I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The days after Christmas...

Christmas is always different each year. And I think, I like it that way. It is unpredicatable and always "quirky" in more ways than one.
I lost somebody very precious to me prior to Christmas. That was hard, and it still is. Her passing way was unexpected and that makes it even tougher for me. I loved her so dearly. I console myself with the fact that during our last long distance phone conversation, I always ended with telling her I loved her, and I meant it deeply each time. I smile every time I think about it, and it eases my pain a tad bit.
I wished "R" and "T" and I were together this Christmas, but that would not be how circumstance would allow. I was with "M" and it worked out great; and I had a blast of a Christmas Party with friends as well.
I love Christmas even if I get melancholy during the Holiday Season. I wished I was much younger and knowing what I know now, I could really enjoy the "innocence" of it all. Those were the days...
The idea of gift giving is always at the top my list any any given day but most especially during Christmas. I love to shop and get gifts -so what better season to indulge and enjoy both - but Christmas. I love any sparkling gifts and expensive ones. I just love bright objects and large purses and great Spanish and Italian shoes. Moving on...
Being around people who care about people are loads of fun as well. Friends are the next best thing to family, of course you cannot substitute one for the other but when one is lacking you can enjoy and love the other. I like Christmas in the US. The weather is cold, boots are in and hip, the coats and sweater are abundant. Food is great. Fruits and pies... I love to celebrate Christmas here every year. Shopping and getting around with all the hustle and bustle of the season is something I have crave for each year. I can live with this for the rest of my Christmas life. I will miss if ever I am not here on any Christmas. I will be happy wherever I am, but it will not be the same for me. My heart will be longing for Christmas in the USA. It is just so me.
So, as we fast approach 2008, I do not want to jump the gun early and think about what I want to do better and accomplish in '08. I would like to sit back and think about 2007 first. The people I've met, places I've have been, things found, people lost, and old friends found and met, people hugged and loved, feelings experienced, reconnections made, tears shed, smiles and grins, dreams that came true, new dishes cooked, all the good things and the bad. 2007 what a year!!
I am mostly thankful for the wonderful people that have visited my blog and have listened to my rantings in here. I wish you the best of 2008 and I hope you had a great 2007 like I did. Life is great, peaks and valleys of life gives living the texture that give us the great colors of our lives.
2008 will be another day...See you soon.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Shopping 2007

(sigh) I had completed a huge task, I have completed my 2007 XMAS Shopping. Female friends gifts - check. Loved ones - check. Children of loved ones - check. Hairdresser - check. Etc, just in case I forgot you - check.
The list was endless, I tell you. I started very early in December and it took me 3 weeks to finish. I mean I know there are people who start shopping for next year's Christmas as soon as January 1 hits, but c'mon...the deals and the NEW STUFF. OK, OK I know I sound so materialistic but hey ...isn't that what gift giving is all about - I do not mean what Christmas is all about but..what gift giving is all about. Getting the stuff that the receiver will like, use and flaunt to others,right? Be serious, when you get someone a present you are hoping that first and foremost - they will like it, will like it enough to use it, and by golly not throw or GOD FORBID - regift it!!
SO there I was finished with my presents. I just have 2 present to give. One for my hairdresser and the other one to my "M". After that, I dust my hands and then I have survived the hurdles of the gift shopping for 2007.
Let us not lump into this conversation the crowds that I have to shove,elbow and backstroke against during the AFTER XMAS SALE. Be ready for that coz, I have worked out all year for this marathon of an event. Where would one even begin to start...Lots of lingerie sale, towels, perfumes, latest fashions and let alone the inticing websites... I need to focus here I know.
But I love the thought of doing this every year - REALLY. I love the challenge and the realisation that I can still come out a victor in a contact sport like shopping. I am sure if this becomes an Olympic sport I will go for the try outs and I am sure there are able bodied women out there (and men!) who can outwit me. But hey, my first rule of XMAS shopping is NEVER, EVER pay retail price for anything. Coupons is just one of the deals I come very well equipped with. 60% off the retail price is not a bargain for me. I need to pay no more than 20% of the original price and I know regular price coz I scout the pricing before XMAS come around!!
Love the adrenalin rush of XMAS shopping. I think I will shrivel and die if they ever outlaw shopping.
Oh well, I have to rest now for tomorrow will definitely be another day. I heard MACY's is having big sale, now if Nordie's could ever bring themselves to go down in price jsut a tad bit, I would shop there often, and I would like to get more shoes for 2008. A definite ADD ON on my to have list for next year.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone. And beware of those that keep saying "it is not the gift but the thought that counts" , they are definitely going to get you something you do not want, like, want to use and will definitely regift before the year is over! GOOD LUCK!
See you 2008.
Do not drink and drive. Get a DD - silly, it means designated driver!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

My long absence..

Hi there all. My last post was dated October 17th, 2007. A lot of things have happened since that date.
My last post was made in Buenos Aires Argentina. I am now posting in California.
In between the two places I went to SouthEast Asia for a funeral. I stayed for 3 or more so weeks there before and after the said funeral. I went home to take my nanny to her final resting place.
When people say...things have away of working for the best...they really do.
I am in mourning. I think about alot of things since the news hit me until the very last time I made my final goodbye. But one thing has never left me, that I am proud to have known the woman and had told her I loved here when she was still alive. She has raised a good person in me. I can honestly say that sometimes people who serve you give up their own lives for they see potential in another person to do even more to others than they themselves possibly ever can.
I would like to keep my grief as privately as possible but I would like to say that her wisdom and good examples will always be remembered and honored.
I will miss my Mama Ed. Wherever she is, I hope she is finally happy and resting in peace.
I apologize for my long absence but things have to be taken cared of after a loss as major as my Mama Ed. Things needed to be put into place as much as we can.
Next posting will be next week and I hope to cause havoc as usual and have loads of fun and laughter in the process.
All these are just part of living it for another day...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Delivery...they deliver everything here in Buenos Aires

I like to go out and eat. I find the whole exercise of getting ready and dressing up to out to eat as a nice activity to do with people you love and care about...and then there is delivery.

Here in Buenos Aires, they deliver everything. I mean McDonalds, pizza, empanadas, ice cream, laundry, everything. They deliver the regular stuff like furniture, mattresses, beds all that kind of stuff but chinese food even groceries, they deliver. I mean you go to a store like Norte, COTO and if you are within the block radius they service - BAM! - they deliver it for you. There is long wait to get it, but by golly - they deliver your grocery to your house. Just do not buy anything that will melt (ice cream and such).

I sit here at home wondering what is there to eat and with a few dollars - they deliver whatever you want. Isn't that great? I do not have a tv set here in BsAs so it takes the pleasure of calling my self a couch potato, I am not for I do not have a couch either - as I wait for the delivery. What a great deal. Just do not forget to tip the delivery guy, coz if you tip, next time you order, they deliver yours -fast and first!

They do not have this service - SIN CARGO in the US. It is great here. Love that service. The delivery guys are nice and after awhile if you are a good tipper, even just a peso and a half, with lots of smile - they do better than their counter part MUZO or MUZA at the restaurant. In fairness not all servers are bad it is just majority of them seem so sad and not enjoying what they do. The delivery guys I guess are more happy go lucky because they work outside.

I just love this entrega a domicillo idea - what a deal!

Well it is that time of the night again and I have someone craving for a burger - better order that soon.

Ciao for now.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am stepping away from business topics for awhile. I have a horrendous headache today so I wanted to post something - light.
OK, so there we were at Siga la Vaca last Sunday..(I will not name the location to protect the identity of people to be mentioned) and we got there relatively early, we were early in BsAs standards because though there were people there - we still had our choice of seats. There were 4 of us in our party. So we sat in the middle of the whole place. I do not like heavy traffic area so we off to the side of the median of the restaurant.
So we ordered our drinks and we got our salads - buffet style you know. And then we all got talking and saw some people that were familiar to "R" and "T". So they said their hello's and did their besos, I guess, I really did not see because I was stunned by a phenomenon that caught my attention. OK, see, I have been complaining about how long the guys hair are in here in BsAs - I mean mullet haircuts - excuse me but that was like soooo long ago! And then as I stood in the middle of Siga la Vaca, I was in the midst of not plumes of asado smoke but I was in a sea of men with receding hairlines?
And then I got obsessed. I looked at men to my right, in my left, behind me, in front of me and then all around me - it was all the same. The men have either no hair, very little hair, have long hair but receding hairline and then those that have pronounced loss of hair --either recent or just still trying to cope with the reality that their hair are falling out.
I see the receding hairline in men phenomenon across the board in age level, except the 3 to early 20's guys. I even saw a guy in his mid-20's with a shaven head but you can make out the hairline that has apparently receded very recently. It was the most interesting thing I had ever seen. I did not mention anthing to anyone, especially since I was in the company of boys since I know how guys also feel so strongly about any criticism about their hair, these are not taken lightly. I know that about men's facial hair as well, guys with mustaches , beard and side burns feel so attached to them - do not really know why and I am scared to ask. I might understand their reasoning and for a woman that scares me - to begin to understand the men psyche. (shivers!)

So for the last 2 days, I have been observing the same about men that I see all around me, the men I meet at the store, the guard at COTO, the cobbler, every male I see I eye his head and see what level of hair he has. And sadly there are a lot of balding men in Buenos Aires. Just look around you. There are some guys who look so freakin' hot without hair and shaven head but somebody in between hair growth or just no hair is an oddity for me. There are men of course that can carry this hair loss fairly well, and others, well - do not have a choice.
I am not talking about you, should you be on the balding phase of your life. If you are offended by this article, then I am not talking about you.
I was just wondering what the cause is of this phenomenon. I do not think this is hereditary - since almost every is undergoing it - that they are all related - nah! What could it be - just curious. Bad hair care? Bad diet? Bad hygiene? From long hair to no hair - pretty extreme, no?
Well if you have an answer or would like to take a guess as to why this is happening - send me an note; would love to hear your take on this hair-y story.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

asthma could be the pits in here...

On the lighter side of things, I have noticed that since I got to Buenos Aires I have not stopped coughing. My throat is always itching and feels like it is dry. I drink loads of water, and I take them in sips but to no relief. I have brought my asthma pump medicine with me and BOY OH BOY - what a lifesaver!
I have noticed that the sudden change in temperature, I start to hack. I mean really cough, hard and deep. Then when the rain stops and the seeds from trees fill the air - I hack like a smoker and I am not! When I smell mildew and stagnant humid rooms like rooms without ventilation and air circulation from outside - I feel like my lungs are going to collapse. I take this very deep breath - short and then cough so distinctively like an asthmatic. I know how that sounds - really! I know because I have been an asthmatic since I was a little girl and then it stopped when I went to the the lower southern coast of California. I still had my asthma when I lived in Santa Monica CA.
Now that I am in BA, I must take my pump medicine again - or else I think I am dying. I cannot sleep because of the non-stop coughing. And it is just tough on my back, all that all day coughing. I am looking forward to finding a doctor who can prescribe this pump for me when I am here. I know I will not have this coughing when I go back to SD, and that would be a relief.
Springtime is bad, but so is winter when it is cold and then there is the chilly fall weather that also begins the cycle all over again.
The pollution and humid damp streets with mildewy building can cause and attack and these are everywhere. The bus, taxi and cars polluting exhaust is what is making me cough worst than when I used to smoke. I am not sure when I inhale that smell of smoke in the condo hallways if it is second hand smoke. For a person that quit smoking years ago, I cannot stand the smell of smoke being blown next to me. I am an asthmatic and I have to learn to deal with it when I am in BsAs. I am thankful that part of the year I will have some relief when I am travelling outside of BsAs.
People who never had asthma cannot begin to understand the difficulty of breathing when your lungs and bronchial tubes are clogged. Sometimes at night I am in agony and it pesters me that I do not get to sleep until hours after I've laid my head on my pillow.
I do not like mildew. I hate molds. Dampness and humidity on walls is my enemy. Spores, seeds and pollen allergens are not my friends. Bus pollutions and secondhand smoke is killing me, gently. So here I am with my asthma and it could be the pits when you have it here in BsAs.
And what I am saying here is the truth. People might have some problem with that but hey, they are not the one coughing, hacking and heaving all day long. So I am entitled to say what I am going through as an asthmatic, and it just so happens that my asthma was triggered again when I got to Buenos Aires. It is not BsAs fault, it is my own. I am not healthy enough to fight these elements when they are bombarding me. There it is said. Now excuse me while I cough some more.

Friday, October 12, 2007


The upcoming bijoux shop that will open in BsAs is www.gracee-creations.com

A very nice small place where customer service will exceed your expectations and the native (using natural materials) products of bags and accessories are unique in this corner of the world.
I am full of excitement to launch my website. It is nothing grand or anything but THE ULTIMATE DIVA gave it everything from the heart. The service and the products we carry will more than speak of our dedication to make this bijoux a part of our and hopefully your lives.
I have bags that are made with various fibers and palm leaves that are indeginous to SouthEast Asia. The handwoven fibers are labors of love. The people who put the bags together really love their work and since most of the bags have patchwork design made out of the fibers, no two bags will ever be alike.
What a wonderful feeling it would be to walk the streets of Recoleta, Belgrano or Palermo and have a bag that no one else in this part of the world has. Priceless feeling - that is what one would feel.
Our accessories are varied as it is limited. Most of the shell necklaces, earring and wooden bangles are made by hand. Nature is the main source of material for our accessories. Shells and wood are the major components to the jewelries, with accents made of glass and coco heishi beads. There are a few items that we only have one or two in inventory and they are limited because they are primarily handmade and we only can make as many as the materials allow us to make, and sometimes that is just one or two pieces.
Gracee-creations.com is an e-store. We do not have a physical store but a pick up location.
In a day or so, I will launch the website and I hope you will take a moment to e-browse around our bijoux. And recommend us to a friend who lives in Buenos Aires and can visit our pick up location to pick up and pay for their purchase.
We look forward to hearing from you. www.gracee-creations.com , the new experience in the world of e-shopping.
We hope to welcome you as a member to our family of happy customers.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The upcoming bijouterie...

These last few weeks (and months, really) I have trying to get the concept of my very simple website going. I am not in any way cyberspace savvy. I do not know the computer language, I have a very short attention span and for cryin' out loud - I am not used to following instructions!
So here I am trying to learn how to work a Pentax digital camera, set up lights to avoid drastic shadows and angles. I had to read a manual take lots of "test" photos with all the variables considered ( huh!) and then I started imagining what my website would look like ( I am very good at that ..imagining..) OK..so there I was with a working idea for the website, what photos to take.
I tell you this did not happen overnight..no way sireee. Well, at first the task was daunting. I mean a digital camera, I can take really good pictures ( really!) with SLR manual NIKON that was 20 plus years old, but this digital thing is so complicated. The manual was used friendly, but I wasn't. So I struggled abit in the beginning and then I said...let me pretend I do not know anything at all about picture taking and that I got myself a PENTAX, so how do I work it. There!
I acknowledged what I needed to say and I moved on...I emptied my memory of any ideas I might have of how this gizmo was going to work and I read the manual - boy did that thing work. I was able to turn the Pentax to a working, picture taking, wow your momma shots!
Then I worked the pictures with PHOTOSHOP, hey, a girl needs help so I turn to my every so able friend PHOTOSHOP and the pixs were good for the files for my website.
I read the website again and looked at what I needed to change - my website is very straightforward no nonsense, no bells or whistles or anything fancy like that - it will do what it needs to do. With alot of heart and sleepless nights, I am 99.98% readly to launch it to cyperspace. It just needs a couple of days to brew over and then I should be set.
I have never thought I could even do something remotely similar to what I had just accomplished. But it sure tastes really sweet as I sit back and think that a few months back I did not see this day and yet here I am basking in my small accomplishment.
One day when the store (thus the website) picks up I can have a professional spruce my website a tad bit ( or a whole lot) but for today and the next few months, I think I should be fine.
I love working and I love working for myself. I learned new things everyday as I worked on my website and one of the major accomplishments I acquired for this undertaking is ...patience.
The store is a bijouterie I will place a link from this blog to my website, so should you drop by in Buenos Aires, call me to make an appointment and I will show you what I have in inventory but better hurry because I only have a few of each item.
Ciao for now. Tomorrow will be...another day...what a nice day it was today.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A funny thing happened on my way...

I did not even notice it that is alreadt Sunday and my last posting was Thursday - WOW this week went by so fast. I am actually working on my website and taking pictures for the website, so I am in a virtual cyberworld and nobody tells me what time it is..anyhoo.

So several days ago, I had to take a brand new pair of black, 2 3/4 inch heels with antique looking metal studs on it, shoes are pointy - of course, to my cobbler downstairs, Samy. I have told you about him - he is the guy I want every woman in Buenos Aires to meet so he can fix their tok, tok tok I no longer have heels but nails are protruding now heels - (roll my eyes here!)
Well, I took these brand new black...ok..ok...moving on...I had just lost my voice due to a bad cold...and so I was trying to tell Samy that the right shoe was making a noise every time I would take a step - in spanish. Well....that was the wrong thing to say, because shoes do make a noise when you walk on them. BUT no, the noise is coming from inside the shoe...like in the heel..inside..or something.

So for 2 minutes I was trying to have him hear this noise but to my dismay the store next door was doing some serious cement pounding more like excavation pounding so Samy cannot hear anything. By this time the line outside the cobbler's have started to get longer ( 3 people!).

So I said...try to diagnose it and I will be back. Well, my cold got worse and I was not able to see Samy bach until last Monday..and then he said - NO HAY PROBLEMA. What does he mean no problem - I still hear the freakin' noise. So I asked him to peel the cover of the shoes where the heel meets the body of the shoes and LO AND BEHOLD there was a screw in there - I asked him if the screw is tight. IT WASN"T. He turned the screw a few times and them gave the shoe back to me to try on..this time the line has gotten longer (4 people - and one of them my neighbor). So the noise is gone - PHEW! I thought another lovely pair of shoes to waste if the noise did not go away. I was not going to put on a pair of OH SO LOVELY shoes that squeek. NO WAY JOSE.

So before he put the glue on the back of the shoes and put everything back together, it occured to me that next to my laundry place is another Samy place - another cobbler. Could my Samy be moonlighting somewhere else? He cannot possibly be in 2 places at one time!

So there I stood asking "Samy" what his name was...with a grin worth a million bucks this sweet man says "RAUL". I knew I must have turned all shades of red ( a good tint for actually) but I was so embarrassed for all these years, months and days, I kept saying good morning, good day and all that to "SAMY", and the man's name is RAUL.

So there I was....standing in front of 4 people and RAUL paying him and thanking him at the same time. I was so glad my spanish is limited for I would have made a total ass of myself by apologizing profusely for my calling him Samy all this time.

So a funny thing happened on my wau to the cobbler...I finally found out his real name.

Raul...but he will deep down always be a "Samy" to me.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The luxury of sleep

Last night as I curl up in bed I thought..what a diva I really am (BIG smile here!)
Yesterday afternoon, I turned my bed over, changed sheets and fluffed the pillows and all that. My bed is, remember I am in Buenos Aires, is from the US. I have a box spring and then the mattress itself. The top mattress has a pillow mattress atop it. Both of these firm but luciously heaven-like sleeping luxury are on top of a black fourpost bedframe, also from the USA. And of course nothing but the best US sheets to cover all that sinfully indulgent luxury. Colors I like for sheets are white, lemon and turqoise.

Call me The Ultimate Diva because I am.
And if this mile high bed (I need a footstool to get in bed) is not enough I also have a goosedown 2 1/2 plazas of cloudlike blanket (white) and then to make it even more opulent, this goosedown feather blanket is encased in a white on limegreen duvet cover with 3 large buttons. Sweet heavens, as I curled up in bed I thought, this is so fablously good. I should bottle this feeling and feed on it on my bad days.
This is something I thank for every single night before I close my eyes, I have a nice warm home and a divinely comfortable and relaxing bed. It is such an indulgence that I get nothing but very good sleeps on it. Being in a cloud of fluffy and warm blanket each night as I dose off to never-never land and rest. Ahhhh...my little piece of heaven on earth.
Each morning as I wake up, my two pillows are always askew - no hay importa - I cuddle and curl up and moan and groan as I hesistantly leave the warm comfort of my bed - my diva bed.
I look forward to morning everyday but believe me I look forward to nights as well.
Ciao for now....

Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Blues...

Today is the first day of October and in Buenos Aires it is raining.

I had a goodnight's sleep and so today, I proceed to work some more on my store. But rats! it is so gloomy and so monday-isque that I can not help but feel sleepy all day. In between flashes of lightning and roars of thunder, I have to make sure I keep my eyes open and keep checking the time since it feels like 5 in the afternoon since 7 this morning.
Oh well, since I have a bad case of cold I cannot go out anyways. No lunches out or anything. Rats!
I had a delicious cup of coffee at 8am and then a couple of toast at 10am. Then I had lunch at 1pm and later, I will have my siesta and in the mean time I will have to work on the pricing list for the store. I am not sure I want to work on cost in a gloomy day like today. I will try...
Mondays...I used to like Monday's ..I looked forward to them...days to go to the office, get ready, speak with customers and friends, lunches out in a nice California day...those were the days...
I am in Buenos Aires at this time, so I will need to deal with the Monday Blues here - sometime next week I should be fine - "R" would be coming back from a business trip and hopefully will have some goodies for me - now that will cure me of my Monday Blues anytime.
Ciao for now and keep yourself dry from the rain.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

"I really do not need to know...."

Cellphone. The very word can conjure up all sorts of anecdotes and facts. The portable/mobile phone AKA cellphone has been a great resource. I just wonder how we ever functioned without them. I guess we did but isn't it cool to be carry one and just flip that cover and dial and in 2 seconds or less you can be calling someone in anothe continent. Cool - is a word that best describes this gadget. Love it!
The down side of course is you get to be a slave with such a gizmo. The thing rings when you are having a meal - gotta grab it - someone could be on fire and instead of dialling 911 they call you - YUP - that kinda emergency is what I am talkin' about.
I mean - for real! It is a convenience for me, I am not enslaven by it. I mean we are not brain surgeons nor are we really holding lives in our hands that a simple ring of the cellphone warrants us to drop everything and anything we are doing. No matter who it is, there is voicemail feature on such a thing. Give it a break already.
And for business, what possess you that you have to get this call just in case it is someone whom you have been trying to get a hold of for days now and yet this person whose call you are going to take this very instant - has not bothered to call you or returned your calls even just to tell you what the delay is. And for those who talk endlessly about business this and business that - you make yourself seem important, I hope it works well for you! C'mon!
And I am sure those who have never heard of cellphone etiquette ( let alone know what etiquette is) are those walking around the streets of Buenos Aires, talking oh sooooo loudly on their cell phone. Given I have the bad habit of talking louder than really necessary AT TIMES, but I am conscious that I should lower my voice down, for as "M" had told me, these gadgets are microphone sensitive and there is really no need to shout at it.
My beef ( funny choice of word really considering I am in Argentina) is with those who talk about their medical test results, what specimen they had to give, and all that very personal - yucky stuff..I do not need to know about them - really. Keep it to yourself..puleeez!
And then there are those who say they are at a doctor's office over the cellphone and obviously they are freakin' lying coz they are standing in line in COTO! Hellooo!

Then there is that lady whom I can hear her voice all the way up here in the nth floor of my building's balcony. ..what you had for lunch...I do not need to know really - nor do I want to know - REALLY!
And then there is this other cad, who has obviously just slapped that fake (cheap and hideous) toupee (men's wig) on and says what a good looking guy he is - half laughing ( I am 100% puking). I do not want to know - really!
And the cellphone makes you accessible every second of the day - who wants to be chained to something or anyone like that?
I can understand an EMERGENCY - life, flood and fire urgencies but otherwise, it is just a bother. People use the phone for all sorts of crazy things. They check up on their kids this way. They check on their spouses this way. They want to know what you are doing this very instant. HELLOOO?!?!
And I see people standing in line in COTO talking on the phone holding up the line as he has to take this call, BEFORE he takes his money out his freakin' pocket to pay the cashier. No wonder the cashiers in there are cold and indifferent to the REST of us, non cellphone answering while in COTO line public!!
Use a cellphone to call a RADIOTAXI, a fire truck, an ambulance, your mother's doctor to ask for restaurant directions, to tell someone you will be running late - shoe strap broke! Some thing same like these but just to blah blah blah....I really do not need to know.
And for christ sakes - why do people who drive - answer the phone - WHY IS THAT? Do they want to kill themselves or want to kill someone -we are talking driving and holding the cellphone driving in Buenos Aires - how freakin' scary is that. I know you were a juggler in you previous life but please be responsible and not talk on the cellphone as you drive. It just gets crazy. Let alone people who drive and text - PLS have mercy on the rest of us. The look at me I look important while I speak on my cell phone announcement to the rest of the world is no longer COOL - it was uncool the moment you had to let go of the steering wheel to change gear. Coz if someone gets killed by a cellphone talking, BsAs driving motorist...and it is someone I know..I really do not want to know.
Be responsible and not answer the cellphone when you are in BsAs and driving.
I promise I will not drink and drive!

Friday, September 28, 2007

flowers from my balcony

These are the very pretty flowers from my balcony. Buenos Aires has a lot of very lovely and affordable flowers. I like the variety that the vivero's offer and I like growing them. Such lovely colors. Ilike sitting outside on my balcony set and read the paper as I enjoy these. "R" helped me lot in getting these flowers - he drove. Ja -ja-ja. Thank you "R". Stay safe. I hope you enjoy these.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Everything happens in front of Circle K"

So today, I felt a whole lot better. I started early. By 10am I already had my coffee I was set to go to the grocery to get my shopping for the day, get my Buenos Aires Herald newspaper (tabloid format). So I was pretty much set.
I started working on taking measurements of the bags I will be showcasing in the store. And the spreadsheet for my inventory was coming along fine.
"R" paid me a quick visit and he left. (More about this on tomorrow's post.)
So I decided to have lunch with a glass of grape juice. I was reading another newspaper on line when the batter icon showed up on the lower left hand corner on my computer - I thought - now what?! I tried to log back on and now an "X" showed up on the wireless connection . Does not sound or looked good, I thought. And then I checked the lights - NONE!. I tried the bathroom light (different cicuit route) NONE as well. Then I headed to the hallway - tried the elevator light - NONE! Oh uh! Then I heard voices going up the steps - no one ever takes the steps - well except this exceptionally fit 60 year old lady who lives 2 flights up my floor.
So 4 second after I closed my front door, the firetruck siren comes blaring down my street. Wooh ! 8 firemen comes out donned in their Policia Federal Argentina firemen's outfit and does 2 doors up from my building. By this time the people across the street have all gone to their respective balconies to look at what is happening on my side of the street. I cannot see anything of course - and then the fire truck parks right smack on the middle of the street that no buses can pass nor cars. With an emergency like this -car drivers - you guessed it - HONKED!
It was funny in a "HA HA" kind of way. SO typical of the argentinian drivers to be concerned onoly of themselves during such a distressing moment.
Oh well...it apparently went well (whatever the calamity was) for after I took some pictures of the firetruck and firemen, and the congested intersection one block away, the firemen came out took off their outfits and had a quick huddle. In the midst of all this a supervisor looking guy comes up and gives the guys a pack of Marlboro - and he had the audacity to LITTER on the street. It was a bad ending to an otherwise very nice story of rescue and time response and outcome. Oh well...like I said.
Oh and BTW, I saw my "Capuano" guy come out of his house for the first time. It was a thrilling moment for me. I was pretty sure he saw me. He knows I know, that he knows I live across the street. It is a voyuerestic love affair, I think. I am sure "R" will not mind my saying this. He know about my "Capuano" and he is fine with it. As long as he looks and I look and that is all that there is to it, I am sure I am fine. You want to know how I know he knows, he was standing behind a sign to obscure his face so as I was 5 stories high in all black outfit with a large blue earring on can obviously see him if he stepped away from that sign - but he did not. And when he thought I was not looking he walked back to his building - and I saw him - shoes and hair. It was was a rare opportunity. Almost liken to a "Yeti" sighting. I know he is there, I have seen him, but have not actually seen all of him - UNTIL TODAY.

Thanks to the PFA of Argentina!
Ciao for now. Another day...The flowers in my balcony are spectacular I will take pictures tomorrow and post them here.
See you then.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It is Wednesday and I have been busy all morning. No, I am not talking about my cold, sneezing and blowing of nose and all that...but I am trying to get a store to be ready to open ASAP. In my two moments of lucidity, I am trying to label and mark merchandise. I also have to create a spreadsheet for my inventory. Try doing that after 2 doses of antihistamines. I dare you!
Well, this morning, a bowl of big red strawberries helped alot. My nice large mug of coffee really did perk me up. I hate having the cold. I cough - that is for sure and since I cough ALOT - I tend to loose my voice and then I am miserable. An opinionated women without a voice - I was just like _ SHOOT ME.
But after a couple more cocktail of medications and a tranquilizer that knocked this horse down, I slept very well, thank you very much and this morning felt like a nice makeup and jeans can take me to the laundry place to pick up my clothes. And a few cositas for sandwich along the way, huh?
Ok, so I get back to my place and made lunch and then started out on the spreadsheet. The wonders and magic a good lunch can give you. I finished and started tagging the rest of my merchandise and then measured them for my website purposes...I think if "M" can just take the pictures for the website, I can launch this business in less than a week. I am hoping that the first group of buyers are those ladies looking for presents for Buenos Aires (Argentina) Mother's Day gifts. I will be happy to help in your choices of gifts, I have a varied selections of earrings, bracelets and necklaces and pendants; but most of all the colorful and natural material bags are just exquisite, and since I only have one or two of each kind especially made for the store opening you can be sure, there is no one else in Argentina walking around with the same handbag as you do, that is promise.
I am in the bijoux business, I am going to be selling hand made purses and accessories made out of 85% natural materials, shells, wood, stones etc. In a week or so, I will post the actual website address for the bijoux store so you can visit me.
After a horrendous 5 weeks of struggle with the Argentinian customs, the items are finally at the store. The agony we had to go through to get to this point is worthy of a Broadway drama. It was just unbelievable - one day the story will be told but I do not want bad vibes before the store opens - I just want to think positive.
Visit me again next week and I am sure I will have the website going , up and running by then.
I am excited and the thought that one day you will get to visit me at my store - it can only be a good thing.
Ciao for now.

Monday, September 24, 2007

What is abloom...

As I sit inside the house, nursing a bad case of allergy sinus, I look at my sunny balcony and AHHHH...what a very pretty sight.

I have a narrow balcony over looking one of the busy streets in Palermo area. I have the airconditioner unit (with fan) on one end of this narrow balcony and a couple of feet away from that is my balcony set with two chairs and a round table. behind it is a sink/ tub that accommodates an area to put brooms and a trash can in one corner.

But what is so pretty right now in my balcony are things "R" and I got to day from Escobar. I have some margaritas ( daisies) and lavenders and 2 liliums. I also have the winter flower that "R" gave me on Mother's Day ( May for the USA people) and then I have this blue flower - very nice and deep shade of blue, and then a pinkish with a matching lilac colored flowers. A larger pot of lavender plant anchors the series of plants to the right. All the first group of 8 plants mentioned are inside a rectangular shaped planter with dish ( terra cotta in color) and they are all so beautiful with just the amount of sunlight hitting them at 3:30pm. But most of all I have an aerial plant that puts a nice touch to the top portion of the balcony. Green leaves with shade of burgundy in the underside of the leaves and small bell like flowers sprinkled on top of the planter - just the right amount here and there.

What a lovely spring day. Tomorrow when I have a better handle on this allergy of mine, I promise to sit out there and read The Buenos Aires Herald with my cup of coffee.

I also have to work on my business of course. I think I will work on the tags and pricing as I enjoy the sun and beauty of what is serene and beautiful in this urban jungle.

Oh I so love it.
I wish I have someone here with me to enjoy such a lovely sight.
Well I hope "R" passes by tonight to look at my progress on the store at least, for he will have missed the sun in my balcony by then.

Ciao. I think I can even smell the lavender right now....

You can join me me again...in another day... perhaps.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Feliz Primavera!

It is officially here, SPRING IS IN THE AIR!

With the endless array of colorful flowers that are flooding the streets of Buenos Aires, you come upon a verdulero who sells - red, sweet tasting, luscious looking, lip smacking delicious strawberries!! HELLLOOOO!!
I have several ways to enjoy strawberries, some elaborate than others, but the best way is just to enjoy them sweet fruit of the earth. I am not partial to strawberries here or in any other parts of the world, to me strawberries as long as they are sweet and good - I AM HAPPY.
Just now before I posted my end of the week topic, I had a nice glass full of quartered stawberries, hulled and with a dab of cream and sprinkling of sugar to kick it up a knotch - wonderful!!
Well, whatever you are doing before the weekend is over - enjoy some of these red, very red and very sweet fruit.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It was at six freakin' o'clock in the morning...

So there I was sleeping away, in a deep slumber when _ a wailing, high pitch distinctively and alarm of some kind started blaring at, you guessed it, six freakin' o'clock in the morning.
Let me tell you, there is nothing more irrititating than being roused from sleep other than a noise so loud that makes a loud alarm clock, sound like Bach!
OK so I had said I lived in a hip and happen' place, yeah, yeah, yeah. But for crissakes! Give me a break with this noise so freakin' early in the morning. I have not slept off the cold medicine I took a few hours before, now I am sore as a bear! ARGHH!!!
Well, just to make all these more interesting, there was no one to call. It was not a car that was sounding off, it was a store - we all (residents on this side of the street) thought that it was a stall at the lower level of the building. From 6am until 9:30am it went on, and on, and on....
I usually am tolerant of noise but noise of this kind is not only unkind but undue punishment for the rest of us who try to live peacefully and quietly in this area. I have a splitting headache right now and I am thinking if I do something so drastic because of the ill effects of my lack of 8 hrs of sleep - let there be mercy for I am going to bite someone heads off should someone cross me today!
There you go, now I have gotten it, why such sourpusses and crabby people walk the streets of Buenos Aires, either due to lack of good night's sleep or the level of noise just drives everyone nuts!
I think this is an "AHA" moment for me, I never really thought of it that way before, but now that I was subjected to the same - I think I can relate to such sour attitudes abound in BsAs. Noise is terrible in the city. Do not tell me that you have a spledid apartment and you hardly hear the noise. There is noise, period.
Oh, well, I think I will take a pill tonight that will knock me off my feet and that not even a jackhammer two inches away from me can rouse me to sleep. Medication is so underrated.
Ciao for now.And goodnight.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mexican Food best eaten only in Mexico...or somewhere in California

I am sure to those of you who know that I am in Buenos Aires would wonder why I would eat anything else but Argentinian food when I am here, right?
Well, the truth of the matter is, when one is used to variety, you will constantly look and long for it and the diversity and surprise it can bring you when you have it again, is beckoning you at all times - same goes with food. Just because I am in Buenos Aires does not mean I should and could have Argentinian food every single day - how boring is that?! I am one who hates to be limited to do anything - let alone food.
Well, this topic bring us to a family dinner we went to ( all eight of us) last Sunday evening. In the midst of the whole day of drizzle and a sudden change in venue of where we were to gather and eat, we were told of a Mexican food a few blocks from the original sight of rendevous.
I am not one to drop names (especially oif bad restuarants, but if you much know send me an email, I will tell you!!) so let us just say this restaurant was supposed to serve Mexican food. Boy, oh, boy! You know when you had your first kiss and the boy said this will be good...and three seconds into the kiss you are waiting for the "this is the good part?" , well this restaurant was more like that.
Oh, given the menu was Mexican sounding and all with all what appears to to be "Mexican like" in the preparation , what we actually would end up having was all the surprise element, so to speak.
In our party of eigh, there was the guy's table and then the gal's table. The boys had enchilada, for appetizer, the girls had a salad (moi) and 3 appetizers of chicken and then both tables had fajitas (combo of beef and pollo) - the tortillas were very disappointing - thin and made of flour, we did not even have the choice of corn tortilla. And most hideously, I got a Nacho Salad that was a total disappointment. For the first time in my entire experience of Mexican food and I have lived close to Mexico and have been eating Mexican food longer than anyone else on either table - that was nothing at all close to what I had expected. Nacho Salad does not include, every, red beans! The cheese was cold and stiff and they were generous with the four pieces of triangle nachos they gave me. OH MY GOD! The tres leche pastel was so sweet and the meringue that topped it was egg white with sugar syrup beaten to stiffen it and served as topping to the cake. NOT! Mexico never used sugar syrup to make meringue.
I am sure the fajitas were good the boys ordered 2 orders and flautas - what a joke!! - a cylindrical flour tortilla - empty and devoid of stuffing with bitter lettuce topped with crema acido ( cream cheese with added vinegar to simulate sour cream - NOT!!). I guess, Mexican food is never authentic unless you get close to Mexico.
California is as close to Mexico as one can get to getting good Mexican food without stepping into the Mexican soil. I pity those who live here in Buenos Aires and Argentina who never had the chance to travel to a place that serves Mexican food - REAL Mexican food - because where I was at last Sunday - was nothing at all like Mexican food I have known about. It is sad that those that are here and frequent that place will never know the real flavors and taste of Mexican food.
The best thing about Sunday was nothing about the food ( though I came home hungry) was the great company and fun we had with the family we were surrounded with. I had so much fun talking to the girls at my table that bad food did not count enough to devoid me of the great gathering. I came home with a happy heart and I made myself a sandwich and coffee and went to bad. It was a great evening.
I am sure "R" is reading this, and to him I say, remember I had a nice time with the group. And that was what mattered.
The food was something that really did not work for me. Of course, I can always have Mexican food when I get to Lourdes' place - thank you for the dinner and introducing "M" to the girls and I had a great time with the girls as well. Do not worry about it. I am sure we will find other good places to eat in the future. We move on. OK?
Ciao for now.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Sunday is a nice day to meet with family and share a meal, no? That is exactly what we are doing tonight. I hope the weather would be cooperative and not get me wet, since I love to wear heels for these kinds of occasions.
I like the place we are going to. It is on Santa Fe. Jewish food and for the last couple of times I have been there, I enjoyed a nice dinner there, oh no, I went there for lunch too one time - all good.
Well, I will write about it tomorrow. Especially what I had and who came all that jazz.
OK, see you all tomorrow.
Thanks for visiting.
Ciao for now.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Let's go shopping

A couple of days ago, I went and took "M" shopping. Nothing major just basic shirts and a pair of jeans - harmless enough, no?
Well, let us start with the closest mall that is to us, Solar de Abadia; a very nice swanky shopping area, lots of stores of various kinds and taste and then it has a food court and a movie theater. First I am looking for a teenager's pair of pants, do you know how tought it is to find a good pair of pants in here? Soo..anyhoo...we go into this store (that shall remind nameless - email me if you really must know!) and there were 2 sales people in there - jabbering away - the "guy" was the one mostly doing the talking to the girl ( he, must be the manager and her, the sales girl right?) then she walks up to us and was very helpful. In my meager spanish I was able to tell her that we are looking for a pair of pants for "M". Simple enough, she points us to the jeans and then to the corduroys. Very good so far. So "M" tries on the corduroy and then decides he wants not the brown ones but more on the "oscuro" side - dark blue - BAM! we have a sale.
She was nice to point out the shirts - none of which "M" liked - OK so we move one....then there was a moment or two of looking into jackets - but since it was starting to get warmer , weather wise , I said maybe we should look at Tshirts - ...then "M" looked at a couple of Tshirts and decides there is nothing else in this store that interests him. So we head to the counter - I take our my credit card and ID, and hands it to the girl, who hands it to the "guy", remember him? He was the one jabbering away as we walked in, well he was busy punching some keys behind the counter that he does not run my credit card into the machine until 3 or 4 minutes later after we started standing there - then he rips the printed receipt, hands me both copies, throws a pen at me and without smiling - hurries me to sign this and he pushes the receipt back (my copy) to me with the printed sales slip ( 2 pieces of paper). Transaction was cold and done with so we grabbed out bag with the corduroy pants and heads out of there. That store's redeeming quality was that young woman who helped us - the bitchy, "guy", I am sure he is a hell of a co-worker to work with I do not care for so much. I would have walked out the store if it was not for "M"'s need for an alternative pair of pants. That store leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. I hope the owner of that store knows what kind of worker they have over there - except for the girl - I am sure that bitch of a "guy" gives those who know customer service a bad name.
In contrast, still looking for that shirt, we went to KEVINGSTON - now I choose to name this store that is located in Solar de Abadia - because just like there is light to that pant store's darkness, the people in this store KEVINGSTON were short of spectacular!
There I am fair and not biased towards Argentina and the kind of service they can give to customers. In the very same mall, 2 totally different kinds of service, to the extremes, and guess what, though I paid a tad bit more at KEVINGSTON for the 2 shirts that "M" totally loved, I would gladly do so because the first store upstairs that sold jeans my experience was HORRIBLE, and why in god's good earth will I subject myself to that kind of horrendous service when I have a choice.
The gentleman at KEVINGSTON was sincerely helpful and attempted to speak english with "M" and "M" reciprocated by trying his 2 pieces of spanish knowledge, a more pleasant experience altogether. The shirts chosen were from a varied selection both in color and style, and we were showed an array of logos that we were leaning towards purchasing. And it was unfurled in from of us and shown how the merchandise they carry are of quality , I liked the complete all around quality that the store presented to us. Good energy was all around the very second we walked in. So now with the 2 shirts picked out and the prices made known to us early on we head to pay for our purchases. Now we get to the cashier - WONDERFUL lady - asked us if this was "para regalo" which we kindly responded - "no"; then she wanted to know if we wanted to avail of the DUTY FREE receipt - which we again declined, for we did not want her to go thru the hassle of preparing. Very, very pleasant. Now no one in Argentina can tell me that GOOD customer service cannot be found because by golly I experienced it. So there is no excuse for sad sacks and sour pusses to work in the customer service line of work if they are nothing short of the staff that one can find at KEVINGSTON in Solar.
Sorry to say this, but sometimes people who are in sales in Buenos Aires and claim to work to help you in stores - really do not keep that promise and they give you deplorable and hideous customer service. ARGH!!! Coming from the US and customer service is a priority and of utmost concern to store owners - here ..no one seems to really care...except...a very few.
Let us just say - KEVINGSTON has earned a place in my vocabulary of places to go when I need to reaffirm my faith in good people in Buenos Aires.
For those who think I am writing something negative about BsAs, I do not care what you think, but one thing is sure - if you walked away thinking the negative, then you are probably one of those who would work at the first store and if you thought the opposite then you are most likely to be rooting for the KEVINGSTON store. You picked which category you are and now - we know.
Ciao for now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ok...so I spoke too soon about those jackets...

Today was another one of those - "It is cloudy and gloomy, it looks like rain day".

In the morning, it was OK. The sun was out and then as it approached noontime, the heavy and dark clouds moved in and BAM! the rain starting pouring. And so, yet again, "M" and my idea of going to the Botanical Garden was cancelled. It was actually just a nice day to stay indoors ( I have been doing a lot of that lately!) and pounding on the keyboard.
The weather have been sucky lately, a little teaser of sunshine and WHAM, rain! ARGH!!!
Oh well, I have to drink more coffee I guess. Oh an maybe cook pasta and watch some DVDs, as I work on my website.
Oh yeah, I will be launching a website soon so not to jinx it I will hold off telling you what it is - seems like there have been hurdles upon hurdles put in our way in trying to get this venture off the ground - but I am patiently being patient.
OK, so regarding those jackets...maybe I spoke too soon, well you can put the heavy, real heavy ones away but a nice rain jacket will still come in handy during this sucky -oops - rainy days.
Ciao for now and sorry about the language there.
See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time to put those heavy jackets away...

Well, it is official for me at least. Springtime is here in Buenos Aires. I have taken the first step to make that official - I had stored all my "bufandas" and jackets away.

I am looking forward to wearing airy clothes and lighter colors and fabrics for spring. What the heck, I am looking forward to wearing my skirts this spring.

It rained today in Buenos Aires and it was a heavy rain - and I stayed indoors most of the morning and then after some housechores were completed I am thinking of venturing to the grocery and see what I can fix for dinner tonight.

I hope the weekends can be spent looking at the city and taking "M" around. He is a city dweller and likes some action rather than serenity of the country. That would be on our to-do list this weekend.

Ciao for now. Enjoy the spring like weather. It is nice.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Spring in Buenos Aires - it is here.

Today a Sunday, I experienced something I had never experienced before - my first Spring-like weather in Buenos Aires.
It is a pleasant change from the freezin' cold everyone has been experiencing lately. It is a very pleasant change, if I might say so myself. The little buds of green are appearing on the various trees that line my street, the birds are out more ( doing their spring procreating activities - yes - I do watch!) people have been wearing short sleeve tops. And another first for me, I actually said " IT IS HOT today".
I have nice flowers on my balcony, they seem to like the weather being on the warmer side. The Sun is more intense during the daytime and it stays out longer. I like the very thought of seeing more flowers sold and fruits will be abundant.
I would be able to wear more colorful outfits and not wear dark clothing as typical of me during winter and cold season. I have actually been contemplating on bucking the trend and start wearing spring clothing before everyone does. Should make plans on doing that tomorrow - ASAP!
My allergies are still here (WELCOME SPRING TIME!) and the antihistamine and antibiotics are really sedating me big time. If I feel anymore relaxed than I do this very second, I think I would be dead. But I am light headed and euphoric almost - I tend to sleep alot when I take my allergy medicine but it beats the constant sneezing and watery eyes and worst - runny nose.
Well, Spring is nice and I look forward to going out more this time of the year. Winter was too cold, Summer last year was too hot - so Spring should be nice.
Oh BTW my neighbors across the street also do have nice flowers, sporadic colors here and there, but I like it.
Sunday is turning out to be a very nice day.

Ciao for now - see you tomorrow.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Allow me to introduce you to Samy...

I think I have pretty much established that I am in Buenos Aires for the next few months or so and there is one person that I think as THE ULTIMATE DIVA, I am happy to be able to avail of his services.
Let me start this post by saying that I am a shoe person. I love shoes and at my age, since I tend to look for my accessories first before choosing my wardrobe for the day I tend to take care of my shoes with utmost care. Looks are details, and details are everything!
I have mostly high heeled boots and shoes; flat shoes or ballet slippers and I do not go along very well. So when I find a pair of shoes that fit me so well, I hardly say NO to it. And most of the time I get them in all available colors. So it pisses me off when I hear women's shoes go " tok, tok, clack, clack, pac, pac, pac and tucudok, tucudok....
I am one of those people who can tell if the sound the shoes are making is due to stubby heels, or no heels left, or the nails are now exposed and worst is if the heel is uneven - ARGH!!!
Sometimes, I think every woman should know a SAMY - my cobbler. He not only fixes my boots BEFORE the heels are stubby, or glues the soles when it starts to detach a bit and others, he also takes very good care of them. I am drawn to shoes that require extra brushing and shine - or other times nubucks require the spraying to bring it back to its lustre life. Samy - does that for me.
I want women to find themselves a SAMY. Shoes are not inexpensive, sometimes they cost as much as a genuine designer purse - even more.
Today, I woke up to the tok, tock, tok sound of a woman coming home from a night of partying and her shoes has announced here arrival 2 blocks before she hit my street below. And the sight of shoes that are just about to fall apart, speaks volume about the wearer. Shoes are so reflective of the person wearing them. Sometimes, I see a woman who wears very tight shoes - that says something about her. I also see women wearing shoes inappropriate to the rest of her dress ensemble - that too says a lot about her. I see shoes unmatching purse, I see shoes that are so dirty I feel like handing the lady a piece of tissue just to brush some of the dirt off her shoes. And yes, women who wear shoes so pointy ( there are pointy shoes and there are POINTY shoes!) that I tend to think about them as elves shoes.
Oh yeah and an abused pair of shoes can be dangerous. One can slip off the sidewalk should the exposed nail in the heel area hit a wet slab - BOOM - wham, your cabooze on the side walk.!
I do not get it that women buy cheap shoes - you have such lovely pair of feet and you squish them into cheapo shoes. I think women around here with all the luxurious leather floating around - shoes can be accessible and more comfortable - but why they punish their feet, I am always in wonder of a plausible explanation for this kind of buying habits.
Shoes, just the thought of them make me want to take my knee high boots and wear them with a nice long skirt.
Gotta go, need to look for that ankle length boots that I think I left boxed at the back of the closet - need to wear that before the weather really starts to get warm..
Til another day...
Ciao for now.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Shortage in coins...

After a couple of days of enjoying my hearing- is- finally- back days, I am posting something that for the first time has finally affected me directly - SHORTAGE en "monedas" or coins a notoriously known phenomenon in Buenos Aires. I for one not sure if this affects ALL of Argentina but it is rampant here in the city.
Today, I got up early to go to COTO to buy "stuff". I was going early to beat the Friday crowd. Well lo and behold, it was fairly empty alright, have not long lines to pay the cashier - but when I got there to pay, I paid and the girls asks me for 25 cents. I told her I did not have any - and guess what - SHE SHORT CHANGED me 25 cents!!!
I was not in the mood to fight because it was early in the morning - but could you imagine if I got on the bus and told the driver I was 25 cents short. Do you think he will kick my ass for that?
COTO is a big business and they do not have coins? Impossible- you would think but that is a fact.
There are several theories going around about this "shortage in coins". It is a staged and calculated manipulation of shortage. I am not here to give suggestions but I felt jipped about that whole thing.
I will still go to COTO, it is the only store around here and I will still end up at the cashier that short changed me - but next time I will come in 25 cents ready- or she will see a glimpse of HELL when I give it to her - thick and heavy she tries to short change me.
I always am a forgiving person, I did not say anything this time - DID I? So next time she would know not to mess with this person right here. Even if my spanish is not that good, I am sure she can see hell and fury when she looks at my face, if she ever considers shorting my change next time.
There are thousands of people out there with the same problem as had today and COTO just chose to short me as it benefits them. ( I shake my head here!).
But you know, the world would not be better with just the 25 cents that I was short changed on but her efforts to pay me with at least an attempt to find coins would have made a better impact on me and the trickle effect it would have had on all the people around me - what she did to me affects the rest of the people I meet and interact with today, I truly believe that. So far she batted ZERO.
I am sure I van give here the25 cents I just choose not to be a good willing person for the rest of the week, my exact change to her action to me. Blame me - think again - I after all did not start this. I could not change her attitude and indifference but I sure can control how I act - and I choose this way - it is a choice and I have chosen . Like it or not.
Ciao. Must be an interesting weekend.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Keeping it REAL in Buenos Aires

I am a city girl. I love the amenities, the vitality, the speed, the glitz that city life brings. I just feed on the "rat race". I do not work that hard - which is probably why I like the City so much.
I live in a place that is hip and happening. I see a lot of things and I love it. I am after all a certified people watcher. There is something to be said about voyuerism - that is good. I call it neighborhood watch - it is perfectly legal.
Well, after saying that about me, I find ( and "R" agrees with me on this) that people in the country - anywhere past the City Limits and on the other side of Gen. Paz, people are REAL.
People in the country - smile more, happier and more into authentic service. They really do want to help you, make your stay more positively memorable. And in the process, you do not care much for the experience per se but the wonderful people that you meet. The bread girl in the panaderia, the gentleman who sold me my 2 pots of flowers, the pasta ladies - all these wonderful, sweet people - this is what Argentina is all about. It makes me happy to think that I have found the REAL people of Argentina, not in the city but outside of it. People who come to Argentina flock to the proverbial tourist traps and miss the real deal - the PEOPLE.
I know great people in the city, that is true "R" and "T" are from the city - true portenos ; their family and friends are in the the city of Buenos Aires, but for an outsider like me - the REAL people of Argentina - the one with no biases, no prejudice, with purity in their hearts and they wear their smiles so readily for you are outside of the city. It makes my spirit dance to know that in the "rat race" that I like so much - I can find refuge when we go out of the city to interact with the real Argentina - wonderful for the soul. A very good experience indeed.
I think I am learning to love this country everyday. And for a DIVA that can only be a very good thing.
I do not know about you, but REAL is better than pretend anyday of the week. In a life time we try to be REAL and keeping it REAL is what true meaning of joy is and I like the sound of joy in my life.
Ciao for now.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


My ear infection finally was addressed today - "R" insisted that we take care of the my "hearing loss" problem and see an ear specialist in downtown Buenos Aires. He got me early and he drove to downtown (Azcuenega). The parking he found was ideal (except the drilling that was happening there!). We crossed on corner and there we were at MEDICUS downtown. It was so easy. Since we knew we needed to see an ear specialist, we were informed by a very nice security guard - nothing says " YOHOOO we are lost"...like sticking your head into areas of the lobby like we really did not know where we were. So off we went to INFORMES on the 3rd floor to make our payment for the ear doctor specialist consultation.
I paid 120 Argentinian pesos. And for this we were given a piece of paper to identify us to the doctor and PAGADO stamped on the said paper. So down we went and we waited in the lobby, on the 1st floor to see the specialist. He is a doctor - not a medical practitioner or anything like that. For that I was glad to know. I speak no castellano and "R" as always spoke for me translated what I do not understand - but I think all doctors here in Buenos Aires speak some level of English and I felt a tad bit embarrassed coz I knew he knew English and I of course am yellow to speak Spanish.
After the check up and clarification why I will no longer stick Qtips inside my ear and why I have some build up there after my fever/ infection, I will now take antibiotics for a few days and armed with an ear drop prescription, we thanked the nice Doc and headed to the nurse's station to give a prescription for a shot/injection - fast acting antibiotics I presume. So we waited and after a few minutes wait while chewing gum, my name was called. We went into a room and "R" and I sat down and the nurse that called out name - checked the paper we gave her for the shot left the room. When she came back, she said they were out of medicine - BUT - she will check at the pharmacy if they had any, and do we want to wait, she asked. We told her we wanted to wait, yes. So she left once again and we waited once again. "R" is very good at keeping me company.
So when the nurse came back she said - we were in luck and I can have my shot. GREAT!!!
But..she told "R" he has to step out for I will need to drop my pants for this shot - "R" meekly left and waited in the hallway. This is one thing I really need to say on this post - MY NURSE WAS GREAT - she told me not to cry - in ENGLISH. She was surprised I knew a little Spanish my self. I was proud to tell her, I am not very good at it yet. She smiled and after a few swabs on my upper left butt area, I did not feel a thing. Then she even helped me lift my pants up (since I was lying down, face down, butt up ).
I bid her good bye and thanked he in Spanish. SHE WAS VERY NICE.
Kudos to Medicus really. This is the 2nd time I had gone to their office and 2 different locations and both "R" and I are happy with the service.
I would recommend it and will go back there again in 3 days to have my follow up visit.
The medicine and ear drop prescription we went and got and so far very good. I am following what the doctor ordered. I can sleep soundly and enjoy my Sunday tomorrow knowing I did not loose my hearing permanently - (sigh). What a relief.
Ciao for now.

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Airconditioner/Heater is installed.

Last Thursday I posted that Jose (names are changed to protect the true identity of Jose) came to give an estimate for the installation of my airconditioner/heater unit.
I am tying to be truly positive here about the experience, first of all, he came highly recommended. I am sure he is, but his assistant is not. Let us just count the ways how this experience could have gone better but let us start with what went right...Nobody could ever accuse me of being biased when writing these posts (unless otherwise specified)...
What went right....
a) he showed up on time ( in Argentina, this is close to a miracle)
b) he came prepared with the brackets and hose covers and his assistant
c) the installation was completed in one day.
What did not start right...
a) to install something in a place higher that oneself, hoisting a heavy object like an airconditionere - one would think a ladder would be one of the tools the installer would bring - NOPE! We had to search for the portero in my building to "borrow" one. I am not sure what this is all about but he is not the first "worker" we hired in Argentina that shows at a jobsite WITHOUT a freakin' ladder and expects us to provide one - unprepared? wait there is more...
b) My place was (no bragging here) spectacularly painted when they walked in the door. They nicked, chipped, scratched, dirtied and stained spotty areas around my condo. ARGHHH!
c) THEY SMOKED. I do not mind smokers...as long as they do it in their space and NOT INSIDE MY CONDO...I did not have an ashtray so I handed them one of the china cup with a chipped lip - something I was meaning to throw away anyway. I was glad I did not have drapes up yesterday.
d) The job started at 10am and lasted until 8 freakin thirty at night. "R" and I were told until 4pm but we had caught them on endless cigarette breaks several times when we walked by the condo. I am sure they saw us, coz each time we would come in they would be working - but 2 minutes ago they were on my balcony having a nice hit on those cigarette. ARGH!
e) I had dust all over the place! I spent the rest of the night cleaning up.
Take anything that you want from this blog entry. It was not the worst of days, but it could have been better, oh well...
And these guys were supposed to be the best, could you imagine what the worst are? I shudder to think. Well, that is out of the way..in a day.."R" will get the extension cord and we can hook this baby up. Oh, did I tell you they just installer, regardless if it works or not - yup - that about sums it up. I am not crabbing really, I am DIVA-ing! A recommendation should be with high regard - this was an utter disappointment. I can count the great experiences I have had in BsAs and each time they come my way, I cherish it like anything God's green earth can give me FRESH. I close my eyes and thank the GODS!!
I remember recommending something to a very close friend and I thought, if I make a mistake here it could cost me my friendship and as much as I would like to be helpful unless I am so freakin' sure about who I recommend, I would prefer to not recommend anyone unless he is s smile short of spectacular, know what I mean.
Sorry "R" but if you are reading this, as much as I love you, you know the installation could have gone much, much better, right? Thank you.
Well we live and learn, all I can say is as long as I have you, I have everything I need.
Ciao for now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

when will I ever speak spanish - castellano spanish...

I am in BsAs unlike some devoted, dedicated I want to learn spanish person, I am doing my spanish immersion (ja ja) by going on with my everyday life. That is the extent of my spanish lessons.
To expect much after just spending a few moments of each day with a sentence or two and here and there, words even hardly sentences at all - cannot possibly provide me the resource to practice my pititful spanish vocabulary.
OK, well I do speak some very very limited spanish to get by, but nothing story telling quality. I read my how to speak spanish book but I always end up going to sleep after reading a few pages, even when I am seated down, so I have decided to read in bed - knocks me out like a 100mg valium. I can save on sleeping pills but my program to speak spanish suffers.
"T" occasionally teaches me spanish, when we read the paper together. He is more patient with me in going thru the details but sometimes, I cannot understand basic Argentina words - and that frustrates me. Oh well, we keep chugging along...
"R" is my all time protector, he wants to serve me everything - he knows I am DIVA bless his heart but sometimes, I need to get my hands dirty - jaja - hands I said not fingers - figuratively speaking. I would like for him to teach me more spanish but considering I like to read and do my learning in bed - that might not be a very good idea at all - spanish speaking wise that is.
I will stick to the book for now and give it another 2 weeks and then start venturing on my own. Talk the silly spanish that I know and I am sure people will correct me and try to understand me, and I will laugh about my errors more than they would. So if people ask me where I am from - I will say BELGRANO - that would give them a laugh.
I havenot given up on the quest to learn and master (50%) at least this language. I love people here and I would like to talk to them - in their own language. This is their country and I should make the effort to learn it - just like those that go to other countries and learn that country's language. I should do the same. I am doing that. My commitment is here, I hope to succeed.
Wish me luck. So off to bed I go to read my spanish book again...should it get quiet in a few minutes I would probably be sound asleeep.
Caio for now.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Talking with my Tatay

I have been a soar bear the last few days because I have been sick. I try to be pleasant but when one is not feeling well, one tends to be boorish, so I was a little bit.
I am feeling much better but still a tad bit dizzy now and again, and my ear infection is only on one side (right) unlike a couple of days ago that I feared I lost my hearing (YIKES!).
"R" has been so extra sweet and caring these last few days. But last Monday, I had to speak with my Tatay (father). He is one voice I needed to hear. There are some concerns I had that he knows he can be the only one to talk me out of, and he is man of reason and wise advise.
I am calmer after I spoke with him and the sound of his voice has given the assurance that for now, things will be better and that I should be true to myself first and foremost but also be fair and that give a situation time to correct itself.
My father is halfway across the world and I marvel at the technology of phone that I can almost hear my father put his coffee cup down as I spoke to him, past dinner time here in BsAs and it was breakfast time where he is at. Wonderful. The sound was so clear and his voice was unwavering when he said - I love you - and with that I heard all that I needed. And I said good bye. I almost felt better instantly that I slept so well after that phonecall. I know he missed me, and I miss him but life takes me to new places and as I always say no matter where I am I will always be there....(in his heart).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

It finally stopped raining....

I woke up to the sound of dripping water unto the metal case of the airconditioner of my bedroom, by my bedroom window. Tok,tok, tok..it is raining, I thought. Went back to sleep after that thought, only to wake up an hour later and it was raining "cats and dogs", heavy down pour. The Buenos Aires weather has been extremely cold lately that rain like this makes if even freezing cold. Bone chilling cold!
Well "R" and I had to head to Temperley and get a light fixture from a ironsmith guy. He does polished work and very nice. He and his wife are always nice to us, service and product.
So we drove, "R" drove really. But one thing I can say is...people around the world do not know how to drive in the rain. Speeders galore, slow cars are even slower today because their windows are all fogged up, and no lights - CHRIST - no lights - how freakin' dangerous is that.
But "R" drove carefully, fast but carefully. I got wet in the rain for we headed to the country house after the pick of the light fixture. It was a long day, and now I am here looking out the window and the rain had stopped. I am making beef stew, seemed like a nice thing to prepare for dinner in a cold night like this.
Tomorrow I believe we are having another drive out in the country. Some more work needs to be done to the house - interior mostly.
Oh and yes we are looking for more lights - that would be exciting.
Stay warm and bundled up for the night, for it looks like it will still be cold. And my ear infection still hurts.
Ciao for now.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ear infection

Last night, I had a slight temperature, a very sore throat ( hard to swallow any freakin' thing!) and my ear was aching (my left one).
So I took some cold medication and I conked out for 4 hours, straight.
As I got up I needed to drink ( took sips really) to wet my whistle. And then I slipped back into the warm bed and dozed off once more, until past 9:30 the next morning.
At this time, my ear still hurts, my body aches a little bit (but it hurts all over) but the throat is getting better fast. I am not sure what I have in my ear but it is throbbing like crazy and I am sure I did something to it to make it this way, but I can't remember - I am devoid of memory especially when it comes to what I might have done or taken to cause a "malfunction" in my delicate body.
I take a couple to TYLENOL gelcaps every 4 hours and that seems to relieve the pain in my ear. I can even hear my heart beat thru there, if that is at all possible. So, today I am not my usual perky and lively self but I try to be as much as I can since "R" and "T" were with me today - bless their kind souls to keep me company.
Well maybe another night of good sleep will make me feel better tomorrow. I always love the thought of looking forward to tomorrow even if I am not 100%.
It is Saturday and the honking in front of my street is normal, so it seems that everything is as usual except me. Well, we will see about that tomorrow.
Ciao for now. Have a nice night.

Friday, August 24, 2007


TGIF...Thank GOD it's Friday!
People get this wrong sometimes..TGIF...some think it means..Thanks, God. It's Friday!
NOPE, that is not it. It is THANK GOD, it's Friday!
Like, as in, finally it is Friday it is upon us, THANK GOD!
That kind of sums it up.
But anyway you say it, Friday is here and Thank God for it.
Friday is never just another day for me. Now that I am in BsAs, I get to spend it with my "R" and those are special days. When I am with him it feels like it is always Friday - and there is nothing ever ordinary about that.
Ciao for now.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today is Thursday..airconditioner installer came to give estimate

Looking for somebody to do something for you in Buenos Aires is a very precarious proposition ( notice how I am trying my best to phrase this properly). Most of the time people just do not just leaf through the yellow pages and pick a name thinking the guy should have a license to do his trade and anyone is as good as the next. WRONG!!!

First you must be well connected and have a list of reliable network of friends. People who like you, not people you JUST know. It is by high recommendation that you hire a person to do some work or another for you. First of all, your friend will not recommend just anybody - he cannot afford to loose a life long friendship over a lousy plumber - no way Jose. He will give you the name of the very guy who fixed his cabinets and in this case installed his own airconditioner in his brand spakin' new house.

Then you try to call the guy, with the phone number and name that your friend gives you. After a few "I will call you" and "you can call me anytime" kindda phonecall, one or both people will loose the phone number and comes in THE ULTIMATE DIVA who keeps everything -including the piece of paper with the AC installer's phone number to the rescue. Then we continue to set a date so he can come to my place and look at the AC and the location where it can aesthetically be utilitarian but will make the place still look nice. So a few, handshakes after his initial arrival , this time he is on time, knowing that you friend reminded him how important you and you time are, he points and points again, and says this is how we plan to do it, and more pointing. And then comes the price and time frame, you have to ask or else they do not volunteer these kinds of informations. So he says in one full day and price is OK, no inexpensive but for the price, I am sure "R's" friend will say the price is reasonable for the good work this guy is going to do. Then he shakes my hand and tells me, it was nice meeting me - thank you- thank you. I say the same and off he goes.

Easy for those who have an "R" in their lives. I could not imagine having a conversation like that with this person in the next 6 months, please need I remind you I do not speak a lick of spanish. Stay focused here people, Yo no habla espanol. k? But I am catching up, not fast enough but Iam getting there. So I understand most of what he said. "R" said we need this kinds of cord and this tube, I say OK and lo! and Behold, I will hopefully have my heater/AC installed on Thursday.

Painless and easy, again , you have to be THE ULTIMATE DIVA to have a special "R" in your life to get this going and pull something like this. All I have to do was stand there and decide if I like what the proposed end result it, and YES I DO.

There, next Friday I would have the low down on how this came down.

I wanted to write about the new bakery/pastry shop "R" took me today, but I do not think I am ready to share yet. Let me enjoy it for the next few months and then I share. Thank you for understanding.

Ciao for now. I had a splendid Wednesday night, if you were wondering.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue