I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I beg to differ - Part I

I like the people in BsAs (Buenos Aires), I think I have said that numerous times on this blog. I have grown to like the places in BsAs as well. I am learning my way around the labyrinth of one- way streets, intersections, dead end streets and streets changing names past a major intersection and I like the charm of it all.
The person that I care so deeply about is a porteno, and I am here because of him. No other reason but him, not the tango, not the real estate, not the empanada, not the shopping, not the Patagonia, not the beef, not the wine or anything like that, I am here because of my porteno.
We have an established and blended family life together, and our integrated family spans continents and homes. My coming here was a well-contemplated move on my part. My "R" is here and thus so I should be, he knows my being here is a big sacrfice for me and his telling me that he knows that fact makes me love him even more. I am under no grand illusion that my displacing my life to Argentina will be easy, nor was it a great stroke of luck because for one I am struggling with the castellano part, but that does not deter me from having the best time of my life here in Buenos Aires. I am willing to learn and learn fast on how to make myself happy in a totally new environment for me, I do all these because of love.
What I cannot stand are those irritating, garapinadad blogs glorifying Buenos Aires when we know that there are "stuff" that requires us to take off our rose colored glasses and see a spade and call it a spade. People in blogs who talk about what magnificent it all is and all that - pulleezzz - I have seen the good and appreciate them because I have seen the bad as well. Please people who blog about Buenos Aires and just paint this fantabulous picture - DO NOT INSULT my intelligence by telling me that all is well in paradise, it is not! You know you are telling the untruth if you tell me otherwise, let me say inflation at 25%, the chaotic fast and hellish drivers of PanAmericana, bellowing blasck smoke from buses,etc. I see poor people begging, I see bad drivers, I see hungry kids eating out of garbage cans at night when they collect los cartones on my street - there is nothing romantic about that, now is there - SO I BEG TO DIFFER when bloggers blog and sugar coated the BsAs that is not; do not get me wrong - I love my house here, I love every second I am with my "R" here, trust me no amount of money can replace those precious moments but please do not tell me that all is well her in BsAs otherwise we would not hear people crabbing about how it is so bad in here politics,government, food prices sky-rocketing because I too have travelled to several places and even to my own 3rd world homeland and have seen poverty, hunger and pain - I call it like I see it. Do not take those observations from me because they are part of my experience and in a way it endears those people to me, knowing I am in love with a porteno, an Argentinian and I love him because of what he is and not mainly who he is - he is a self made man and that alone has no color, creed or religion and obviously no nationality that dictates what he should be, he defines himself and does not let his origin define him. I love that about him.
And God forbid you make a comment in one of these blogs and say something slighty negative and WHAM! - they give you the - you do not like it here - "you go home" one-liners. I mean geez - what is with the not being able to take a negative but accurate observation comment huh? Is that now against the law? Or it that the infamous ego we so rampantly hear about?
I am a blogger and I like to look at things in BsAs and comment on them. You do not like it - well, tough! And for those who do not like what I say (just like what I am doing to those blog that I BEG TO DIFFER with) they too should write their own blog and rag about me. I am not solely dedicated to saying negative things about BsAs but should I see something positive in the next day or so I will surely let you know! Deal? Deal!

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue