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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Trip to Europe - airlines - UA20 (thumbs down) and SAS (thumbs up!!)

   Well, here we go. I will attempt to do my best in being honest in all my reviews on this post. I believe it serves me nor you any good to sugar coat things when reviewing anything pertaining to my trip in Europe this summer of 2016.

    After finalizing our dates for the trip and the duration of such trip, we called our ever so reliable travel agent and gave her the dates we want and preferred time of travel (departure and arrival time).
So, with those dates, she worked on it for several dates and came up with a proposal on what is best in terms of airlines and pricing. Ok. Set then. We were fully aware of the nuances of each airline we were going to use. We knew that a portion of our trip will require using a local airline in Scandinavia, we were excited about that. We just had to remember to check in online a day prior to the actual departure date. We could manage that. So, OK. Set.

     We were using United Airlines and all its Star Alliance airline groups. We had used them before and was fully aware of the bad food they serve on board. Service can sometimes be so-so but ok, it will get us there on the time we wanted so, no problem. I mean, you have to give a little to take a little, as they say. 

      We had our tickets emailed to us and on the night prior to the trip, we were able to check in online except R. He has to check in personally as the website stated. OK, since we already had assigned seats, we were not worried, Just needed to get to the airport early to get this matter out of the way and for him to get his boarding pass printed at the counter. So there we were, at the airport and everything was good and well.

      Our local flight headed to Houston was late in departing, we got the Houston with barely enough time to get to our connecting flight to Amsterdam. But we made it, so no worries. We were positive all the way. 

      Until we got to the flight to Amsterdam all was to be expected. Then we got on our United UA20 flight...then it got nasty!

      I am mentioning the name of the flight attendant who was so rude and disrespectful to just about anyone on the section of the plane she was delegated or assigned to for that flight. First, she neither greeted or smiled at any of the 25 or so passengers on her assigned area. No "hello" or "welcome". Must be having a bad day or so. Then she started bossing passengers on where to and how to put their hand carried luggage on the overhead compartments. " Put this there, move that there, turn it around, they should never make luggages with wheels like that, I hate that...etc". I mean the plane has not even left yet and already the negative attitude?! Her name is Amy. A middle-aged, shorter than 5 feet 6 inches in height, medium weight and heavy on bad attitude!!

      The passengers not too pleased with her but what can we all do, right? That was not the worst of it. She and her shoes got on R's seat and started moving luggages around on the overhead compartment. The nerve!! She neither said, "please" nor "excuse me". She just got on the seat with her shoes on and pretended like no one was going to sit there. Dirty! Nasty!

       When she was done bossing people around standing from R's seat, she just got down and went about like nothing happened? REALLY?! This is the new United Airlines service? Wow! And to think foreigners saw this blatant display of nasty behavior. Really make us Americans look really good! NOT!!

         Then when it was time to serve meals and the brute of a man seated in front of me, decided to recline his seat..I asked her if she can please kindly advise the man to straighten his seat up..during meals, she said " YOU TELL HIM!" Wow. Nice very nice. 

           I wonder if United still check customer satisfaction nowadays. Because by golly, this customer was not satisfied with this nasty Amy woman. I do not care if she had not had her prune juice that morning or if she had mental problems but evidently there was something up her arse that day that was making her so uncomfortable and she was taking it out on United Airlines customers. Nasty piece of work.

         Sometimes, it is not what you say but how you say it that makes the said thing polite or downright RUDE. Oh, you bet I will let United know about my displeasure of this woman. She gives all the good stewart and stewardesses a bad name. 

            The food was nasty, the service was nauseating! I do not like to be negative on the early part of a vacation but I thought I should pray for this woman. What a miserable life she must have to be like this to people she does not know but puts food on her table and allows her to buy that very offensive odor she had on, she calls perfume. Yikes! United, please check on your staff once in awhile.. it behooves you to look out for us. Even just once in awhile. Man!

           Airlines can ruin your trip even before it starts. But lucky for me, I thought all that meditation help fend the negative vibes that are placed before me. And above all, I have a blog that I can rant and rave about how cruel some people can be, no matter how kind and polite we can be to them. I reckon, it is their problem, not mine. It is a demerit to a company who I patronize to treat me so badly. Disrespect is the highest form of bad behavior.

          And to this poor excuse for a stewardess called Amy of UA flight 20, I pity you because you obviously have a job you do not love, or you would do better and care what image you leave people of the company you work for. I hope that through time, you will love it and do a good of a job that makes you worthy of the kindness we showed you even if you showed us none.

           Being so falsely generous to a passenger because that passenger gave your crew something as we left Houston, shows that you are only good when a reward is offered. That speaks about how low your self esteeem is. We all paid to be on this flight but we did not pay to be treated as badly as you treated us. Bossing people around, yelling, standing with your shoes on someone's seat, and not being polite in your words and actions...only spells, unhappiness in your life and job. United be aware of the people like this in your company. They do not lift your name up, they bring you down. United Airlines always leaves a whole lot to be desired everytime I fly with that company. Bad taste in the mouth, is something you are left with, as well.

        SAS, was another story all together. The flight from Stockholm to Heathrow was a delight! Some companies have it so right, that when you see an airline having it so wrong, you know something is indeed out of whack. SAS, was not only on time, everyone was extremely pleasant and orderly. No yelling, no bossing around, so warm in their welcome. So soft spoken but the sincerity and true joy they bring to the passenger is everything one can hope for when making a long journey. So nice to see how some companies really care about us passengers. Kudos to SAS! Yeas, I will fly with that company again. 

         Coming back I was fortunate enough to have a male stewart to tend to our section of the plane. Better, much better. But again the staff were English, majority of them. But better attitude and positive vibes all around.

       So if I were you, besides convenience and price, if you have other options to get to Europe, do not take United UA20. Bad way to start a trip with Amy on board. Happy travels! 


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