I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Summer of 2015

And here I am, again.

It has taken me months to "retrieve" passwords to get back in here. Funny how I keep these passwords in safe places and write them encypted and then spend loads of time trying to decipher them. I try to protect my blog so very well, I even "forget" what they are sometimes. Anyhoo..

After my trip to Argentina (Buenos Aires, as usual), I stayed in Southern California most of the time.
With an occassional trip an hour or two to either direction for the weekends and spend some wonderful summer days with "R", enjoying our time together, taking pictures, looking for familiar and not so familiar restaurants to dine in. 

Summer of 2015 is unusually HOT this year. Shorts and plain tees were mostly what was comfortable to wear this time around. Pants can be quite warm even for an evening wear. So shorts, it is. I also decided to keep my pixie cut hair. I love it when I get to spike them. 

My vegetarian diet is still going strong, I have never craved anything so badly that I even thought of eating meat again. The idea or thought does not entice me anymore. I am happy with my veggies and fruits, thank you very much.

Yoga, is still a discipline I follow. Not as religiously as I did before. I incorporated a resistance band into the routine. I do lots of core workout, though. Some basic 10 minute workout three times a week works very well with me.

But, let me tell you about the best part about my Summer of 2015. I found, the ever so lovable "Poirot" portrayed by the ever so lovely David Suchet in Netflix. I watched every episode, at least twice, so far. From Season 1 until Season 11. Season 12 will be available in Netflix September 30, 2015. I can hardly wait.

I will not go into the details of the merits of this wonderful series. Everything that "little Belgian gent" by Agatha Christie, except to say, it really made my Summer of 2015 so exciting and complete.
I sat and enjoyed every little bit of Poirot's little grey cells at work and play.

David Suchet is great. I love the man and his portrayal of Poirot. I cannot remember the last time I was so glued to the telly watching and rewatching each episode. I made my schedule for the day around watching at least 2 episodes, until I've watched them all. Thank you BBC.

I have peppered my language with Poirot's choice words and phrases. That is how he has affected me so much. "R" is amused by my taking a keen liking to this ever so kind human being. He is as real to me as the table I have before me. He is a true entertainer, David Suchet. He makes me think, memorize and be in awe of what is happening around me. His influence is profound. I hope to see more of Mr. Suchet's work in the future.

I have always been fascinated by the French language and now thanks to Poirot, I have a substantial repertoire of French phrases that I love saying...accents ala Poirot, mind you. 

Of course, I have to also mention my admiration to the ever affable Capt Hastings, so efficient and devoted Miss Lemon and Chief Inspector Japp, and in the latter part, his butler George. I am so giddly with delight of the whole ensemble. Such perfect casting. What is there not to love, huh?

All I can say is, go to Netflix binge watch Poirot, you will never feel guilty about ever watching quality TV ever again. I mean intellectual shows on TV are so hard and far in between if ever at all that we find them today, but Poirot...is Poirot!

Summer of 2015 is memorable for me, in so many levels. Personally, a lot of things have happen but Poirot was pure delight and joy. Sometimes, I even think it kept me sane. Watch and learn lots of things. Never a dull moment watching Poirot, I tell ya.

Well, get to Netflix and enjoy David Suchet's brilliant portayal of Poirot. 

You can thank me later. Have a good Tuesday, and see y'all back here tomorrow, ok?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

My trip to Argentina 2015

I love Argentina.

I like the food, I like the places, I get a kick out of the "colectivos", the train, Chinatown in Arribenos, I am in love with their helados, I adore the people. Family and friends are there, and the wine with very good conversation over an asado can be quite an experience.

I have been there several times. I even lived there for awhile. I love everything Argentinian!

My last visit was last month. I enjoyed every moment of it. Let me say upfront that R and I did not stay at any hotel. We met up with dear friends and our few days went by so fast. But since we are very good with time management, we did so much in a very short period of time. We did what mattered the most, family and friend visits were delightful and sweet.

Let us talk food...
 Quince pastry....
 Home cooked empanada.....
 Ricotta filled ....
 Bock..Dark Beer..Quilmes...
 You'll scream for this ice cream...
 Fried rice in CHINATOWN...
 Saladitos...my all time favorite..
 Oh, pizza! It was very good, as always.

Miga....Veggies inside...

I am sharing photos because I wanted to share them with you. The smell of food in Argentina Buenos Aires, is almost like a warm hug, it felt good and tasted very good. I wanted to share them with you all out there. 

Somethings in life are meant to be shared...food is definitely one of them.

Photos of places to follow...

Keratosis Pilaris... REVISITED

Would you believe, I have had no KP occurence for over a year now?

Yes. The fact is when I changed, more like revolutionized, my eating habits, KP was just a thing of the past. It is very difficult to imagine that when I had them at that time, I was preparing myself for a lifetime of constant care and itching and let's face it, covering up body parts that would otherwise be exposed but had to be covered because KP rashes are..whem, embarassing!

The itch was one thing. But finding some sort of relief from it was a nightmare. I would read about it on the internet and just head to the nearest pharmacy to "try this product out, maybe it will be the magic cure!" Phew! I am so over it now.

I tried just about everything. All the products that was out there, trust me, I tried them all. Lotions, I tried those that helped before the exfoliating and after a shower. It was tiresome and exhausting. My days with KP was a constant struggle. The itching was the worst, I am picker. If I had an itch I would scratch it until it bled!! I even tried spraying KP areas with medication with anesthesia, to numb the itch. It was that bad.

But then, since food is the main source of KP recurrence, I thought why feed myself with protein that feeds the flare ups. So I've eaten nothing but veggies since that moment of realization. I revolutionized my diet. And it works for me. It was not easy, but if I can do it, YOU can do it.

The benefits of sacrificing any meat sourced protein being put into my body has outweighed my suffering KP. I made the change because I had KP, KP did not have me! Attribute that to my always wanting to be in control of what was trying to control me. I mean, imagine yourself scratching all day long. And itching comes in the most inopportune moments. I love my sleeveless tees and since KP shows on my legs, thighs, arms, back, neck, every-freakin'-where in my body...I said STOP! There has to be a better way.

 And my all veggy diet (was a process and moral decision) helped tremendously in keeping myself KP free.

In no way, shape or form am I giving any definite medical advise, but nutrition as a contributing factor to KP flaring up in my case, I had to re-think my options and game plan. I was not going to let KP curtail my love for wearing what I wanted to wear and comfort when around people.

If you are desperate as I was everytime KP showed up on my body, veggy diet is worth a thought and if you are brave enough to go on it, try it. You would be surprised what a non-meat diet can do for you and your skin.

I love fish (sushi and I had a love affair!) but when I went veggy, I went all the way!

Sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures. So for awhile now, I have been staying far away from meat (beef, pork, chicken, etc) and fish (all forms). Not in soups even.

YOU can do it. There is hope for KP sufferers out there. Comment below if you have questions.
I would love to hear from you. Good luck!

BTW, I took the veggy diet on my own. Internet was not much help in encouraging one to do this without medication, ointment, sprays or lotions.

I hope this helps. And please, don't scratch KP, it can leave nasty scars!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Hi, Everyone.

Let me be positive and send out tons of happy vibes your way. Happiness is a personal choice. And you can achieve it by deciding that no matter what others throw your way if you choose to be happy, you will be. Guranteed! It is all about choosing and not wavering in your owning that choice to be positive and that will bring you happiness.
 I want to be happy in a daily basis. Not just contentment, but happiness.

I am happy and let me count the ways:

a) I have done what I love (farming) and helping people in the process
b) I have met up with high school friends and loving every moment of it.
c) I am a vegetarian and have never looked back
d) I choose to make others laugh, often times at my expense, and I am OK with that.
e) I live my truth. For life is too short to worry about the lies in this world.
f) I travel.
g) Taking pictures, is a good stress relief. And it makes me smile.
h) Loving back those that love you, and finding new ways to love more.
i) Letting go of the past and keeping it there. I found that accepting that there is nothing in God's       good earth, I can do to change the past, I am better because of it.
j) I have my daily moments of gratitude. Be thankful for the things and people in your life but be mostly grateful for the strength that those not-so-good times have given me.
k) I have been flexible. Going with the flow have eased the knot that I had constantly had at the base of my neck. Life has a way of reminding you of what IS, when you start making plans.
l) I do what I can for the right reasons. And when in doubt, I don't.
m) You have the sole control of how miserable you want to be, do not ever give that power to someone else.
n) When you do something out and for love, you can never be wrong.
o) I make it a point to make my "R" laugh each day.
p) It is always good to take a deep breath, exhale and smile.
q) I am happy because I am me. I am perfect just the way I am. In my imperfections, I am perfect. And you are too. Acceptance of one's self, is the key to not being judgemental to others. The world will be a better place because of you and what you do and how you treat your self, to make it better.

It is good to be back. Take care, everyone.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue