I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OMG, it has really been awhile since I posted ....mea culpa

Hi, everyone. I looked at the July 1st date and was amazed at how long it has been since I last posted anything here...sorry. It has been an overwhelming month (to say the least) but the adjustment I am making here in Argentina is complicated (again, to say the least) and it is not easy for both me and my "R". Not easy for him since he has to bare the brunt of my difficulties in adapting to a life here. I love the man, very much but there are just too many outside factors to make this transistion as smooth as anyone can hope for...anyhoooo.
I caught the nasty new strain of flu...the wonderful itchy throat, glamourous as always runny nose and just so sexy itchy eyes and sweet sounding raspy coughing were a constant companion. My "R" too me to the boonies and there in our little "weekend house" (jaja - inside joke) I tried to recoup back to health and was doing fairly well and then had to comeback to the city of Buenos Aires and WHAM! my cold and flu was full blown again. The cough was constant and the nose if stuffed and I was miserable. But I had to live thru it part of the adjustment I am trying to do here in BsAs and let us not forget my ever present ear infection. Huh? I thought you said something and I just did not hear you :-)
I am so sorry for my long absence here, I did not forget you all. I thought about posting but the sneezing and the..okay you get the idea.
So there I was tryin' to be nice and perty "pretty" during one of the worst colds I have had ever - at least looking at it on the bright side - I did not have a fever - phew!- I was learning to make empanadas. My "R" the "r" in sweetheaRt - was teaching me to do the repulge (twisting of the discos to seal the empanadas) and I think I am getting the hang of the twist and turn motion. My "R" cooked for me and tended to me like a sweet flower and kissed me even when my nose was redder than Rudolf's. He made sure I had my ear drops and my warm drinks - what a sweetie I know. And ladies, I have him for a looong time now. Very rare kind of guy, he is and I love him all for it. He can be hard headed sometimes but hey, we do not want to nit-pick here :-) , if he reads this he knows what I mean.
Well, try to post as much as I can, next time I get a chance I will post the empanadas I made recently. I assure you I made them myself, and yes, I like the raisins, no egg, no olives on mine. I am that traditional I know, but I never said I was.
Keep on reading my post and send me a comment when I do not write anything here.
Would love to hear from you.
See you another day, ok? Take care.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue