I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Four positive thoughts about Buenos Aires

I went to Buenos Aires again recently. It was not my first visit - and I am hoping not my last either. One can always say negative things about any country they visit (since it is not home - duh!) like things that irritate them, bug them and downright get on their nerve kind of things but I would like to begin this blog with a series of positive observations I have for a beautiful place called Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I miss the following about Buenos Aires. First, the "almost" family members that I have gained through all my numerous returns to BsAs. Second, I reside in a splendiforous place where hip is happening and the who's who of BsAs hang at night and on weekends. Third, I get to have my city life and yet blessed have the peace and quiet the country life has to offer - yummers! Last but definitely not the least - good sustenance.

Let me expound on these topics further. The "almost"family part is a group of people that I have learned to love dearly all these years that I have been visiting BsAs. I keep their love and generosity close to my heart. I prefer not to go into specifics about my "almost" family members - I tend to get too sentimental about it. This special group of people include a friend-by-association. His name is Claudio, a wonderful and sweet family man. He has such a tender soul, understanding nature, full of life lessons, fair sense of justice, patient spirit and gifted with a giving heart. The man knows how to listen and care. He defines friendship and even takes it to higher and different level. Even my own porteno thinks he is an amazing person. I concur.

Then there is the gem of the crop - kind people like Rogelio - the encargado where I live. This man is so dedicated to his (excellent and quality) work. He takes pride in his duties and it shows in every possible way on everything he does . He is a hero to me. He cares for his family and his responsibilities to the building that the pride he exudes is contagious. His type of workmanship is a dying breed. I am fortunate to be a recpient of his perfection kind of work. I am surrounded by the beauty and the pride he takes in doing his job and he does it very well. When in Buenos Aires, it is always a good idea to be surrounded with very good people. It keeps one perspective positive, and keeps your sanity intact.

Oh, let me not forget the street sweepers. I so love-love these guys. They keep the streets and sidewalks clean from the fallen autumn leaves and the scraps of paper. Is there anything better than that?

Second thing, I love about BsAs is the neighborhood I live in. It is a happenin' place. Anyone who is anybody has to be seen here and continues to be seen in this very trendy 'hood. The people are vibrant, the eating joints are bountiful, the cafes in each and every corner are full of life, the smell of brewing java perks me every time I turn a corner and the ice cream parlor on Miqueletes -what else is there to say except this decadent almost sinful to pleasurably consume icy treat rapturously melts in your mouth, always wanting to savor each and every drop with a lick after lick, the never ending running of ones tongue over one's lips...hmmm...oops, I digress. This place is buzzing and so energetic one cannot help but be infected with the vigor and life that it pumps through the veins of Las Canitas. ..and I so also love the idea that in my particular some corner of Las Canitas...get this... there is a policeman there at night, how great is that?

Third, though I have fun and I live in my own little corner of the world when I am in BsAs, I look forward to the peace and quiet the country life avails me. The sight of open field full of trees, the vision of icy patch of green fields covered with ice after a dewy evening, the smell of fresh cut grass, the sound of chirping birds, the quiet and slow paced country lanes, the sight of clear blue skies that goes on forever, the feel of crisp and brisk breeze blowing as you stand still on the driveway, the wonderment on seeing tero-tero hopping on a grassy knolls or tugging at that worm from the ground. You can almost taste the tranquility if you just take a second and close your eyes and open your heart to nature's bounty. Blessed!

Last but not the least, I miss the saladitos, the fresh Sancor milk, vegetables, the (deliriously delectable other white meat) pork, yamani rice and the ever oh, so tasty steak meat. (OK so I am a carnivore - so bite me.) I love meat. I keep the food chain real and just like the way it is by staying exactly where I am supposed to be on it. The mere thought of a sizzling steak on a grill gets my own juices running and drool is apparent - instinctive almost. Let me not forget, the sweets from La Rosa - heehaw!! Though I like miga, but I do not die for it. Give me saladitos and a glass of milk and boy, oh boy - I am one happy camper. I have savored some red wines in BsAs, but have yet to try Argentina whites - and until I have had the pleasure of having both, my verdict is still out on that topic.

Things that I will not include on this what I miss about BsAs list is shopping. I love shopping in general, so I can do it anywhere. I do not miss the sport.. excuse me... that activity.. at all. I can do it anywhere. Shopping is only good as the shopper is and not where or what you are shopping for - this is one of my many mantras actually.

There are certain things I miss in BsAs because it is not home to me.. not yet anyways . I am comfortable in my present summer surroundings since I have been here most of my life. The idea of being in a foreign place learning its different culture, language and everything is a formidable idea to me. But I guess, I am up to the challenge. I will not be alone in this venture for I have "almost" family and friends there (what a comfort!). I have a very nice place with very good food available to me (yess!) good respite on the weekends (ohh yeahh!) and I can make a good time of it (cross my fingers). So I guess, I miss BsAs because I am somewhere else during its winter time and summer time. BsAs is my in-between place to be. I am willing to give it my best shot. I like new things, experiences and adventures included. (It is not living in the wild with no indoor plumbing and running electric current, so I am game with that!!) Everything else, I will be able to manage with some honest to goodness good ol' college try.

And as it is right now, I love it just the way I am doing it. I learn to value what I miss and miss what I have learned to value - and that is always a good thing even for The Ultimate Diva.

I wonder how good I will really feel if I wrote about what-I -do-not-miss- about- Buenos Aires, huh? Well..we have to wait and see..another day... I will write about them... and that is a promise.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue