I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Well, well, well, look who's back!

Hi. It has been ages, eons even since I last posted anything worth a chuckle here but it has been loads of work, farm work for this diva-ish soul.
I am back stateside looking for an engine part for a farm tractor. By the looks of things, I am really getting the hang of this farming thing. I love the land I am working, the mountains and morning dew is heavenly. The people are wonderful. The fruits of the trees that surround this farm is plentiful and delicious. Fruits are bountiful. The laughter of children anytime of day is priceless. I get a marvelous on top of all these listed perks. You gotta love a woman with a glorious, sun-kissed tan.
Farming deals with nature and in that part of the world it has not rained in 7 months. Occassional drizzles here and there but nothing to really soak an arid land. The rice paddies are so dry that we are looking at an early onset of hunger season and late milling season with extended periods of low supply of rice. we brace ourselves also for the high possibility of flooding, people tell of horrendous floods after a long period of drought/el nino.
I have learned to really feel humbled by nature and Her power to dictate what happens and what does not happen next.
There is no telling what will happen one day in advance in farming, we all look up the sky and wonder when the much awaited rain will be given to us farmers.
I have also learned to see people for what they really are and for who they really are not. You will be surprised how some people are so nice to you on your face and as soon as you turn your back they double cross you. I have come across plenty of those and I am pleased to say I have held my own during those times.
Oh farming, I have learned to love the aches and the uncertainty of it all but most of all I get to do these with people that I care so much about. Nature always wins and I can deal with that.
For the next few weeks I post something here for kicks. Then I disappear again... Thanks for your waiting for me.
Shopping is great here in Southern California. This farmer loves to shop...see you another day? thanks!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It will be better this year...

Last February 14th, was Chinese New Year Day. I love the idea that in once year I get to make 2 New Year's resolution one for each New Year that the world all-out celebrates. Wow!
I was thinking that for the regular January 1st 2010 New Year I would continue to work on a better and much improved ME, and I believe (if I may say so myself) I am making some good headway on that.
And for the Chinese New Year February 14th 2010, I have resolved that I will steer clear of people who still believe that rose colored glasses are better than a good bitter dose of reality.
I am referring to people who talk about how life in the USA is full of misery and agony and too much economic struggle. I mean the whole world is feeling the economic crunch - HELLO~!
And to those who think the US citizens are crap for trying to help HAITI by televising it - I mean c'mon - ever heard of massive telethon?
And to those who also say being in BsAs Argentina is 100% times better in the US, what bubble address are you staying at in Buenos Aires? There are crimes everywhere, but at least in the US, I can leave my purse not tied to the chair when I have to pick up my order at the restaurant - try doing that in Buenos Aires. People who write and rant about how lousy the US is - is bitter and negative. There I said it! Now sue me!
I believe that this year, once I have steered clear of any negative, untrue and just downers of a vibe giver I should have a better year.
Farming has really turned me around 360degrees. Things are not as do or die as before. Rain always brings hope that things might just grow again. The land is where everything begins and I like that.
My realm of reality is now more subdued, nothing fazes me anymore, I would like to think that there are people in the world who relies on me to help them provide food for their family and selfishly - that is what makes me - ME. It gives my daily work meaning and by golly - I like that feeling. So to all naysayers out there - bite this and then some!!
2010, there are better things to come, and I for one cannot wait to face each day. I am loving this.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It is the 14th of February 2010

I would like to think everyday is Valentine's day, the presents are never bad :-) but just the thought that lovers do not subscribe to the commercialism of this wonderful occasion. I am hoping that sweethearts would celebrate this day of hearts every single day.
It has been awhile since I last posted, things have been crazy lately..more like loony really! But things have settled down a bit and the only thing I am waiting for is my DMV license to come in the mail. Everything else is ready for my next trip to the other ends of the world. Work, lots of work up ahead for me - but I am revived and invigorated.
I am left not wanting anything for this trip. To resolve to oneself that life is good and that bad times too passes with a promise of better times - keeps me going strong.
R and I are in good terms again. We cannot keep a love like ours just die, it has a life of its own and too strong for even the two of us to fight. Distance has in good part helped us heal, and scars and scabs will be there forever but the pain has ebbed to a negligible degree. He and I are both at our happiest when we are both happy at the same time, and a very good relationship takes a lot of work. And this time, I am willing to make a concious effort not to be on the negative and try to live just for the moment - it is more meaningful and sweeter that way.
I am taking this one day at a time, and so far so good. I have been heartbroken and it is not fun, but healing is just a miraculous process that - when people tell you "what does not kill you makes you stronger" is true, and you can take my word for it.
Happy day of Hearts to everyone out there. There is no feeling like being in love. God knew what he was doing when he created this feeling of kindness and gentleness called - LOVE.
See ya another day. Take care.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When it rains, it pours!

Well, California is under a bad spell of rainy days and colder nights. It has been wet, and in my case, flooded. It is everywhere!
Forget wearing heels for the next several days for that matter, the water has inundated our parking garage. Ankle high water is no longer a phenomenom. I have had it on a daily basis since Saturday! Man!
When you think California, you picture sunny with clear skies, with a little and here and there cold nights since it is January. Forget that - it has been soaking wet and I have been soaked down to my ankle boots in water and my wook jacket is damp and hair - a mess!
But the rain brings the much needed water in Southern California.
Water is always good. Complaining about the so seldom bad weather is almost a sport here in San Diego. It happens so rare that when we get rain...oh yeah...it pours!
The plants need it so badly. I guess I do not care so much for rainy days because I have been spoilt with the very good California weather. Forgive me for crabbing.
Tomorrow more rain is in the forecast but guess what after the weekend...all will be sunny and bright. So there you have it...the rainbow will show up this Monday and I cannot wait to see it.
Here's to Monday's very good forecast. Bright and sunny and honestly who doesn't like that?
Tomorrow, I 'll see y'all.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

..and then she shows up!

Wow! Let me just say I shouldn't be blogging when tired. But, hey, if you can't blog when you are tired, when can you blog?
After Oct 6 2009, here I am at last..finally...por fin...in the blog world once again. And let me start a series of blog by expressing my gratitude to those who were concerned about my long absence. Thank you for caring. The notes were mighty sweet. (blush).
I am fine and all is well. I just need a good dose of reality check away from months of heartbreak. There is nothing time cannot heal. Pain, I found out is manageable after sometime. We let go and we move on. Or as I was so kindly advised...let the chips fall where they may. And that is a very sound advise.
Today's blog will mostly be to express my sincere gratitude to a few/handful followers that I have and especially to those who sent nice notes of encouragement. From the deep cockles of my heart..thank you very much.
I miss blogging. I had to control myself each time I get the urge to blog/blab about how my life in the boonies have been going. But in the end I concluded that I will return to blogging only when I am stateside...for now.
I wish I made a note of the process of healing that I had gone through to get to this very healthy point of my life. I guess appoaching another milestone/bday in one'se life can give one serious moments of revelation and access what REALLY matters in my life. I have done that and have shed some tear, had a fed sleepless nights with bouts of anger and frustration but altogether I am better because of it.
I type here now, thinking of nothing else but how glad I am to be here in this very spot at this very moment. Life is short and it will be only good if you choose to make it good. No excuses.
It is soooo goood to be back!
Hugs to you all out there and follow me for the next few weeks as I share where and what I have been doing the last couple of months. It will be different and exciting.
See ya'll tomorrow then.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue