I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, July 15, 2007


It is 8am on a Sunday morning and I was rattled awake from sleep by a loud voice.
It has been extremely warm here in California for almost a week now and I decided to leave a window slightly open to get some cross ventilation in, and occasionally I get a breeze from the bay. It was a nice night last night, stars filled the sky and it was pleasantly cool as the breeze hit the drapes and the moonlight would filter inside my room. So I slept soundly...until this morning! ARGH!
A woman's voice, so ever loudly, talking about everything under the sun (and the sun was hardly up for an hour). She was speaking in Spanish about test results of her husbands, her sister's party at the park today, he son's lousy teacher, the recent encounter with a police, how her kitchen sink is leaking, again - all stuff that I would not care about - so SHUT UP already.
I am not pleasant at all in the mornings, so it took every nerve and self control in my being not to yell out the window for her to SHUT UP already! I ended up with a headache.
People who talk on their cell phone should keep it down. No need to share - coz I am sure I speak for the world here who cares less that you have to make a second appointment with your doctor coz your pee specimen was not enough and that the test results were inconclusive and the doctor is recommending a re-test. Who freakin' cares? Just keep your voice down will you. We are not interested. Really. And all these insane conversations people have on their cellphone, I care less if you talk on there for hours on end , just keep your cackling, shrieking, high pitched, ear piercing voice down. The fact that your sister's birthday at the park (Hell-o!) will need some more chairs - does not concern the rest of the residents of the condo. Your son's troubles, and your police and plumbing troubles - we do not care - just keep it down there will you.
Sometimes I really think that people speak so loud because they actually want other people to hear what they are talking about. It is a forced voyeurism. They want to attract attention and they use the cell phone to declare what is happening to their lives. Like we care? The rest of us have lives, and for those who don't do the same thing when they are on the phone. Right? Talking loudly when the gadget you have on your hand is especially designed to pickup the faintest sound, should indicate that NO SCREAMING NEEDED when speaking to the microphone of your cell phone. I am so irritated by being roused from sleep for any reason - let alone loud talking on a freakin' cell phone.
Some people can be so inconsiderate at times. These same people lack manners and yet they dress and walk around like they know Ms. Manners through and through. NOT! I am sure 98% of people with cell phone have not GOOGLED the ethics of using a cell phone (aka cellphone use 101).
It is considered ill mannered when people pick up their cell phones when it rings during dinner time - it is down right impolite. That is why we have voicemail - Hell-o! And if it was important, even very important, urgent and "I must take this call" - people shouldn't be calling YOU when it is an emergency they should call 9-1-1!Right?No exceptions.
Let me share a little anecdote - I gave my father my old cellphone because I thought he should have one in case of an emergency he can get a hold of one or all of us. In case of emergency - you see. We do not call him to ask him where he is, what is he doing and all that mundane pleasantries. The phone was given to him, so if he needs us he calls us. My father will not answer his phone, nor send text messages, nor check voicemail. Plain and simple - he said - it will serve me for what I want it to - I will not be a slave to it. All his grandchildren were there when he said this and to all the young ones' amazement - they knew he meant it- and that there they were each and every single grandchild has a phone even the 11 year old one; and they are a slave to their cell phones. It is a tragedy my father thought. But he is up and cool with the times and it is changing , he know that; he does not want to let life to pass him by any faster at this time in his life - waiting for his phone to ring. He has a life to live and since he likes his privacy so much - he still prefers the person to person conversation rather than over the phone. He says - before and after a conversation - I can give you a kiss, look you in the eye and show I care, not just say I care over the phone. Wise words. And he hates it, oh he so hates it when he gets disconnected.
Lesson is: People still have a lot ot learn about cell phone manners.
Conclusion: I just made myself a cup of coffee, sat, and started writing about it.
Request: Next time your cell phone vibrates or rings, and you pick it up make sure you speak softly and tell your friend across the table, to excuse you - as you step away- should you really have to take the call.
And when in the movies as soon as you get your ticket - turn that darn thing off!
Well it is another day....

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue