I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Family ...

You know, as I am amidst my family here in Asia, I got to think about what Family really means.

Don't be so shocked, I think of things like these sometimes when I see or hear news about how people, different in cultures define "family". It can mean the same as they can also mean so different. Huh? Well, let me explain.

Family as defined in the dictionary is a basic unit in a society. It goes on to say how by marriage and blood lineage we are "connected" as "la familia". Adoption provides a link to such said family, integrated and incorporated. A cold definition, I say to something so intrinsically fundamental to one's ABC's in one's being.

Family as I have lived and experienced it is one big who can shape the kind of person we are and will be, who we are surrounded with, whom we love, who loves us - regardless of blood.

I was fortunately born in a family who have very good core values. I was born into this large family that is now getting larger than ever..we have grandchildren courtesy of nieces and nephews. I thank GOD for these great blessing. It is a sweet thing to be in a family that eats together, prays together, suffers together and laughs together. We grow together, so to speak.

Now I have a new family. One that is neither limited by marriage nor blood. Family, re-defined in all ways. Sometimes, we need not limit ourselves to the confines of "what it should be" to be in a family, but extend ourselves and our hearts to "where we belong".

I could go one forever to laud and hail what family has been generations past, but today, I thank those that are in my present family. I have learned to embrace what is not conventional and traditional. I love those who bring joy into the life of someone I love, they are family. To those who make sacrifices to better the lives of those I love, they are family. To those who destroy walls and open doors to those close to my heart, they are family. To those who offer themselves to our believes, they are family. To those who understand why sacrifices are needed to made, they are family. Love them for there is love to be had and given.

And as a member of this so unconventional family, I try to be the best member I can be. Not easy at times, but plausible. It is just a growth process. Sometimes, it is difficult to explain my family so I just don't. Those who get it, gets it. Those who don't, well, don't. I leave it at that.

What is your family? Maybe mine or yours isn't that different after all, right?

 Family is where your heart is. I know this and YOU get to define where you belong. Be it where you were born into, who you end up with and those whom you meet along the way.

The best thing about family is they love you no matter who you are. So love them no matter who they are. Things we do for family, are things we do for love.

You are family. We are family.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Being miles away..

HI to everyone. Funny how I always seem to get back on the blog when I am in a different continent. Asia is where I am at this time.
The bad weather is a staple here..humidity is another, but hey, this is what it is here..just learning to live with it. The typhoon damaged not only homes or crops and properties but sadly also lives. Our hearts and prayers go out to those most affected by the harsh cycle of weather here.

So, here I am, still me after a few months' stint in the US. Lately, I can say that I am happier than when I was a few weeks past. I will leave it at that and not over think things. The healing is about complete but I am in constant prayer and vigil that I do not have a change of heart.

Let me share some very pertinent thoughts that have helped me "make it through the other side" of what I went through. I am in a better place, in my relationship with R. I have gotten to know more about my strengths and also his weakness and strength as well. When my resolve was tested, I remained steadfast and fought for something worth living for.

I have been correct in my thinking that letting love and truth win was the only way to go and save the relationship.

When in despair what might have been invicible and so terrible and heart-wrenching will always fall when countered with devotion, true love and forgiveness.

At a distance, now I see, how what I went through with R, made me stronger. I have gathered the strength (I thought I never had) during my healing. It was never about me, I understand that now. I have seen R in a different way. I would never want to go back to the past, I am so over that. It remains there and buried there. I start new and fresh each day and not fret about the future. I live for the moment. That was the biggest change in me. I was able to let go of memories of the past. I opt not to think about them anymore. Memories are like cobwebs, if you linger on them too much, you get caught up with it and never get to enjoy today. The future is an adventure. I hope I will get to make new memories with R.

Today is good and today is better than yesterday. And that is just fine with me.

I have found a level of peace and a degree of calm. I want happiness in my heart and glee in my life. Nothing in the past is for today. Today is for today. I like today better than yesterday.

Whoever has done me wrong, did me wrong. They will have to live with that. I choose to be happy and true to who I really am.

My fortune cookie once said....Happiness is not a reward...for it is a consequence. I can go along with that.

And I would like to thank those who have sent their words of concern for me. I am alright. I am happier. I take each day at a time; because you know there are people that love us. So we should be happy for the people who are really there for us...we earn merits in life when we do good things for others.

So be assured that I will be posting here again. Healing is an arduous process but when you are strong, you get to see that gleamer of light at the end of the proverbial dark tunnel. We focus and walk towards that light.

Goodluck and see you on my next post....All is good!

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue