I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happiness is a state of mind

   I have been feeling my heart smile more, lately.
  There are days that I still feel down and blue but they are now so rare. I try and make an effort to be happy, each day. It is never easy when I remember how raw I felt a few months back, but I am certain the road to recovery is paved with bright smiles and lighter heart. I am so blessed to have TRUE friends around me when I feel like I am spiralling down the "dark road" again. It helps to have people to remind me that to avoid any trigger factors is the best way to go.

   Hope is a very good thing, maybe even the best thing. And good things never die.

   There are wonderful things in my future and I would like to focus on those. But inevitably since healing a broken heart is not just an on-off switch, some days are still tougher than others. Tears are elusive now, and I am grateful to some very good people in my "new" life. I am so forever grateful and thankful for the "new" me. I did not think I had it in me to be the person I am now. I underestimated the power of self in me. And I like it. I feel lighter each day when I wake up and I tell myself, this is the best day of my life.
   Work keeps me busy. People keep me busy but I always make time to be with family and friends when I am in the mountains. They keep both my feet firmly planted on the ground when they say things as they see it, and never tiptoe around issues about me. There is one friend in particular and she knows who she is. I am one to dispel coincidences and I believe she came back in my life after years of absence because she makes a big difference in the way I see other people. One can get jaded about life when your heart has undergone some black and heavy clouds.

   Happiness is a choice. I used to believe happiness is where one is when things are just going great and going one's way. But I know now that there is happiness in everything, even during the worst of times. When after a bad situation you learn a new thing or two about yourself that good times will otherwise not provide you, there is a reason to rejoice. Happiness is not something another person can give you. You make yourself happy and spread happiness. You can only be happy if the people around you are happy. When you get to be my age, happiness is in little things. Happiness is when R and I are two-gether, when my father stops coughing, when the farmwork is running without a glitch, when a little member of my family calls me by a term of endearment, when the sunshine is bright and the day is not so hot, when an old friend come to visit, little things.

   Some people might say, that happiness is a goal but they are never really willing to make the sacrifices nor invest the effort then it is a long and cold way to get there.

   I live for the people I love. And that makes me happy. During tough and dreary times, I tell myself being unhappy never solves anything. One might have a problem but never let the problem have you, I say.

   The holidays are upon us and I would like to encourage everyone to help and cheer up those that are less fortunate than us. There are people out there that have more problems and almost helpless to do anyting. We cheer them up and the spiritual reward of that is a soul fulling happiness. And I am not talking about just presents.

   At times when we forget that happiness is now not something that we will get delivered tomorrow.

   Happiness is looking at the glass as half full never as half empty.

   Think about it...

   Have a safe weekend everyonne.





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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue