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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Wow! Now, that is R-E-D!

This summer 2013, I am all about finding that perfect RED LIP. Summer 2013 has just been like anything that is pertinent to me, atypical. So what better way to make that bold statement than by rockin' some really RED lips. I am loving it. 

Oh and by the way, this particular lipstick has a matte finish -love, love, love it!!

Nude and beige and tan colors are fine and dandy but sometimes a nice red lip gets all the attention. And who doesn't love the attention. Ladies? Right! We all do. Nothing says come and try and get me like some pouty red, luscious and hot lips. Gotta like that!

Oh please do not think that this is so entirely out of my league. Not at all! As a matter of fact, when I was in college (at an exclusive school for girls, run by nuns nonetheless) I was notoriously known for sporting some very RED lips. I would get my stash of RED lipstick from a friend who used to travel to the USA alot. I would get one or two here and there, by the time I graduated college I have numerous empty tube of these lipsmackers. 

The rules and regulations of the college did not specify nor imply that I am headed to the hot gates of Hades by wearing some fire engine red lipstick. No siree!! The nuns tried to get me to stop using them, but that just got me determined to try even 50 shades of red. Women would come up to me and ask for not just the color but if what has the nuns have to say about my tempting bordering on sinful red lips - I say - Nothing! For I have never heard of anyone being expelled from a catholic school for adult girls who chose to wear red lipstick, so there I was. It reminds me of my better than glorious rebellious years, I guess. And the feeling and thought, invigorates me. 

Tell me NO when it comes to cosmetics and I show you how and I can do with that NO. 

I remember those lipstick as long lasting and no amount of drinking liquid, eating or kissing can erase those lipstick off. The more I tried taking them off, the more they stayed longer. At times, I thought even when I was asleep I had red lips on. Funny, but true.

When I was in college and wearing the RED LIP, my best friends in college thought, it looked good on me. Nothing was farther from the truth when it came to my two brothers. They want their girlfriends wearing them but NO, NOT me! Whoa! I said, I like it, I use it. Nuff said!!

A professor of mine once said, "Does it make you feel good that you get all that attention for mere lip color?" If he was expecting me to feel bad about such a question, I didn't. My response was I believe "Why, yes it does. It really does, thank you very much".

So there I was a freshman, first year of college and of course, everyone in school knew about me and my RED lips before the end of the first semester. Memorable. Priceless. By the rest of college, I have established myself and my RED lips in its history books. Funny how people would ask about me, not by name but by the bloody color of my lips. It would crack me up to think that lips and color, especially when it is RED can be a signature to a persona. 

I am loving the RED lipsticks and my ultimate quest for the perfect one as a way to reminisce about happy times of my life, college years. I had more fun in college than I did in high school. High school was child's play in college was when the real fun began for me. And the red lips have a big part of that.

Towards my junior years, I have seen others try to copy (imitation is the ultimate form of flattery, they say) my RED lips but some came pretty close but NAH, did I also tell you that it was not just the RED lips and the catholic school uniform that made it for me, I was also one of the first to wear the highest black high heels in that college. Talking about pushing the envelope...hahaha..

Rebellious and good times, now that is what the red lips remind me of..it did not define me, not then and obviously not now. I go through these phases like, one would like a purse. Big and tote one day, then cluth and handy the next. I love switching it up a bit here and there.

So for those looking for something "small" but BOLD to do this summer, start with the lips. I know RED lips are hot for fall and winter and more coral and pinkish for summer, but who cares, try it now. You wear the RED lips, never let it wear you, is what I say.

Well, good luck to one and all looking for just that perfect RED. The best part about looking for that one that is just right for you is you have to try loads of shades of red before you find the right one. And one tip, when you find that perfect shade make sure you buy back ups. Coz if you are anything like me, as soon as I have declared something my favorite, they discontinue it!!

So gals, keep the torch of the RED lip alive. And what better to accessorize that red lip with is with a smile and a happy thought behind that smile. Best makeup one can have in your kit!

Until next time, see you all..tomorrow is another day. We'll dig up some more goodies in my bag and see what to post tomorrow.

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  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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