I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, October 31, 2008

4 days until election day...

So, today I have finalized my vote on all the propositions on the California Ballot. But please do not ask me who I am voting for President. the jury is still out on that. Still!
Now today is Halloween in the USA. I saw adults dressed up as a viking, a poodle, a nerd, a mermaid...funny how one day a year adults really can act like children, and get away with it :-)
Not much trick o treating happening around here; the malls are a great way for kids to keep cool (AC) and still get their sugar fix. It has been hot here lately.
Oh, oh, oh...this is the first time I am going to the polling place that is noted on my sample ballot. I always wondered what is inside a Lutheran place of worship. I will update on Nov. 4th.
Well, my "R" has stuffed or runny nose and I always feel bad everytime he is under the weather. He is so good and takes very good care of himself that germs like to attack him. He is too clean I guess (if there is such a thing)!
The weekend is here and I will explore the stores that I used to haunt months or even years ago. I am sure one of them is still around and I plan to go there this weekend.
I miss Argentina, not Buenos Aires though. I miss my "R".
But Southern California is fun too. My "M" is here so I am not too bad.
Enjoy and be safe. See you all next week.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream

It was sweltering hot in Southern California today. If I am capable of sweating I am sure I would have seen some beads of sweat on my forehead (at least) today, it was that hot. Bottled water and iced tea is a constant companion for me. I am sure I will never die of thirst, drowning maybe but thirst, NEVER!
Today after a hot morning and a bad craving for something chocolatey, lo and behold I passed by a Baskin Robbins. It was like a sign ....that it was ok for me to have a scoop of ice cream and not deprive myself (notice the self convincing language...) of this little bit of indulgence.
So I made that u-turn so nicely and then pulled up to the parking lot of a strip mall and there it was Baskin Robbins, it conjures up images of that pink spoon..and sinfully tasty Jamoca Almond Fudge. ...(drool)...
So, I entered the ice cream parlor and I was the only one there. The server was a nice young man eager to help a lost soul like me....haven't had ice cream for over 2 weeks now.
So I thought let me try a very popular flavor before I consider my "old" faves. I tried the Apple Pie. It was good with real chunks of apple but "ala mode" as they call it was not to my liking. I passed. So there I was considering the green pistachio beckoning my weak sense of self control, but NO, I came in for my Jamoca Almond Fudge and that is all I am going to get. One scoop, please.
I thanked the young man who helped me and took my one scoop to go, pink spoon and all.
I got home and the ice cream was exactly as I had remembered it. For the last time I stepped into this same ice cream parlor was 6 years ago, and it was as finger likin' good as I had remembered it. Happy memories. Good taste and very good ice cream.
Not as great as Munchi's nor Persicco but Baskin Robbins hold a special place in my heart. And for that alone, it was delicious.
Now I do not feel as hot anymore. If you are ever in the California give this ice cream parlor a swirl - a try. Just once, and they still have 31 flavors. I am sure if the memories that goes with it is as sweet as my own, it would be worth remembering, forever.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Home stretch

I am wondering if I am alone on this. The fact that here we are close to the Presidential Election of 2008, days away, down to the wire, close to the home stretch and yet...I have not decided who I am voting for President. I have been undecided since day one and will still be to the last day. It is not that I am hoping I choose a candidate that will win, that is not why I am voting but I am still undecided who of the candidates IS qualified to resurrect this once glorious country back to it's full glory. (sigh)
I am not voting because of race, never entered my mind. I am not voting because the party has a WOMAN as a veep candidate, I am not sexist either, never entered my mind.
I wanted Hillary C. , there I said it.
Now I have to settle for second-best. But why?
Nader is really starting to look very appealing now that we are close to November 4th.
Where is Ross Perot when you need him, huh?
I will go to the polls, do not get me wrong. There are propositions that I am strongly against. And I want to make sure my vote is counted against those propositions that are just plain wrong.
But for president, I think I would need a moment of clarity to make my choice. I was so clear and so decided when I voted for Bill Clinton. I want that experience and so far, no hits.
Oh well, I guess, I go and vote and wait for the next time when Hillary runs for President again, and this time, the democrats will know better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Growing up in the Philippines, Halloween was never a major holiday. It evokes images of ghouls and all the things that are scary. I liked the idea of getting candy and dressing up with face painting but again, it was never that big when I was growing up.
But when I came to the US and had a toddler who was never introduced to candy until he was couple of years old, it was only then that I got into the tradition of fixing up the house and the lawn in preparation of the trick o' treaters. Kids would come from blocks away just to get candy. Often times i would see "older" kids trick o' treating. When my own punkin' grew up, we nixed the Halloween idea. Trick o treaters still came but it was not much fun anymore. It became too much hassle really. Living in a house meant more preparation for these types of holidays than living in say a condominium. You get less kids walking up to your door in a gated community.
That said and out of the way, I remember my own punkin's sheep outfit that was a blast. That was an all time fave.
Then there was the Power Ranger outfit and a very good friend dressed as Princess Jamine o some princess like that - made a lovely costumes. Again all in the past and the dinner my cousin and I feasted on while the kids were out trick o treating was something we still speak about to this day.
Halloween hold different meanings to different people, I guess. For me I just love to think about kids being kids and TP-ing your house if you do not give out good treats. And then egg-ing a house if they do not give candies at all. I never trusted those who gave raisins or apples or popcorn balls for treats. I mean, geez, give us a break and buy a bag of real chocolates!
Now as I sit here decades later, I am just content to wear my Happy Halloween tshirt with a nice orange pumpkin design on it and look festive, and still act my age. :-)
Happy Halloween. Stay safe during trick o' treating.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My visit to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)

Lots of jokes and comedies have been written about the DMV but I found that my experience with it here in Southern California has all been positive and very efficient.
Yes, you have to stand in line (ONLY if you did not get an appointment online or over the phone) but you always have that option. And I love options!
So there I was, waiting for the line to inch along, as I had decided to finally update my DMV file with my new address (old NEW address). So I was behind a lady who probably forgot to put on some sunscreen coz she was all wrapped up in a jacket under the hot, blazing California sun. So we were moving along and then in less than 20 minutes, it was my turn and I spoke with a "techinician" at the front desk and she gave me a form and a card to fill out and BAM! I was done. I mean efficiency was never spelled easier than how I did it today at the DMV. Gotta love the USA for that.
Lots of people standing in line with some agenda in line and the "techinicians" know that time is money and MONEY is time. That line was moving like a well greased machine. One after the other, forms all handy, pens handy, questions and answers and all the time the DMV people handing out information, forms and booklets were with a smile on their faces and concern in their voices. Wow, I thought, I miss this kind of service. (sigh) Some places can really learn alot from this place. And DMV has improved since the last time I got my license 2 or more decades ago.
You have to hand it to them, they know where the money is and they treat you well in there. Now that is service. I mean people dole out their cash for fees without even feeling the pain since dang it - service was great!
It was hot, the line was long but who cares, they took care of my needs. Kudos to the DMV.
I love the comedies and jokes about the DMV but I know what my reality is - service was great.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2008 General Election (Proposition 8 in California)

Well, here we are less than 2 weeks before we head to the polls and do out civic duty and exercise our right to choose. The Presidential Election of 2008 is just around the corner. I pretty much know whose name I am filling in for President and Veep. So that is that!
But as I go over my Sample Ballot and trying to be up to speed with the various propositions that are on the ballot, I find that more and more issues are turning up and they are getting bizarre each election period. There are an astounding 11 Propositions on the ballot and four more - Prop A, B, Q and R. I am talking State and County of San Diego propositions here. Man, my head starts spinning on the verbage and what "no" really means and a vote for "yes" does not really mean a YES. Got that? Good, coz so far I have read this thing twice and I still have to figure out what my NO really means.
Let us take Proposition 8, a proposition placed on the ballot in California to address the recent approval of same-sex marriage. Of course, Prop 8 is against same-sex marriage.
It is so stated, that Propositon 8 "eliminates right of same-sex marriage couples to marry".
Meaning there will be a constitutional change (State of California) for this amendment. It is also said that at present time only marriages between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.
This proposition has only fueled a good number of gay people getting married before the election.
So once and for all, the good citizens of California will decide if a marriage between 2 men or 2 women can be recognized as legal in this State. I believe the issue is just that - legality. The government is never really into the morality issue of things, or have they?
If the marriage between same sex couples are seen as legal then it follows that all the benefits a spouse is supposed to have each one gets; and remember they pay taxes too as a couple, should they choose to be. I think, it is about time we really think of this particular proposition as what it means in legal terms. My vote will come down to the wire. The ads on t.v. are real nasty and if I get fed up with one, I will for sure choose the other. What that means, I do not know. I have heard of some lawn signs disappearing and being vandalized.
This is a historic vote I guess, for those who are physically present in California, I mean; and can vote in local issues, because once and for all we are part and will partake in voting in for a constitutional change. For either way it goes, things have happened in the last few months in the State level on this issue that will define how we will move forward as a nation and as a State.
Change is now and we are in it. Every single one of us. What a country, huh?
No matter what they say about the great olde USA, there is no country better than this one. And California, though times are tough here, it is not as bad as they have it in Michigan. My dreams became a reality here, my next generation is here and the hope of the future is still in the youth of this county and millions of them will go and cast their ballot on November 4th, 2008. What a great country!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What is Southern California like this time of the year?

It has been hot/ dry heat since I arrived on the 14th. Southern California is sunny. It is cotton Tshirt and jeans (and open sandals) type of weather. I love it! What is there NOT to love right?
I love California, REALLY. People can say whatever they want and bash this place but you know what I live 6 miles to the beach and I know the best Japanese restaurants that make tuna sushi and chirashi and I am good. For bonus points I know the best makeup stores around, the best jewelry store in town. I know the best vietnamese place, thai place and mexican burrito place.
I have been enjoyin every moment since I arrived. I have not been here for 6 months and I miss it. My friends are here and after all these errands I need to do, I will enjoy their company and share meals with them. Customer service is EXCELLENT.
Okay, so why am I saying this you might wonder. I like Argentina but I am not too crazy about the city of Buenos Aires. I love the open country and in Southern California, it has been laid back here lately. I see more people in restaurants at my spa and of course at the grocery. I am not sure what recession people are talking about, but people are spending money in places that I have been going to. The car lots were full of prospective new car buyers. I had to wait for awhile at the service department at a local car dealership. Not sure why there was a lull (supposed) in the economy 2 months ago but the buying public is out en force. Target has lots of shoppers, Walmart was packed, Nordie's had a long line, MAC make up store was by appointment only. I mean people have money and they are spending it. Maybe not as much as before, but women are spending money. I have never seen so many women driving 2009 brand new E Class cars and swanky Beemers, more than ever.
Shoe stores are packed, electronic stores are packed and most especially Apple stores are full of people. Victoria Secret did not have a sale but women came in droves. The parking lot of my favorite mall was full.
Halloween is here (almost) and lawns are decorated as always to welcome the trick o treaters on the last day of October.
Southern California is great this time of year, it is hot but the heat is dry. My makeup stays in place a very important thing for me.
Cotton clothes and shirts especially, I just love wearing bright colored clothes.
Argentina is hot now as I have been told, but there is no Jamba Juice Argentina. My guilty pleasure this last 3 days have been MY BEER. I cannot tell you what it is. I take it with a wedge of orange in a nice frosted iced cold thick beer glass...HEAVEN ON EARTH.
California...people have come from all over the world to see this place - I like it, and I am sure you will to.
Ciao. See you another day, k?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Flying with DELTA Airlines

I left Buenos Aires airport heading to the Northern Hemisphere on Monday, a holiday in Argentina. There were lots of people (passengers) but unlike even a year ago, the travellers from Buenos Aires to the USA are diminishing in numbers. Say what you want but being a passenger in a large plane with lots of unoccupied seats says something - you decide what it means.
Well, I flew with DELTA, and considering that I still had my reserved seats on the first leg of my trip was pretty good. I sat next to a guy who was sweaty but after the AC kicked in it wasn't that bad. He did not snore nor talked too much (an added bonus). He was polite and got up only once to go the lavatory. Pretty much he did his reading and went to sleep. I never liked airplane food so I do not eat them and so I have nothing to complain about. I got half a cup of water and a sip of ginger ale and pretty much that was my meal for the 10 hour flight. I slept alot, I give you that. I just zonk out and I make a point that I do that. I am tired but at least I look fresh because I slept. Delta airlines has always treated me kindly. They change my seats and switch me around but who cares, if they do not care about me, why should I care about them. I just am passive about it all. Service was so-so. Nothing too exceptional to write about. The stewardesses were not rude or anything. They are doing their job and as a passenger, I just try to stay out of their way and let them do their job and I just sleep there on my seat. Now if I am flying business class or something fancy like that, I am sure they would treat me better, but I am not, so no biggie! REALLY.
So then I got to Georgia and then caught my connecting flight it was all on time the arrival and departure and I got to the West Coast safe and sound. The ginger ale was a nice touch, I wanted just a small amount and I got exactly what I wanted with one cube of ice. Perfect.
I am not one to complain when I am travelling. I think those that travel expect too much.
It is a confined space with loads of people, what would you expect Hilton service? C'mon?!!
So as long as I catch all the flights and should be there - great.
In other words, Delta got me to where I wanted to go. No bells, no whistles. Thanks Delta.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Northern Hemisphere

Well, today is the day that I leave for the US for a short 5 week or so visit. I am excited and my "R" has said the proper goodbyes.
I am coming back to Argentina soon. But I will not think about that right now, I have a trip to get ready for and I will concentrate on that for now.
Am I excited? Yes, I am. I love the USA and I enjoy California. I miss my Southern Cali friends and their kids. And doing lots of the things on my TO DO LIST.
This past few months here in Argentina has been most exciting for me. I have learned to cook Argentinian food with Alejandra's help. And I have seen "C" a couple of times. I have watched the fence around the house go up (por fin!!) and the planting of some lingostrina on one side of the house. I have also seen the tables that a very nice carpenter (older gentleman) made as per our request, I have attended mass with the locals of this small city, I have dared to drive several times to Capital Federal. Wow, those were loads of new things for me, and I enjoyed every second of it. I have also started a very good workout schedule. I love it!
Now that I am headed to Cali for a few weeks, I look forward to seeing my "M" and the SantaFe,
having my beer of choice, some tacos and burritos, some burgers, authentic japanese food, thai food and driving to the malls. I know I will have a great time.
"R" is very kind to allow me to go to the US to see what needs to be taken cared of. Sometimes things are off balance but be it in the Southern Hemisphere or Northern Hemisphere, I love both places not because of where I am really as much as who I am with.
Thank you for such a great few months, for keeping me company in here.
I wish I had some stories to tell about tango and milongas and parties in Buenos Aires, but I am just plain homebody who loves to try new stuff but keeping it within the REAL kind, like friendship, culinary and relationships stuff.
I wished I am learning tango but I am not. I know people who love and die for it, it is just not me. I would rather cook and learn new recipes with a local and learn the language and drive around in search of a better verdulero or a carniceria..that kind of stuff. Oh and having a great time at the local panaderia, when I try to practice my castellano.
I will miss you all but I am sure I will post from the US.
I know, I still owe you guys a photos. I will work on that for the next few weeks.
Chau. Until another day.
Take care.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A little bit of this, a little bit of that and little pat of butter....

I am serving a hodge-podge of stuff today, yeah, just like always.
We finally got the alambrado up and "por fin". After a long and frustrating experience with those that are supposedly pro at this the ones that were recommended to us at first we just alhambrado guys from hell. The one that is right of the PanAmerica was a*****e supreme. He did not want to give us back our deposit after lying to us for one full day on why they were not able to show up to install our chainlinked fence. Well, story short the a**hole, had to give us back our money and we moved on, after telling a few very relevant people of how he "almost" wanted to screw us. The gall!
Well, like I always say, things always work out for the best - and today we got the best installation we could ever hope for. Perfect job, very good owner, and the workers were detail-oriented. We are happy to say the very least.
I have been learning to shop, prepare and cook loads of Argentinian dishes. Today was an exceptional experience, if ever you are in the market for a recipe with spinach and fish, I have one to die for. Email me and I would love to share the details with you. D'lish!!
And next up is my trip to the US in a few days or so. I am excited to see my "M" in there. It has been awhile since we saw each other, I am sure he has grown. :-)
With all the rumblings and slowing of the economy, I am sure things will be slower but I look forward to a change in pace , even just for a few weeks or so. Then we will have to see what my return to Buenos Aires would look like. With the visa fee that I am expected to pay, I am not even sure what my next step is...but let me think about it for another day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

April showers bring May flowers...oops..wrong hemisphere!

Spring is here in Buenos Aires. It began Sept 21st. Load of sunny days after the first day of spring but on the 28th, it rained. A much needed rain. The land around the ourskirts of Capital Federal have been dusty and arid lately, the rain was a relief to them I am sure. And today it is the 2nd of October, it has rained on and off for the last couple of days. The car is dirty, heck most cars are dirty. But today, God bless us all the sun is out - glorious!!!
So if springtime begins at the latter part of September, when do the May flowers show up I guess, this month? I was so glad to remember this ryhme when I was in the US because I know when is what..now..rains in September bring October flowers...nah...! does not sound good..you know what I mean...oh well..,.
And then...let us talk for a second about the beef in Argentina lately..I mean I would never talk bad about the beef in Argentina, but a few years ago, they have been so good and so...what is the word..perfect?! But lately now that I know a couple of carniceros in my neck of the woods (literally) I am disappointed to see the not so great quality of beef that I have been admiring in the years past. I thought now having a kitchen and cooking at home, it would provide the best ingredients in the meat department - but surprisingly I have been not so happy with it. There is the perfect carne picada especial and all that but the bone with the meats kind of cuts - what happened to those. I see almost second rate beef cuts flooding the market..where have all the good cattle gone? Up in smoke when all the ranchers are not growing soy? Just asking.
Here is another doozy one for you....today coming in Capital Federal, we had to take an autopista (toll road) and there are several lanes Pase (for cars with toll passes), Manual ( where you can pay with any denomination if you want change back) and then there is the Pago Exacto (pay EXACT toll - meaning do not expect the toll keeper to make change). But as always there are some drivers who just get on the wrong lane and do the wrong thing. I mean, would they let me get away with that if I did that? Why are the locals setting a bad examples to the foreigners like me? So if they throw trash out the window and I know it is wrong, but hey, he is a local and he does it - that means it is okay for me to do it as well. As they say...when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
I do not get the whole rebel without a cause kind of attitude around here. Remember that the rebel, James Dean, did die in a car accident.
Cuing on the PAGO EXACTO for a 2.20peso toll and then waiting for the change for a 5peso, is mind boggling. Why do something like this and then you hear people honking their horn because 3 idiots ( I got tired of being nice here) decided to do this. I mean come on people. You want all the visitors of your country to behave better than you and you trash and set bad examples. What gives?!
The honking to another car is just plain imbecile behaviour. There is really no excuse for pressing that horn. Be patient. For a country that hardly does anything on time, there seems to be a lot of people in a hurry to do what - NOTHING! Hilarious in a pathetic kind of way, come to think about it. BUt hey, it is your country, trash and cheat as much as you want, if you do not care, why should I right?
I follow your lead. And be warned that if you do anything stupid, that does not mean I will follow you. I will just adapt to your ways to make my life easir, just like you do.
I know I will be happier. Have you counted how much "I" have used the pronoun in the last paragraph. Tells you that id rules here, and alot!
Then let us go and visit... new TV Season...in the US...I am excited to see what I can catch and what I have missed in my shows ...would you believe I made a concious effort not to have a TV or cable here in Buenos Aires and believe it or not, I can live without it.
Things are good between me and "R", he knows I love him and I know he loves me. And for now that is all we need to know.
Ciao y'all.
Another day. Take care.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue