I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An acquired taste..

So...5 days into my being in Buenos Aires and I have preliminarily decided (have been numerous times before) that learning to love BsAs (being an "un-native") is like liking bleu cheese - it is an acquired taste. OK, so some people like it right away, and others swear it off right off the bat; while others who are more on the undecisive side from the onset will most likely learn to love it more - it kindda grows on you.
I am a city girl - given but I like the countrysides as well, especially in Argentina. The city is where the life is but sometimes it is also good to seek and quest for some Zen. Sometimes even this city girl needs to hear myself think or at least hear my heartbeat at night and not just feel it.
Well, I digress - back to the acquired taste part of this all. I am an "un-native" and I find that for the first time in my several trips in the past the prospect of completing a home (decor-wise) is putting a very positive energy and spin to my whole taste to the place. I could finally see myself living part in the country and part in the city. And why not? I can have the best of both worlds. I mean it is not a cut here or there - make a choice kindda thing, right? And I like that - it keeps in theme with my positive line of thinking and sustains my positive energy all around.
In the city, I feel like the movement outside keeps me going in the countryside, it is mostly peace and quiet - I mean I like it - please do not get me wrong but after awhile it can get a sane person insane with all that quietness. There are people who live for that _ and I salute them for it but it is just not me to be all ZEN all the (pardon my french here - fr*&kin') time.
I get nervous with the commute from the countryside into BsAs but it is something that I will have to deal with in the near future and I am sure after having driven in the my motherland - is a great preparation to driving here.
BsAs is not Argentina, I found that out this last 5 days. Really after being out of the city for a few days BsAs is alive but I look forward to being a part of both parts Capital Federal and the quaint city 50some odd kilometers north.
And as for that bleu cheese analogy - I like it and I think there is hope for me yet - now if I can only freakin' learn the language I would really be head over heels in love here. But - there is hope...
In the meantime, try the bleu chees - you will surprised what it can do for you.
Ciao, 'til next time.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue