I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Is Argentina for me.... or is Buenos Aires for me...

I thought spending a portion of my afternoon writing about my present location would be a good way to spend a nippy (cold) afternoon with a nice bug cup of coffee in front of me as I listen to classical music. Hmmmm..
Oh my God no, my day did not start as fabulous...first of all it is Sunday. I had not gotten a wink of sleep last night because a condo owner decided to have a party that started from 11pm and lasted until 6:30am (the last person to take the elevator down). So between trying to get some sleep and my several trips to the bathroom (since I cannot sleep) it was a long night. The noise was non-stop. Let us see, there were talking at first, then some yelling followed by a lot of giggling and laughing, some doors slamming, toilet flushing, more people coming in (elevator and front door), then there were a few cases of dropped items on the floor (the party was at the floor above mine) and then some crying and yelling again. The TV was turned on at one point, then some jumping and roaring yelps whilst the TV was playing. Oh oh oh, there was some running around chasing someone around the room...boy, I am not sure how my neighbors can handle all this but I know a few people on my floor that did not get any sleep. But what are you to do?
Sometimes this place is quite as a cemetery...and then when it gets loud - it is just plain HADES!
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I have been to several places around the world but I was never with people living in the same building making these much racket! I had loud neighbors yes, but to have a party until 6:30am, I mean I would have called the police if I was anywhere else but here. There is too much inconsiderate people in this building! There I said it!!
And they are not the owners that make the noise, I know that but their inconsiderate GUESTs from HADES!
So I sit here quietly listening to the humming of the heater, the nice music playing in the background, and the occassional passing by of a nice roaring Harley motorcycle or a BMW and I think to myself that as long as I pretend that all the noise does not bother me - these noise and these people - I am fine. They do not touch me, I will not touch them. They do not respect me and my time to sleep then...well...
I have done a lot of thinking last night and I think Buenos Aires is a place that will take a longer time to like. I am not from here and I am here just because "R" still wants me here. Argentina is full of wonderful things and wonderful people, I know that, it just so darn hard to fathom why all the noisy people live in my building - jajajaja...
I am not sure yet if Argentina is for me or if Buenos Aires is for me...I have to give it some more time to make that declaration. But in the meantime, let me crank up the volume of my radio and then walk heavily on the floor and slam some doors and just be plain nasty - you know when in Rome do as the ...
No, just kidding!
The noise revelers are animals I know that - I am more refined than that - I play a different game and I will not sink to their rat level. The last laugh is still mine - and let me tell you -it feels and sounds so good.
Oh BTW, there was this blog about a person who does not like to be greeted HI or Hello on the streets by the foreigners in that person's said neighborhood - and I thought - how sad. But like "R" always said - it shows that person has a problem and I say HOW TRUE, HOW TRUE.
And for those people wondering if they should come to Argentina, Buenos Aires - they should wonder no more and pack those bags, update those visas but just make sure not to give up your apartment lease from your point of origin. One day it will occur to you that it is always a good feeling to know that you can step away from this place to regain some REALITY and make a mental check and take that vacation where you last remembered having a great time.
But by all means come and come with loads of money, time and patience.
Today BsAs tomorrow Paris...and we keep the world tourism going..
Let the good times roll...

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue