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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Update on Keratosis Pilaris

I am very happy to say, I have no more traces of KP on any part of my body.
One thing that I am certain about is that the combination of lotions and exfoliating with a drastic change in my diet, helped tremendously in the rapid and effective reduction of KP rashes.
I still get the itching every now and again, but nothing a handful of moisturizing lotion concoction can't cure. My hairs have somehow hastened in its growth (armpits and legs) but it has left a nice smooth complexion all over my body. Any excess lotion I have on my hands and between my fingers after each application I run it on my glutes and I might say it leaves me with buttocks that are as smooth as a baby's bottom. No kidding!
My elbows have also smoothened and the change on my knees are remarkable. The wrinkles are gone and smooth. In the wake of my KP, I have also to the best of my ability avoided eggs and cheese, the salty ones are the culprit. I can feel the itch almost I as consume these products.
So far my diet is still gluten-free.
I am not sure I am going to be turned into a vegan because of this but again so far my gradual return to my "normal" diet has had no adverse effect on my skin. I am staying off the cheese and eggs as to just not push my luck on that department.
I am not sure I have cured myself of KP but I will manage it the best I can. If it means lotions and exfoliating, I do these anyways, I just need to use specific products to avoid break outs. And the diet, I was due to live healthy anyways, so I have a better reason to have started it early rather than just thinking about it for the future. The time to change is now, so for my skin, I make the needed changes on what I put into my body, now.
It is not to say, it is easy. R loves his cheese and eggs. So I decided to just eat something different than what he is having. I stick to what I want and he can have whatever he likes. We both are happy with out food choices, and that is that. No need to over think this really. Only I know what makes me breakout and tempted as I am to have a small piece of what he is making, no I prefer to just go about my diet as I see fit. It could at times be bland so I throw in a salad. Everything takes good with salad.
I hope this is my last post on KP and to those who are going through it, let me say, find the right solution for you. There is no set or prescribed way of dealing with KP. It is a case to case basis. Read as much as you can on the subject and make some changes on your diet. You migh think it is so small of a change to make a difference, it will only help.
And no matter what you do, do not scratch it! Scars are harder to get rid of in the end. It will get better. It will disappear. But in the meantime, find that cure to relieve the itch and for women, we need to get rid of the unsightly rashes.
Now, I can wear sleeveless and backless halter neck dresses, being summer and all, without worrying about any nasty rashes showing. It did not feel like I was going to 3 weeks ago, but because I stuck to my regimen of skin care and diet changes, here I am wearing a tank top.
It may seem bad, but KP is not as bad as it looks. The cure is within you. Find it.

I am looking forward to posting about my trip to Northern California this past weekend. Pictures included.
I hope this helps.

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue