I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

She was shocked!

It has been very cold here in Buenos Aires the last couple of days. I mean 8degree to 9degrees. Brrrr! So you get to bundle up and drink lots of warm to hot beverages to stay warm. Then there are the fashionable shoes and boots with the sweater, jackets and scarves ( I love so love them!). But most of all the one item that is dominating the news is the farmers strike -3rd time already and so far no agreements in sight. It is a very long and tedious story and sad to say both sides are holding out as long as they can. One party has gotten almost petty to a ridiculous extent, but hey, I do not run the government here so I just sit back and see what transpires. It is sad really how it is dividing the people of Argentina..but on a lighter note, I am in the city and follows the news via the radio.
Funny, how that sounds coming from me, I do not speak the much castellano! But one we go..
So a day or so ago, I was in need of a "white out" aka liquid eraser or a tape like function of such an item. So I am familiar that on this street I live on, has book supply store a block or so away. SO all bundled up and with good walking shoes, I grabbed my keys, some money and my sunglasses - always have sunglasses - I do not recommend wrinkles to anyone. So I got there - they just opened and only one guy buying something while he talks with his wife over the radio-phone (so irritating and loud beeping sound!!) so I said , Perdon - as I tried to walk side ways past him on the aisle. I was assisted by a nice young lady and I told her what I was needing and she gave me that and then went to get an added item on my list - carbonica, I got 2 of those and then I found the tape version of my white out - I got that too, just in case the unknown brand of liquid white out does not work out for me. So I said that was all and I thanked her. I paid and she gave me the receipt and my loot in a bag. I also said - as a habit - que tengas un buen dia - as I turned around and started to walk away - SHE WAS SHOCKED!! - She went to the 2 other girls in the back (having mate) and said - that I said - have a nice day and that she never heard that before. I smiled as I slipped my sunglasses back on and pulled the door on my way out. I smiled some more because I knew she knew that my american-accented castellano gave me away but it was very good to know she first heard the phrase from me.
That made me feel good, and I never thought a cold day like that day would give me something warm and fuzzy to think about. :-)
My "R" would be smiling if he was reading this. I am learning and so far so good.
I miss my "R".

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue