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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ARGO movie review

   Wow! Ben Affleck did it again.

    Yesterday, a Tuesday, I took "my R"  to the movies. Actually, I took him to see ARGO. We caught the 6:30pm preview. And as always, we had a great time. Note that everytime I take R to the movies, he never knows what movie we are watching. The element of surprise is something I revel on. I like to surprise him so he gets the chance to relax after a hard day at work. This time I threw in a little bit of history into the mix.

   ARGO is a well-told story. Based on a true story, one can never go wrong when trying to understand "what really happened" in a time in history. The fact that it was a Ben Affleck movie really made the decision to watch this movie easy for me. And for me to share it with R made it more poignant.

   Ok, now onto my review. The story was very well-told as I have mentioned. Ben Affleck was great as Tony (Antonio Mendes) the CIA agent whose task at hand was to rescue the six US Embassy of Iran employees who were able to escape during the seige of the Embassy and had sought refuge at the Canadian Embassy in Tehran. And the saga begins.

  All six employees were very good actors. The fright in their eyes were so palpable. So believable. The plot to rescue them was so far-fetched it might just work. Each one of these six people, played their part so well. Well, with a line like, "this is the best bad idea we have so far" brough a light moment in during a turning point in the movie.

   John Goodman who played Chambers, the connection Mendes had in the Hollywood world was great. I hope he gets nominated for an award. He deserves it. I also love Alan Arkin - he played Les, the movie producer who wanted "to make a fake movie, a fake hit" and the very one who coined the phrase "Argo..f*ck yourself!" was also wonderful to watch. Arkin, was an excellent choice for this part. Great acting is when the actors don't seem like they are acting. Everyone was a natural! We miss great acting, like what was delivered by this assembled ensemble in ARGO, in our movies nowadays.

    The historic and accurate depiction of the turmoil of the times were so wonderfully executed. The riots, the grotesque hangings, the TV coverages, the interviews on television by Mike Wallace, Diane Sawyer, etc. I felt transported to the exact place and time of the movie. The costume designs (the pants, the glasses, the decors, the cars, etc.) was brilliant. I remember every single aspect of the 70's as shown in this movie. The attention to detail was amazing (the TIMES magazine, the neckties, the smoking, the phones, the typewritters, hairstyles, haircuts, etc.).

    So, to continue...the movie was peppered with personal touches of the life of Mendes, his son, his wife, his house..his diet of hard-liquor, chinese takeouts and beer..and how Canadian Ambassador Taylor is such a class act and his wife was tenderly there for all of them. The househelp was a memorable persona in the movie, though her role was short, it was significant. 

   If there is one movie, you have to watch this Fall 2012, this is IT! 

   The music was also a big part of the movie. I am a fan of the 70's music and they did not fail to deliver on this aspect.  The musical score left me not wanting anything else.

   There are a few memorable one-liners in this movie. It gave the movie  lighter moments. Moments that made the whole ARGO experience complete. And learning about declassified information about the CIA Agent Mendes and his courage, conviction and dedication to his country and task at hand is commendable and inspiring. A man of true conviction and devotion to what he needs to do and being very good at doing his job - WOW!!

   From the very first second the movie began down to the last name on the credits...this movie is a winner! Kudos to Ben Affleck and the stellar cast of the movie. Every single one of them told a piece of history that made us understand what happened then during the nail-bitting and gripping time of our history. The agony must have been so much and the ordeal spirit-breaking but behind all these, due to the concerted effort of two countries and people like Mendes great things indeed can happen.

   ARGO a five-star movie! So when the awards are handed out by the end of the year from the International Press and the Oscars, you can relive the great experience of being part of validating great movies we want to keep watching in our cinemas. We love good movies but we also love great movies like ARGO!

  Thank you Ben Affleck for bringing this movie upfront and close. We need to be part of the movement that spells togetherness - with nations like Canada we can do better for the world. And for reminding us not to forget history and its significance. For servicemen like Mr. Mendes, we thank you for your service. Unsung heroes like you, who put your own life and family on the line for the betterment of all, thank you very, very much.

   Hopefully, the younger generation will watch this movie and take a lesson from it. After all, this is not a fiction movie and short of being a documentary, it is a test in understanding history and keeping humanity in perspective. Again, ARGO is a movie to watch.

   To end this review in a high note, there are things that you thought you know what this country is all about, but this movie will dispell some ideas and make one realize that what makes the US of A great are the Mendes' that make each day count and every person count. With all the cloak and dagger view we have of the CIA, we are pleased to know that the heart and pulse that beat in every single heart that works for that organization and their "defiance" to structure at times when it really matters and needed, gives us hope that we are indeed united in our pursuit to freedom and democracy.

    This movie is timeless. I am so glad I took R to the this movie. I hope you take a couple hours to watch this great story as well.

     Good morning to one and all.


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