I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Uncertain times

The phrase "uncertain times" is neither truly uncertain nor is it for an indefinite period of time.

There are alot of moments in one's life wherein one finds oneself indecisive. Be it of what path to take, decisions to make or as simple as knowing what to do next. We all have felt this way, in one or another, or in one time or another. Your quandry is not unique. I believe it is human nature to be "lost" from time to time. It forces you to take a moment to pause and find your bearing. Sometimes, we are all functioning in automode that we forget to occasionally reset our self compass and take stock of what we really what to do. Denial, is after all a self preservation defense mechanism. Somewhere along the way, we have lost focus of where we are actually headed. We are anxious creatures afterall. Even the most confident person have their moments of "what's next" or "now, what?".

We see the conundrum the world is facing. We see and hear about it everywhere. These are indeed uncertain times. So we try to find our way through the rat race of everyday life, darkness can be daunting. Exisiting is hard as it is but surviving is even tougher. Those that have found something to do with their life and find meaning in it, are rare and far in between. The long and short of it is that, not every one can see their set path on the get go. We all have to struggle to find that purpose in life. And just when we think we have found it, and ready to trek it, we don't! We do have to make adjustments as we go along in this game called Life. 

Have no fear. Fear is a damning emotion. Useless and moot. It can paralyze you, both body and mind. Never allow fear to have room in your heart where faith can reside. Love is synonymous with faith, I say. They go hand in hand always, in my book. We loose opportunities because we were engulfed in fear. We like the safety net of knowing and controlling what we can and daring to attempt those that we cannot. Grab fear by the horns and tackle it to the ground! Never make decisions based on fear. Never make excuses either.

Monkey wrenches thrown at you and your plans, calls for survival skills. We never really know what we are all made out of until we find ourselves in a position that we think we have made a mess of things and now have to pay the piper for that perceived error, be it in decisions we have made or the fact that somethings happen in the universe that we do not have any control over. This is a time where our survival skills come into play, it just kicks in. It just does. We have to do everything in our human power to stay alive and stay sane. These supposed monkey-wrenches is a clear sign that the time has come to assess a change in direction of life one is taking. A monkey-wrench can take any form or shape and can come at any time. It tests your skills, acquired or inborn. 

Try to relax, take a deep breath, go for a walk or stay still for a moment. It helps to be centered. Know what really matters and what counts and tune out the static around you. Listen to yourself and what your body is telling you. You are after all human. We have limitations and we have to honor those limitations or we ourselves are the only one responsible in driving ourselves to the brink of collapse and sadly at times, insanity.

The noise of others should remain as such, noise. When uncertain times face us squarely in the face, we tend to rationalize things, in hopes of making sense of things that are nonsense to begin with. Logical but unrealistic. Not a good start. Remember that uncertain times only mean just that a moment in life where somethings or everything are uncertain. I have found that in Life, nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary. Hey, even forever is temporary. Think about it! So, believe in these simple words...This too shall pass. Happy times, are short-lived but so is pain and suffering. 

When faced with a life changing decision, I find it helpful to say a silent prayer before going over my pros and cons. I find that no matter how sincere and loving one is or the decision that has to be made, if it is not meant to be, it will never be. And sometimes, even if we are not ready for it, if it is time, it is time. Accept. But I am open for negotiations, so to speak. I respect those who make decisions with an open mind but I have a much higher respect to those who make decisions with an open heart. Now, that is a person of value, in my book. 

Never allow our own indecisiveness cloud what you really need to do. We have to make decisions every single day of our lives. Other decisions are more difficult than others. Decisions that can change lives forever. A responsibility never to be taken lightly. But at any time when just as you think you are uncertain, you know that is not the best time to make any decision at all. Decisions made in times of doubt never really bring us peace. The ability to make decisions are what make us human and above the other species in the animal kingdom. We can reason and we can analyze. 

This post is to assure you that uncertain times, are just that, moments of tough decisions ahead. You are strong, you have it in you. Take a deep breath, have a flexible plan and forge ahead. You are now to decide whatever lies before you, because now, you are ready. Otherwise, you will not be placed in this very position. Know that the road to heaven is paved with good intentions. But only those that have chosen can move forward. Note that sometimes, no matter how we prolong making a decision, a decision has been made by not deciding. Might as well, decide and chart your course, in your own terms. Uncertain times, mean, the time is now and the person to make that decision is you. You have the answer in your heart and you know what to do. Trust in yourself and love is your guiding beacon that will lead you to the right decision. Uncertain times, have brought you to the proverbial fork in the road. Always choose life and decide with love emanating from the heart. Often times, the very road you try to avoid, takes you there anyways.

Uncertain times, like pain, if it does not kill you only makes you stronger. Believe in yourself. Know that you have gotten this far in life because you know what is best for you. You are well-equiped to get through "uncertain times".If it feels like you are going through hell, just keep going. You will pass this. 

Remember, what your mother told you the first time she sent you out on your own? She might have said something like, "Look both ways before you cross the road, ok? Or, better yet, look to the left, then the right, then the left again, and if there are no cars then, you can cross. Please."

Uncertain times are like that. She would not have sent you on your own if she did not think you were ready.

Now, go on and look to the left, then to the right, and then to the left again before crossing the road.

Uncertain times? These too shall pass. Life goes on....because unlike the game of chess, Life goes on even after a checkmate, a wise man once said.

Another day...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Vegetarian Japanese choices

Being vegetarian takes a lot of self control. It can test your limits at times and the temptation can bring about a throbbing headache at times as well, but I have not given in. So far, I think it is great.

I do not want a burger nor crave for a steak. 

I have learned to read menus and stick with staple vagan choices and try new things as well. Let me show you what my recent choices have been in the world of vegetarianism, you will be surprised how good tasting and healthy they are.

Let's start with what you can make yourself. Here are very basic ingredients one can find at home. Feel free to impovise on what to add and take out as it suits your taste. I use barley here (in bowl). And garlic, onions, carrots, celery, zucchini and at the end I added fresh oregano. One can add cubed potatoes, if desired. I cook the barley as instructed on the packet and then add any season of choice. Salt and pepper with a few preferred herbs really develops the broth. 
I love a good homemade veggy fried rice. Here, I have day old cooked rice, some cubed fried potatoes and diced carrots and beaten eggs with a good sprinkling of sesame seeds and japanese nori seasoning. Hearty and filling. Nothing beats a homemade fried rice.

Now, when it comes to dining out, think they always have something vegetarian on the menu. And most of the time they do. Like this cucumber rolls, at a Japanese restaurant. The ginger is fresh and the wasabi is good. The rolls are perfection, crunchy and delicious!

Still at the Japanese restaurant, as you can see. Choose a Bento box. Like the one featured above. fried tofu with a generous dashi and mirin sauce. If served right away the tofu almost melts in your mouth. The rice is always a special treat. Served with salad and some veggies on the top of the Bento box. A delightful surprise everytime.

Oh by the way, if you find yourself in a Mexican restaurant, don't despair. As a vegetarian, you can ask for the chilaquiles, be it a combo with rice and beans or just by itself. And remember, the carrots and salsa can be a great side to your main dish. I love Mexican food but have adapted my eating ways with what they have available that I can have. These zanahorias y salsa are always a hit, especially with chips. Yum!

I have some other selections to add on here but let us save that for Another Day...I hope you all have a safe and fun filled weekend...eat healthy when you can. 

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue