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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, June 20, 2008

10 things you do not want your guy to say to you...

I think that guys who talk to their girlfriends are great. It is wonderful to keep that line of communication open. It is also good that gals know what is up ahead when a guy starts his sentences with the following line...
1) Well, actually we need to talk.... - this is how most guys start the break up if I have ever heard of one. You the gal starts the conversation going and you direct it towards where you think the relationship should be headed and then he throws this in...just hold on it could be a very bumpy ride.
2) It is not you it is me....- this equals to a girl saying "I just think we should be friends". A guy would never say something is wrong with him unless he just does not want to be in this relationship anymore (with you). The crying should probably start around the ..It is not...
3) We are just not in the same page...WOW! this is a doozy. A guy loves to spread his wild oats and just when a girl starts to get comfortable - BAM!
4) Give me sometime to consider your request for a key to my place - self explanatory.
5) There are no more drawer space to spare - let me translate this nicely - it means I AM NOT WILLING TO TAKE OUT MY BOXERS OUT OF THE DRAWER FOR YOU .
6) My mother thinks you are just a rebound girlfriend - OUCH! Now, when you hear this, run fast and head for the hills. When he pulls the Mama card, you have no way to trump that one ever.
7) I am not sure why everyone is getting married, haven't they heard of long engagements? - Now there are 2 ways of looking at this. NOT! It means the guy just does not look at tan-tan-tadan - as a life decision he will make with you.
8) It looks the same to me - he uses this frequently as a response to any of your questions to give a non-committed response to anything you ask him that will require some thinking and god forbid had to make a choice.
9) Honey, look at those racks - and he is not referring to ribs or shelves. Rude, I say.
Last and not the least, the last thing you want a guy to say to you....
10) I need some space....This is a gals line and when a guy uses it...he is saying the ride has been good but he is getting off at the next stop.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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