I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Female Pisces, I am...

   George Washington, Gloria Vandebilt, George Harrison, Sidney Poitier, Steve Jobs, Elizabeth Taylor, Johnny Cash, Levi Strauss, Jackie Gleason, Fats Domino and Victor Hugo, my brother.
   These are the people who share the same Zodiac sign as I do, Pisces.
   I was thinking about what can I post today and the thought of giving you glimpse of my trait and personality came to mine - so VIOLA!
   Let's start with Pisces, people born between the inclusive dates of Feb19 - March 20 are Pisces. The personal character I guess I can only talk about is me, a female Pisces.
   Let's get rockin'. So, born under the Chinese Zodiac Pisces, my ruling planet is Neptune, I myself do not really know what that means but I have read and heard about this iota of trivia and decided to include it here. Pisces is represented by two fishes swimming in opposite direction of each other. To me this means duality. My ever constant struggle of spiritual soul and wordly, physical body.
   I adapt easily with my environment. I can easily get tuned-in with my surroundings and that includes feelings and emotions of the people around me. I am empathetic and creative. What is not typical is that I am idealistic and can be impractical at times to everyday run of things.
   I am sensitive and intuitive and am never strictly by the book kinda person. When I choose a path or make a decision, most of the times I can focus on that and have been known to exclude everything else. My nature is to learn things by absorption.

    I am into style, luxury and pleasure, my worldy attributes. I am always "GO" when it comes to a new adventure. When I travel, I am open to everything.

   I have been told that I am sacrificing and compassionate, oftentimes to a fault.

   The negative things, I am never into structure or regimental on going about things. I abhor conventional wisdom. I am easily lied to because I so want to believe in people, that they good and would not hurt me. I keep the faith. I am a melancholy sort of person. I tend to be ritualistic about my exercise.

   As a Pisces ( a water sign) I am fluid, meaning ever changing.

   I love because it comes natural to me. Love is never a halfway matter to me.

   I am loyal and devoted. Over-sensitive and idealistic .I seek fulfilling and long, lasting friendship. I seek what I give in return. Mostly mysterious and elusive describes me exactly. I do not do this intentionally, it is just in my nature. I trust my gut and instincts, all the time; for it has never failed me.

    In a few words, let me say Pisces is called the most sensitive of all zodiac sign for a reason. Exactly.

    I love being a Pisces because I would not want to be anything else.




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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue