I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, June 13, 2008

The recent wave of crimes in Buenos Aires...

I do not know about y'all but lately I have been hugging my purse closer to my person and have at a couple of times opted not to take a purse with me when I left the house - something unheard of when I am in any other parts of the world - only in BsAs. I thought it prudent to not wear any jewelry when going out- not even a plastic pair of earrings, nothing! Again, unheard of if I was in any other parts of the world but BsAs.
The shootings and robberies in and around town have been hitting the news more than the desabastecimientos or the government vs. el campos or the fuel shortage...the deaths are just so brutal and so violent.
I used to feel safe in Buenos Aires but those days are gone. I have to have my street smarts and wits with me at all times and radar 100% functioning when I am outside of the house. I promise never to let my guard down as soon as I step out that door.
I have felt some prying eyes have checked out my small place but as long as they stay outside and on the otherside of that door, I am fine.
I like to be able to walk the streets of this nice neighborhood at night but no more. It is just not safe anymore. There were cops at both street corners that borders my side of the street but sometimes they are not there - and that is the time that I worry the most.
Years ago when my "R" and I came to BsAs, I did not feel any threat of walking the streets at night. But now with the shooting of a business right in front of his house or stories of home invasions featured in the news - I am not sure how safe I would feel anymore. Of course, my perception has changed about safety and BsAs. The fact that each of these crimes involved shooting a firearm tells me that gun owning (legal or not) is rampant than what the people of this place is made to believe. I am not sure if the substance they call "paco" has something to do with this. I have read somewhere that the use of this poor man's heroin o cocaine is prevalent everywhere in the country.
There are crimes in major cities of the world, but I am not in those places of the world, I am in Argentina and I am in Buenos Aires - that is what worries me.
I would love to live and carry on with life as if none of these exists but they do, so the best I can do I guess is be smart about it when I get out of the house.
Be prepared. Just as they taught me in Girl Scout years ago.
It is not a nice feeling but it is the times - people prey on people. Not a good humanely thing to do but presence of violence in our lives is a fact and we just prepare the best we can and hope that each day we survive with as much joy as possible.
We cannot worry about something happening to us, otherwise we are paralyzed with that fear and life full of fear about "what might happen" is life not as fulfilling and fun.
I am thinking I am just going to talk to my "R" about what I want to be done should something bad happen to me while I am in Argentina. And as macabre as it sounds, it is part of being prepared.
I will get out and enjoy the nice sunny day out there, I hope you do the same.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue