I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, October 31, 2008

4 days until election day...

So, today I have finalized my vote on all the propositions on the California Ballot. But please do not ask me who I am voting for President. the jury is still out on that. Still!
Now today is Halloween in the USA. I saw adults dressed up as a viking, a poodle, a nerd, a mermaid...funny how one day a year adults really can act like children, and get away with it :-)
Not much trick o treating happening around here; the malls are a great way for kids to keep cool (AC) and still get their sugar fix. It has been hot here lately.
Oh, oh, oh...this is the first time I am going to the polling place that is noted on my sample ballot. I always wondered what is inside a Lutheran place of worship. I will update on Nov. 4th.
Well, my "R" has stuffed or runny nose and I always feel bad everytime he is under the weather. He is so good and takes very good care of himself that germs like to attack him. He is too clean I guess (if there is such a thing)!
The weekend is here and I will explore the stores that I used to haunt months or even years ago. I am sure one of them is still around and I plan to go there this weekend.
I miss Argentina, not Buenos Aires though. I miss my "R".
But Southern California is fun too. My "M" is here so I am not too bad.
Enjoy and be safe. See you all next week.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue