I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

When is your Porteno not really a Porteno...

So far I have been seeing, listening and watching all kinds of Portenos. No, I am not in the prowl for anyone else - I have my very own Porteno but thank you for asking.. Going back to the topic...I watched and have heard conversations on public streets between gals and guys that are from Buenos Aires (thus Portenos); the most interesting thing is that when two Portenos talk to each other you learn a little bit about what makes them stand out amongst all the other guys I have watched, heard and listened to - and thought I should write about how MY PORTENO is not REALLY that much of a Porteno besides the fact that he comes from Buenos Aires. And that is about it! I am sure I will hear from him, once he sees this post - and I will tell you if my observations gets the nod or the shaking of the head :-)
When is your Porteno not REALLY a Porteno:
1) He does not use the word Che or Maestro to refer to and while talking to others; though he thought "La Piba" describes me very well.
2) He does not fight with the taxi driver and try to find out who knows the BsAs streets better.
3) He uses his signal lights - always. And stays within and inside the lane, no drifting.
4) He refuses to honk at anytime.
5) He does not use profane language - though he knows them.
6) He prefers for me not to learn or use lunfardo words.
7) He opens the car door for me and never missing to do it every single time. ( I know, "WOW"!)
8) He never likes to raise his voice or argue about anything. He relates better with people who take their turns when talking.
9) He does not drink Mate.
10) He acutally knows the name of various beef cuts, what they are best used for (stew, grilling, stir-fry,etc) and what part of the cow it is from. And he is not a butcher or a vet.
11) He cooks various delicious dishes from scratch.
12) He never liked long hair on men but abhors it more when it is dirty! Yuck!
13) He knows where the best heladeria is within 1 block of any place and he knows which one is best. And likes to get only the best ones.
14) He knows cafecito, cafe doble, etc. are but he is not a coffee person.
15) He knows what a good flan tastes like or what the best dulce de leche is but does not care much for it either.
16) He does not have a favorite futbol team.
17) He expects excellent customer service both from private and public establishments.
18) He knows Buenos Aires has the best leather but prefers to shop for shoes at Nordie's.
19) He is punctual and on time. And is sorely disappointed when others are not.
20) He does not like loud or late night parties.
21) He eats his pizza, empanadas and migas with his fingers.
22) He actually says and admits that he does not know EVERYTHING.
23) He is not shy to ask for directions.
24) He can actually tell a story without waving his hands too much.
25) He loves his work, what he does and never complains about it.
26) He obeys parking laws, tax laws, driving laws and does this even when no on is watching - always.
27) He knows the work and reads Borges and actually have most of his books, if not all.
28) He knows of salsa golf but I have never seen him using it on anything.
29) He loves to shop T n Co. jewelry for me. And gives it without me asking for them... okay so I expect it on certain dates and occassions of the year.. but nevertheless..
30) ...(put you own observation here...)
This list by no means all of it, but I thought I should write these things down before I forget about how MY Porteno is not your usual, run of the mill Porteno. And in a lot of ways, he is who he is and I love him just for that - with sense of humor and a large heart - ALL SWEET - My R.
I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did in writing it.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue