. It was an exhausting trip but it was educational and pleasurable at the same time. In the next few blogs I will delve into my personal accounts of this recent trip of mine.
I am just glad to be back in the loving welcome of my offspring and my "R". They picked me up at the airport after a 2 hour UNITED airline flight delay from San Francisco. The 2 boys of my life were there to welcome me home in the wee hours of Saturday (2:22am) morning. I just have to love them for loving me this much. They hugged and kissed me, after a 24 hour trip, I was tired but was happy to be on solid ground. It makes you treasure things and people more that you might otherwise feel complacent - after even a short absence.
I will rest for one more day and start blogging my trip. I have some anecdotes to tell and I hope I do not forget any of them. Sleep will help my memory, I 'm sure.
OK, well, I will sign off for now and in a day or so, I will tell you what I did for my summer trip to the Philippines.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue