I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 31st 2008

I have 1/2 an hour left before this month is over and I thought I should take a quick peek in here to tell you all that Buenos Aires n August 31, 2008 was a wonderful and warm day. It felt like spring, it was lovely. I had jeans on and a blue and yellow top with no jacket. It was fabulous day.
Well, we will see what next month brings (tomorrow). I hope no mosquitoes (Swatted my first one tonight!). But no worry - FUYI is here to the rescue.
I promised myself that for the rest of the year, I will do what makes me happy. Life is too short really to dwell on things that make me miserable. I just seige the day and make it as positive and fun and good. If people want to dwell on negative, they can do that at their own time - without wasting any of mine. Hooray for the 31st of August it was a splendiforous day!!
Thank you "R" for spending some time with me. I am one happy Mama.
See ya another day. Ciao.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

..and the process continues...

Well, well, well. Did you all see what happened yesterday? I mean McCain choose a woman Veep. And an Alaskan Governor to boot, at that. Now this is the "shot in the arm" this race needed, something juicy and heartracing event like this makes the idea of looking forward to veep debates and preez debates more...exciting?! We will see...I almost had so much fun with the news yesterday, that I just had to go ...oh yeah,baby!! Obama or McCain, Biden or Palin, not sure but I wanted a woman in that mix in there somewhere. I have a "copla" months to think about it.
OK...next topic. I am going on a diet, low carb diet. Loads of fruits and veggies, strike the white bread, corn, potatoes (fries like chips are potatoes, I was told!), anything with crust and dough, breaded pieces of meat, desserts are OUT but low carb fruits are in, I must have 3x of that each day. Fiber, potassium and a tad bit of sugar (to avoid body sugar lows). My body was telling me it was time to loose some extra weight and salt is mostly the culprit since the food in BsAs are loaded with salt and for a woman my age, I retain everything except information for my brain.! The only consolation to the whole diet I am in is the fact that pasta (tad bit only and 2x a week only!) and butter are allowed. No margarine allowed. Olive oil is good. And balsamic vinegar rather than salt, can be added to make salad dressings. Meats are allowed but not in the evenings. No creamy sauces EVER!! Loads of water and no fruit juices, since Argentina juices are loaded with sugar in various forms. Rice is okay but 2x a week as well and never on the same day I have pastas. No carbonated drinks at night and no more than 2x a week as well. So far I have been on it for 2 days, my energy level is up, I am not lethargic and best of all, I sleep so well at night. I will keep you posted on this cleansing, weight reducing diet of mine. There is no real deprivation of any kind of food here, just management and moderation of things that if I eliminate from my food list I would crave and binge on. Not good, so it is an okay diet, for my body's need and considering my age.
Then...I would love to say nasty things about the "la vereda" that was dug up, some cable lines were run through it, cemented over and then now it is pending completion (uhuh!) on Monday, but....since it is from my ever so adorable Macri doing this, all is well and okay with me. Just do not leave that mess in there for another week, coz I would definitely send you an open letter, know what I mean, fella. Love and respect there!
Well, the weekend is here and I am excited about my diet and my walks and my work. Something good is happening for me in the future, I do not have a clue what it is but, I love being pink and happy today - so there.
See ya another day, 'kay? Take care ya all.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The more you learn..the more you forget....

I like my spanish teacher very much, but this post is not about how great she is but how much I have to memorize in learning a new language.
Oh, I love the spanish classes coz it is one to one but man oh man, the things I have to memorize ...is simply - ALOT! Just when I thought I have the easy ones down, BAM!, another one comes along and I totally black out on what I had just learned..ah..two minutes ago! It is a very humbling experience, I tell you. The decision to take lessons was my own, so I do not seek out someone to blame for my hmmm...difficulties in class right now. I believe in studying effectively and not necessarily studying hard or harder. I read and do exercise for my language class everyday,a nd I sleep with the books, workbooks, my pencil, my notebook, etc.
My brain is just gawd dang lazy now adays...(or for the last 20years). I have a hard time remembering what I had for dinner last night let alone trying to remember and use in sentences the conjugated verb "decir" (to say). Irregular verbs are the pits!
I do not remembering complaining so much when I was taking English classes in grade school, well complaining would not have done me any good anyways with Sr. Maria Paz and Sr. Lydia and the ever present, chair looming at the corner for punishment was enough incentive for me to take the conjugation and tenses as they are told to me. No questions asked.
But now as I am "older" (from grade school, I mean) my brain cells take a longer route to connect and make sense of the things I am reading and comprehending (okay, TRYING to comprehend). But you know, the best part about learning a new language is the part that I get to practice my spanish 101 with the people I meet.
Argentinians (those outside of Buenos Aires) think my accent ( I can only imagine how horrendous I sound) is "raro" and one girl even said "me encanto" to my intonation. I thought that was a barrel of laughs when she said it, but I do not give a care, I love to practice and so far everyone has been kind to correct me when I use the wrong tense or gawd forbid, I use the wrong word - happens alot, jajajaja....
But learning and being able to get the courage to learn something difficult and good, very good for you, gets me enraptured with this feeling of accomplishment. It provides growth both brain and attitude. It makes me see things in perspective. As to how I will fare in class today, let us see, I did my homework, have been reading my notes from the last 5 classes, practiced reading the homework out loud and then have my pen sharpened, I am ready. Bring it on!
Tell you another day what Professora Garcia will say about my performance today.
Oh, btw, I also have to do the "verbos pronominales..better get crakin' at that. Ciao.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It is raining outside. In Buenos Aires it is not uncommon to get a bad weather day now and again even after 5 days straight of "almost like spring" weather during winter time. It was bound to happen...cycle of nature, you know. You have to take the rainy days to enjoy..to fully enjoy, the sunshine filled ones.
Times have been tough between my "R" and myself lately. Adjustment is a constant changing challenge and so far, we are hanging in there. We have a long history and a very good frienship foundation to see us through these rough times. I have confidence that things will work out for the best in the end. I have believed in that since I was a little girl, I just do not know anything else different than believing that you might want to push something one way but if the peg does not fit, find another. I love with everything I have. I get hurt so deeply because of that but to love a man, there is no half-way about it. It takes the whole and everything of one to love another or you are not in love at all. I have lived my life by being true to who I envision myself to be. I do not lie or pretend when things are not in good order. I wear my heart on my sleeve and some people do not like that, but again this is ME, the REAL ME. And like it or not, this is who, what and where I want to be. Never in my life have I been willing to sacrifice the reality of my person. I will not compromise that. I will never live my life to please another person or sacrifice my life for the reassurance of another. I only get one shot at this thing called Lifetime. The plan is to live my life to the fullest of what GOD had given me, so not to waste and disappoint a gift so precious as life that was molded and formed just for me with His love, grace and forgiveness. My gratitude is manifested in making sure that I use all the talents and wisdom I have to make the most of my very short stint in life.
Sadness, anger, fear and gladness are very basic emotions. Regret, I was told is a combination of the first two. And to think that love should be the main steering force in our lives sometimes though like a thief in the night, fear takes over and eventually at the end the result, we get, regret.
I do not wish to lie in my deathbed later in life and wished that I did something differently. Regret is something that is hindsight with a big smack on the forehead. No one can foretell the future, that is true; but if you do something with pure love without stains of fear and sadness, it is as good as guaranteed that you will not regret such a decision.
We get angry and frustrated about people and things in our life we do not have any control over. I am learning that lesson every single day and it is not easy. I can only control me and my reactions, and I do not want be controlled by sadness, fear nor anger. The thought of someone holding my emotions hostage for their reassurance is a sad and tragic event in anyone's life and should never be allowed. We love because we care and we care because we love. There are moments that tough love have to exercised.
I will be alright in the long run no matter what happens with my "R" and I. I hope that being temporarily miserable is a better option than being permanently miserable without each other. Loneliness can still be there even if you are not alone. I only wish "R" happiness. His father would have wanted it that way.
I do not know how my "M" will take such a blow, but it will prove once again that people in our lives come, stay for awhile and leave. Maybe he is right. We have to wait and see.
I will try to hold on as long as I can. My love for "R" will see me through this but something will have to happen to sort this out for the best for everyone. I wish everyone luck on that.
The rain has stopped for a litte bit, it gives us respite. The sun is tryin' to peak past the gray clouds but more rain is in the forecast. Now there is lightining and thunder from a distance, it is not unusual to get a soggy day like today. It washes the dirt off the streets and the leaves look greener from here. It is not all that bad. I cannot wait for that sun shiny day again though.
Do not forget to stay warm and dry. I 'll see you another day.
I will be fine.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My vote goes to...

I have voted in the glorious US ofA every single time since I became eligible to do so. I voted for city mayors, council members, replacements for ousted council members, sheriffs, City Attorney, Senators, Representatives both state and federal and on and on and on....Oh I of course voted for several presidential elections in the past, I am honored to be able to exercise such a right. I value it close to my heart. I say that if you do not take the time to vote, you then forfeit the right to complain - and boy, do I love to complain. Think of it this way...if you want to look good (and people might just complement you on your great looks) you take the time to fix yourself. You vote, when things happen that you do not like, you have the right to rag, rant and rave. Simple really. Some people say, what is one vote anyway? And these same people state, that my vote does not count - I am an American Citizen and will wear the honor and distinction proudly. I vote for whom I want and for this alienable right I have no one but me to influence whose name I write on that (okay..to chad ) ballot. Now that I have said that, I am in a quandry as to whose name to write on that ballot...Obama or McCain?
I am a confessed Democrat. I align my political affiliation with the personal principles I have. I do not have the qualities prevalent and evident in Republicans. That does not mean I NEVER voted for a Republican - because I have. Local elections are not divided by party line but one tend to know which party the candidates are alighed with, you know. I would like to think that the political party comes in second to being an American and I vote for the best American for the job. I will try to do that again this coming November 2008.
There are certain things that happened this year in the Democratic Party (campaign and convention) that I did not like and cared for. I am disillusioned about what this Presidential election will turn out to be. The next US President will heal the nation after the wars, pain and agony of everyone red, white and blue citizen of the US of A, especially after the 9-11. There are droves of people and family who will never heal their wounds but at least hope for a President who cares and listens to the right people will take us out of the war and strive to better the economy because by golly, I might be in Argentina and deep in the trenches but the dollar is what we live on, and lately it just has not been good. I do not want it to be the same as before (do not like lingering in the past) but at least better the present circumstances of the economy and financial world we live (or try) in.
So,there is McCain, the Republican and all that being a Republican entails and then there is Obama, the Democrat that is supposed to defeat McCain and all the Republican's Glory and Pride it represents. I do not know who will get my vote. I know 2 other people in this family that will vote for (at least I think I know) one who will vote for Obama and the other one who will vote for anyone but Obama. Where does that leave me? I have read and heard (some) of the usual spiel, rhetoric, lies, blah-blah-blah of each party, but still NOTHING for me. This election lacks the excitement that I had once felt when I voted for previous Presidential elections. The choices are so limited and neither one I really want to vote for. Do I choose the lesser evil of the two? But how do I really know? Both are putting on their best faces. Do I go for the Political Party choice? Do I just take a dart and see whose name it lands on and vote for that person? Never done this in the past, but there is always a first time, they say. There has to be a better elimination/selection process than that, but so far it is just - BLEH for me or maybe more of an MEH (shrug shoulder included) feeling. It lacks excitement adn enthusiasm on my part and the last time I felt this, the Republican won
I do not like the braggadocious character that Obama has take since Hillary C. (was my choice, to be honest) is no longer on the picture. McCain, well I do not really know what he is talking about most of the time, but I guess it is more of the same promises to all of us just to get him voted in to office and then for the next 4 more years, more of the same pain and heartache because of the state of the country and the money affairs. I used to feel all the gaga about an important event like this. Not this time.
Now, let me tell you what I am willing to do, should Obama be able to talk Hillary C. (did I tell you she was my Prez choice) and get her to agree to be his Veep, he gets my vote. Hands down, no questions asked. Done, sealed (even Kissed) and delivered.
I know he would have no time to read this blog of mine (jajajajaja) but you try to think about it and think about some more. Imagine the Democratic "POW" power of that. I am sure Hill (my own nickname for her) can be cajouled and convinced to take the post (just thinking about such a ticket sent a jolt through me). I am thinking maybe not though - I think Hill will wait until 2012 and give this Prez run another go. I like the thought THIS Clinton woman behind that desk at the Oval Office.
And if Obama doesn't get her- he doesn't get my vote. There I said it.
Well, hold on, a minute, I am not sure McCain will it be for me, but I wonder if that Nader guy is running again. I should check out his website...will advise.
Go out and VOTE, you cannot afford not to.
See you at the polls.
Another day....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is it okay to look?

It is very nice and sunny outside (though frisky and crisp cold air abound) for a winter's day. Mind you, it is August, not some Christmas months like November or December, in Argentina when they have winter during opposite North Hemisphere's summer. So lately, when it gets really cold inside that means I have to turn on the heater and make sure that the receptable that collects the drippings of the said AC/Heater is properly collected in a bucket outside in the balcony. Okay, sometimes I forget to check it, shoot me! But today, I didn't. I stepped outside the balcony and as the rays of the sun hits my right arm, it felt nice and warm..hmmm...so unusual to have this kind day in winter but anyhoo...I head towards the south portion of the balcony just a few steps from the access door and checked the blue bucket under the AC/heater fan unit. Bucket is all good, almost empty so I'm set. I always linger a bit and as I looked to the west of me, across the street, where some more apartment units are and I see more the same balconies facing mine. Being on the 5th floor it gives me a birds eyeview of a lot of things. I like it up here. So I was scanning the street directly below me and I saw a few people here and there that I recognize, but did not holler for it is rude to do so. I looked to my right and saw that my neighbor still has their (a couple) roller window down. And to my left, it is the same pretty much. Directly across me is a creature unknown to me (some weird/odd dude) who loves to step out into his balcony with just his drawers on - always orange in color; no shirt or anything just underwear - not sure what that is all about but I will need to post something about that should something else untoward happen when he is out there, albeit summer or winter, when this guy feels like having it all hang out there (haha) - he steps out into his balcony with his boxer (breed of his dog) and him in his orange drawers and pace back and forth. Ok, so I looked. Is it bad to look? He can do this inside his house, why does he do it outside then? So those of us who have eyes, look, no?
Now right infront of my unit across the street is a lady I know and she is very nice and very friendly, to me at least. Not sure why that is but people have told me, that she is nicer to me than to anyone they think she knows. Well, I like the canaries, she feeds and her husband is nice man, and the plants in her balcony are very homey. I like her.
Now, we get to the part where I dare ask myself, if it is okay to look and look longer than just a glance when you think the person in question wants and begs to be seen? Let me put it this way, a voyeur looks and looks to see and watch when the person they are looking at does not see them. What about if the person being watched wants to be watched and be seen, is it still ok to look then? Let me tell you about this young man (in his mid20s) who lives a building across the street but to the left off where my building is. We are on the same floor level, so that makes him at my eye level. He does not have any drapes to secure his privacy and he never draws the roller windows down. He turns the lights on at night, I see him, we all see him (from across the street). If he is an exhibitionist and I look, does that make be an audience or a voyeur? Is it really ok to look? Inquiring minds wanna know.
For a few weeks now, when the weather is nice I step into my balcony (be it daytime or nightime) to watch the hustle and bustle of the street below. I already said, I love to watch people. So that is what I do regardless or not he is out there - we will call him "Capuano" for this story sake - or not. Most of the time he is not home. Since I work from home, I have the liberty to take in a minute or two of the outside and step away from my desk. So, lately ( last 3 weeks) I have noticed that "Capuano" have been having a series of different girls stop by any day of the week. I do not see much of what happens really but I know that the one who came two Mondays ago had short hair and the one that came 2 days later had much longer hair (blonde,this time) and the one that I saw there on most Fridays is a newer one with the darker and longer hair. I do not see their faces mostly, but the one that stayed over from Sunday evening to Monday noontime, is the IT girl lately . I watch and I wonder ( best part) if these girls knowingly come (no pun intended!) without knowing who else this guy is playing "spin the bottle" with. I see him amusing these girls with animated stories ( arms moving and body swaying) and then dine them and wine them (delivery from a near by Italian restaurant) and then the listening to the music and looking at some kind of album or something schtick ..then the usual..attack the prey scenario happens, this guy is funny really. Let me stop here for a second to chuckle. OK. Now that I got that out of my system...the story goes like this.. one night (2 weeks ago) as I was watching a DVD, I noticed that the lights across the street (at his place) were still on...of course this cat goes and checks out the light...DVD still going, hey it was a 2 CD video..took me until the wee hours of the morning to finish.. but I digress...so there he was still talking to the girl mind you...I mean, kiss the girl already, I thouhgt. What the heck is he waiting for? I have loaded the second DVD and they were still in the same position sitting across each other 2 1/2 hrs ago...enough of the chi-chat already - I laugh at this guy's get-the-girl style. I mean the girls have to sometimes almost jumps on him and he is still passive as can be. I mean, I took the time to load a DVD coz no real action is happening across the street and when something is about to happen there, the girl is the one who initiates the whole thing! Funny! I mean Lothario "hello"!! Get them hands busy...but I am getting ahead (hmmm..) of myself here.
So this weekend, he had this girl there, right.. - please do not think that I sit there with a beer on one hand and a ciggy on the other waiting for the story to unfold before me. Nope - I have better methods than that. Not gonna tell you - just read on...
There they were on the white couch with their backs towards me and facing his entertainment center that is against the wall and between them I can see a coffee table and 2 sofa seats across each other perpendicular to the said white couch, so there they were still talking ( insert yawn..here) and then the girl scoots over, a tad bit closer and then she turns and her head dips and for awhile you do not see her head, where did she go... and then her head starts bobbing - I would venture a guess but let us keep this "G" rated for others. Well that was the end of it for me...good but could have been better story line really, the plot took too long to unfold... And then the guy starts sliding lower down the couch and I can hardly (huh!) see his head (another - huh!) , then as I blinked (my bad!) the lights are off and I do not see them until the following day, afternoon, looking out the balcony towards where I am.
I look. My thought is coz if they or at least he did, not want his activities to be of public consumption he would have the decency to put up some drapes or something - at least for the girl's sake. I've seen the girls, the various girls he gets to take up there in his place and what they do, nothing I am sure they run to Mama and tell her about. Just wondering if each one thinks of the others, I bet they don't, coz they do not know. But I know he knows that someone across the way knows. Not the names but the different faces, I know. Boy, do I know ever!
It does not faze the people that know "Capuano" does this, portero of his building admires him almost because guys at his age think of all the women he gets to bed as a notch on his belt, a conquest and badge of (dis) honor, macho and all that...but the girls are all doe-eyed and sweet looking (notice how I did not say innocent looking) but they all know they are just to occupy "Capuano" for the time being. A guy like him (moola galore) not good looking per ser, but not bad looking either. He can wear a suit and look good and be cool about it in jeans and shirt, nice shoes, very clean shaven, clean cut ( short hair), great pad/apartment, marvelous location for it, and he is young. But as long as he does not have drapes up, I will keep looking and sometimes I just know when to turn away. I do not feel bad for the girls really, because I am sure they know what they are doing, the thing is they do not know for sure why he is doing them! Whoa!
Looking is human nature. Look but no touching has always been a very good rule. If there is something to see, I watch but otherwise, I just turn to my DVD for better entertainment and escapism. Sometimes, real life stuff like this is plain novelty but can get old and boring fast. I think I will stick to the DVDs for now. And if I blinked I can always rewind or fast forward if I feel like it. It has been a good viewing but more of the same really. Will defintely tell "R" about it when he gets back- don't worry he knows about this guys shenanigans. We will have a very good about it.
See ya another day - I will keep my eyes open.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Customer Service ala "Joe"

Well, the best excitement I had today came a minute ago when I had to call the United States of America (USA) to renew a service provided to me. I mean, I knew I was calling the great company that I have learned to love and like sooo much because of the fabulous customer service. They hear from me once a year when I renew the said service they excellently provide for me but I am always happy to speak with them - yup, I said speak - when they help me go through the process. I mean the information, the manner of speaking, the clarity and the all around thoroughness of it, just marvelous. Now we get to the part about "Joe"...
Joe is a technician there and this is his name, really. I called a number to the main office because somehow I am not able to connect to their site on line. I am in Argentina so nothing surprises me on this matter - no connection and all that. So, as I was saying, Joe was the one who picked up the call/service when the main switch board forwarded my call to the appropriate department.
There I was spelling out my name and more security checks and balances, and then it occured to me that a certain kind of feeling comes over you (as a customer) when you get this kind of focused customer service attention, wow, I felt so special. So, on we went and tried to figure out first why I am not able to log on into their website ( this is a technical support question) and lo and behold I was told someone is trying to get in and access my site. Imagine that!! Little old me and my "other" website being hacked. I was promised the engineers of my website provider will get to the bottom of this and use all their might to prevent any hacking of any sort. To the wanna hackers - your attempts are hilarious in a sad sort and infuriating kinda way. My website is simple site, it is business of course but nothing of important of covert information in there. I mean give me a break! There is nothing there. And I am sure some pervert is trying to get to I do not know what with it! Lay off will you!
So, Joe assured me that in a couple of days an update will be sent to me on this matter. I have correspondences and read newspapers from all over the world and maybe a "worm" aka "virus" got in there and now I have the "flu". Darn it!
I am so glad Joe helped me. He was so nice and that was technical support - not the real customer service or sales department. Imagine that, service with a smile.
I am not saying anything about service or customer service here in Buenos Aires, that would be like comparing sweet luscious and crisp red American Gala apples with oranges - not the same caliber. There! But in fairness, customer service OUTSIDE of the city of BA can give the US some competition (not stiff but competition nonetheless).
Joe, whoever you are, THANK YOU very much.
I hope whatever bug that is tryin' to worm itself into my website, you squash it like the bug that it is, and if it comes from a third world country sort of bug, take a guess where that would be? Arghhh!
But it is inevitable coz it is part of living a portion of ones life over the internet. And I am just so fortunate to have Joe standing in my corner to help me out on this one.
Thanks and thanks again. You know who you are Joe and it was nice of you to help me - with a laugh and a smile. Good customer service jsut like Joe would service...it is a very, very good thing.
You want the best service provider for a website, email me, I'll tell ya! And tell Joe, I sent you
Another day...Ciao

Saturday, August 16, 2008

You can take the...

You can take the Filipina out of the Philippines but you cannot take the Philippines out of this Filipina.
How true that is! Today I found out that though I have lived in the US for more than half my life, I still long for the Filipino food that I grew up with. I do not know what the heck they are called but I cooked that dish today ( pork, soy, garlic, oil and a tad bit of sugar, bay leaves) and I cooked rice - I mean Yummers!! The dish is sweet (uh - duh! there is sugar!!) but it was great.
I have been thinking more about the Philippines lately. My family is still there and part of my heart is still there. My father is still there and I miss him more each passing day.
Being in Argentina, makes it a tad difficult to be in so many places at one time. I have "M" in the US , my father in the Philippines and then my "R" in Argentina (though he is traveling at this time). I am trying to make it here and it can be tough at times like today. It is never simple and it is never easy when your heart is torn with the uncertainty and it being pulled in all directions.
Hmmm....I have been missing the Philippines lately that cooking has been a good source of solace for me. I have the aroma envelope me and I feel being at home again...as a little girl, feeling so secure and life is not as complicated as it is today. I miss those days. The innocence of it all.
I live in Buenos Aires because my "R" lives here and I am trying to get some work done here myself. It is just harder on some days, you know. Adapting to the US when I first came from the Philippines was not this hard; I had cousins with me for one, I had a job, I had a car, I spoke the language. I am a social and mobile person - well here -it can be tough. I do not know...my food smells very good as it is cooking....I wish you can smell it. My grandmother used to cook this for me when I was a little girl, she knew I liked this dish a lot and serves it with steaming hot white rice. I can close my eyes and hear the sounds at the dinner table almost, I can hear her coming to the table and dishing out the food and she always served me first. Yes, I can hear the water filling my glass and the cluttering of the utensils..I can hear a faint closing of the casserole in the kitchen and a loud sound of the chair being dragged away from the table - my brother sits to the left opposite me from the table, he always dragged the chair when pulling it away from the table...my father is home and he is headed to the kitchen to wash his hands before dinner. ....
I miss that feeling of innocence...no worries about life, no responsibilities, no pain, no heartache...I will always be there even when I am not and I will always wish I was there but they also say that "you never really come home again" and that is true, my grandma is gone, my own Yaya is gone, my mother is gone and we are all grown with families of our own - it would never be the same "home" again. I wish for purest of times. And the truth is I will never have it back....and boy am I glad I so enjoyed those times so much that I can relive it in my mind and heart just by closing my eyes...Memory lane always starts with so much fun and then reality sinks in...I mean really sticks in to you...I love it then and I love it now...I just live and live...I like to think about the past but I am definitely living for the present, for there is not telling what tomorrow brings.
And that is one thing I enjoy about life, there are no guarantees and you never know how this life story will end - I think that is the most exciting thing of all. The unknown is as positive as you can make it or as negative as you want it to be.
My "R" is busy working I know so I know that he will be with me soon and I can create new memories with him and one day, as I am old and grey, I will think of these memories we have together and not wished or regret that I never did make any with him - that would be a sad ending to my life story.
So until another day - keep busy making those sweet and loving memories for tomorrow, today.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Questions and why we ask them

First I would like to say that I am on a roll here. I have posted 3 days in a row, that is a first for me I think and I love being here and connecting with the world out there. I am not sure who really reads my blog but so far I have had a few hits on here and I love to see new additional countries showing up as site visits - keep them coming.
Second, I have had not a bad day lately and I am so inspired to share my thoughts to y'all.
Third, I have this recent experience where in a barrage of questions was asked of me and I thought why do people ask questions, for real.
So the thought of increasing one's vat of knowledge answers the question of why we ask questions, right? Well, there are 10002 reasons why one would ask a question, to ask for directions, to ask for further information that could be life altering (doctor- patient) , to get to know someone better, to help in making an intelligent decision (mechanic, electronic store, make up counter) etc. But the questions I detest the most are the ones that do not seem to mean anything - like it was just an afterthought, or just to bridge a very uncomfortable silence. Because I try not to be mean I answered even if irritates and makes me very, very uncomfortable answering them. See what else I think about questions I have come across lately.
Here in Argentina, people do not give it another thought to ask me how old I am, and when I tell them my age - they say - you are not! - I mean why ask and then refute! Damn! Oh excuse me.
And then there are those that ask how much money I make, like if I run out of money they will cover my internet bill, HELLO!!! Where is the line of asking inappropriate questions drawn in here anyways. I have heard others ask very personal and private questions and I do not feel like answering them - so I say I do not speak spanish and leave it at that. I mean what business it is of theirs to ask these questions. I guess if you are sucker and answers it, it is your fault. My own father do not ask me these types of questions, the gall of some people to invade my privacy and then when you return the question they do not want to answer. Go figure! It is funny really if you think of it, in a pathetic way that is.
And then there are those that ask the same question over and over and over and over - well you get the point. What is up with that? Either they did not believe you the first time you answered the question (that person questions your sincerity) or they did not hear the answer they wanted; so asking you over and over again , you might just change your answer to the one they wanted to hear. HOLA!!!
And then there are those that ask the question just to be blatantly insensitive and rude - those I hate and tell them so. I may not speak enough spanish but I know some very salient words where I find appropriate to use, as long as it is out of my "R"'s earshot.
And again there are those who ask question because you know they are envious of you. I am sure you know the type , those that want to know if your stuff are just imitations. I laugh about those and I try to really rub it to them and tell them that it is real and you have had it for ages. Or a best friend gave it to you for no special reason -knowing it cost so much.
Well let us see, we also have those that ask questions because they already know the answer but tries to see if you know something different - phishers, I call them. These I hate with a passion, there is nothing nice about a sneaky inquiry. Ambush interviewers do this and I abhor this tactic. People who know the answers to their questions equals lawyers, and we all know where they are in the line of the food chain. I guess the lousiest part about this kind is that they are aware they are doing this and it is very leech-like in manuever, very detesting and it makes me very leery to the likes of this.
There are those that ask questions in a statement form, I love to humor these types. I just agree even if I know differently. A statement is a statement and a question is an inquiry and to mix both is hilarious, don't you?
Ciao, tell me why you ask questions and what you think of those who ask them.
Another day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What do you know and what have you learned?

We have heard the line...I try to learn one thing new each day...great mantra to live by, really. But what do you REALLY know? What have you REALLY learned so far? I for one know this for sure, that I am a product of the lessons that life has taught me. One thing I love about life is that nothing is certain and that makes living great. You never know what the ending will be! I learn and live.
Read these lines below (by anonymous author) and see if you have already learned these things:
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone that can be loved. The rest is up to them.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it.
I've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts. I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do.
I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I've learned that you can keep going long after you can't.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done regardless of the consequences.
I've learned that money is a lousy way to keep score.
I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've experienced from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I've learned that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.
I've learned that no matter good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief. I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I have learned that my Life is better and enriched if I do not live it for someone else. Trust me when I say this but it will never bring you joy if you do. And life without joy is like a year without summertime, it will be sad and totally wasted.

Think about it and tell me what you have learned. See you another day. Ciao. Take care

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Please do not ask me to explain the title of this post. Thank you. I will have to wait and see how often "R" reads my postings here for me to find out what he thinks about my confessions.
I am struggling here in Argentina to adapt and make a life with my "R". He is from here so "no prob" there, but for me, I do not speak castellano very well and it frustrates me to an unbelievable and indescribable degree. I do not tell anyone but I do not have the sense of freedom here that I have in the US. I do not have a car here. Again since my spanish is limited it is frustrating for me to take the taxi and go anywhere, I am not familiar with the streets. 2 points against me. Not that I ever kept score in the past.
For instance I always end up with something I do not want, was not what I was looking for, not something I want to do, but since I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings and cannot express my own sentiments I end up with whatever! And that frustrates the be-geezez out of me!!
My friends live all over the city and they have to make an appointment to see me because I have a store to run and business to attend to. Expectations and responsibilities I can deal with, now when someone demands of my time - that gets my skin crawling and I do not like that. Let us just leave that sentence at that. Man!
"R" has always been everything but the picture and actions of true love to me. I am here because of him. It says alot I know. The sacrifices I am making is unbelievable, it still makes me cry at night when I think about who I miss out there. But again, I am here for him.
The biggest fear I have is for one day to be so frustrated that I leave after all these years, pack my bags and ask for that last kiss and say goodbye. I cry every time I am very near and at the verge of that point. It is not easy being me and being here. But again I am here because of him.
This last week was an eye opener big time, there are things that are just beyond love and our control. I sit here and am having a difficult time putting my feelings into words ...I confess, maybe I have bitten more than I can chew. I am not sure what the problem is, so I am unable to even begin to imagine the possible solution.
This I know...after weeks for search I have found myself a spanish teacher! Ms.S is just the perfect teacher for me. She came today for the first time and I have a great time learning the things that I need to learn to start conversing basics coherent castellano. To "R" this is a personal decision of mine to take a teacher as a token of my promise that I will try to do all that is humanly possible to make this business grow. I am hoping my level of frustration will lessen once I can express myself to others, join conversations and answer questions over the phone.
About the other things that I have no control over, I will let you handle that. You have better judgement than I have, I know one thing only and that I love you. I do not need anything else, as long as I have you.
I hope to practice my castellano when you get back from your trip and correct me when I make a mistake, I have a libretita to take down notes. Ms.S. was happy to take me on as a student because she thinks I am doing it all for the right reason, to improve myself.
Ciao, and see you another day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OMG, it has really been awhile since I posted ....mea culpa

Hi, everyone. I looked at the July 1st date and was amazed at how long it has been since I last posted anything here...sorry. It has been an overwhelming month (to say the least) but the adjustment I am making here in Argentina is complicated (again, to say the least) and it is not easy for both me and my "R". Not easy for him since he has to bare the brunt of my difficulties in adapting to a life here. I love the man, very much but there are just too many outside factors to make this transistion as smooth as anyone can hope for...anyhoooo.
I caught the nasty new strain of flu...the wonderful itchy throat, glamourous as always runny nose and just so sexy itchy eyes and sweet sounding raspy coughing were a constant companion. My "R" too me to the boonies and there in our little "weekend house" (jaja - inside joke) I tried to recoup back to health and was doing fairly well and then had to comeback to the city of Buenos Aires and WHAM! my cold and flu was full blown again. The cough was constant and the nose if stuffed and I was miserable. But I had to live thru it part of the adjustment I am trying to do here in BsAs and let us not forget my ever present ear infection. Huh? I thought you said something and I just did not hear you :-)
I am so sorry for my long absence here, I did not forget you all. I thought about posting but the sneezing and the..okay you get the idea.
So there I was tryin' to be nice and perty "pretty" during one of the worst colds I have had ever - at least looking at it on the bright side - I did not have a fever - phew!- I was learning to make empanadas. My "R" the "r" in sweetheaRt - was teaching me to do the repulge (twisting of the discos to seal the empanadas) and I think I am getting the hang of the twist and turn motion. My "R" cooked for me and tended to me like a sweet flower and kissed me even when my nose was redder than Rudolf's. He made sure I had my ear drops and my warm drinks - what a sweetie I know. And ladies, I have him for a looong time now. Very rare kind of guy, he is and I love him all for it. He can be hard headed sometimes but hey, we do not want to nit-pick here :-) , if he reads this he knows what I mean.
Well, try to post as much as I can, next time I get a chance I will post the empanadas I made recently. I assure you I made them myself, and yes, I like the raisins, no egg, no olives on mine. I am that traditional I know, but I never said I was.
Keep on reading my post and send me a comment when I do not write anything here.
Would love to hear from you.
See you another day, ok? Take care.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue