I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Feliz Primavera!

It is officially here, SPRING IS IN THE AIR!

With the endless array of colorful flowers that are flooding the streets of Buenos Aires, you come upon a verdulero who sells - red, sweet tasting, luscious looking, lip smacking delicious strawberries!! HELLLOOOO!!
I have several ways to enjoy strawberries, some elaborate than others, but the best way is just to enjoy them sweet fruit of the earth. I am not partial to strawberries here or in any other parts of the world, to me strawberries as long as they are sweet and good - I AM HAPPY.
Just now before I posted my end of the week topic, I had a nice glass full of quartered stawberries, hulled and with a dab of cream and sprinkling of sugar to kick it up a knotch - wonderful!!
Well, whatever you are doing before the weekend is over - enjoy some of these red, very red and very sweet fruit.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue