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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Trip to Europe - Series 1 - Do your homework!

Often, when you plan a trip you think of the places you want to go to, how long and when. But we all know the rules changes when we are no travelling alone or our travel partners have a must-see list themselves. And to think that complications begin even you start the trip.

Take a deep breath, and exhale. Think of making your approach, simple. Why are you taking this trip together. And stick with that mantra everytime things start to get complicated again. Planning time is not the time to get into the points of contentions. Give a little, take a little. 

Ok, back to the planning.

R and I decided this trip was about us. Two-gether! We will remind ourselves that as many times as needed along the way, planning and packing stage. And when you get to your destination, the real test of generosity is tested to the limited. Remember, this trip is about the two of you. Now is not the time to be selfish. Even if you have to drag yourself out of bed to get ready in the morning. Just do it and by the end of the day, it will get better. Even if your travel partner is at times demanding and a tad selfish, just be the better person and do it. Just to keep the peace and you will learn that actually it only seems bad because you did not have coffee yet.

With the mindset, all in order. You start the actual planning. When do you want to go? What places, cities and countries do you want to visit? What at the sights you want to hit? Hotels?

Do your homework! Read about these places. Get a map, if you plan to take the train. Get some reading materials. Mr. Google is your friend. Check out the actual street location of the hotels you are considering in the cities you have picked. 

Time of the year to travel can affect not only your budget but also the packing and wardrobe you have to take. And for us ladies, the makeup we have to take and the accessories to go with it. Shoes, sneakers, boots, sandals..the choices can entail a bigger suitcase than what you have in your closet.

But have no fear, I will walk you through that.

Summer time in Europe is great. Weather is splendid and the crowd is buzzing. But note that the hotels are packed and museums are swarming with people. Peak season, they call it. But if you love the cold weather, go in low season, autumn or winter. Prices are low and not a lot of people around but the museums might have lesser hours or worst, closed.

We chose to travel at summer time because if was the only time that we can make it. Simple as that. In every scenario, there is always a positive side and a downside to it. Just decide and make it those dates work for you. Anytime is ideal, really. As long as you make it ideal, it will be.

Summer time in Europe in 2016 was unusually warm. It was sandal weather. Jeans and tshirt weather. Light on the makeup. Sunglasses, must have.

Ok so dates are set. Reading materials and maps handy. Now, you look for hotels. Let me warn you, you have to diligently check hotels and their fluctuating prices. One minute the price per night is this and then you go back to it later and the prices have changed, to a higher one. Be prepared for this. In cities where there are conferences or conventions, concerts and shows, be ready for high hotel prices. Consider lodging outside of the main city. A train ride or tram ride away from the city center can save you loads of cash. That map comes in handy at this point.

I have used several online hotel sites. They worked very well for me. R did not have to do anything except for one hotel where he had to book it himself because there were no available hotels in the 10 mile radius of a particular city we had chosen.

Remember, you are doing this to have fun and enjoy yourselves. Do not make it difficult on yourself.

If you have a list of countries and cities you are visiting, hotels all booked. Now think about the museums and their locations and hours. Be prepared always. Check the distance of these museums and their hours and have a flexible plan on the order you want to see them. It is always fun to just not have a rigid schedule on these kinds of things. Spontaneous, is the order of the day.

Print maps, hotel confirmations and have them handy as you coordinate with Mr. Google. 

The best part about trip planning was the fact that we visited them online. And be amazed about how fabulously different it looked in person. Think positive all the time and the anticipation of actually seeing it makes the whole experience even more than you expected. You will be surprised how the photos online, never gives the actual place or painting justice. That is why we travel, we want to see these places and experience them in person.

With regards to hotels, most hotel chains (hostels were never a consideration for us) have 1-800 numbers call them up and ask if you have any questions prior to booking. 

Everything has wifi and internet in Europe. They have toothpaste, deodorant, pads and lotions in there as well. Surprise, surprise! I loved the fact that I was able to color my hair over there, on my own, in the hotel. 

We also decided to travel light. One hand carry luggage, not to be checked in going to Europe but only check in on our return from there back to the US. That excercise was liberating! We saw how people lugged around their gigantic suitcases and struggled with them on stairs. This is never a good look on anyone! 

When packing...the magic number is three (3)! That worked wonders for me. Three pants, tshirt, socks, underwears and blouses. Train yourself to think that this will work for you and start packing early. Each time you review your luggage, take an item out. Before you know it, you have coordinated your wardrobe and have eased the load and weight of your luggage. Makeup is another matter. There is really no need to bring 4 shades of foundation or 6 lipsticks! Bring the basics and one of each will be just fine. I took a palette for eyeshadows, one shade of foundation, blush and bronzer duo, concealer, color corrector, 2 shadow brushes, beauty blender, eyebrow pencil with brush cap, setting spray and 2 lipsticks. 2 large brushes for setting powder and blush/bronzer. Just remember to wash them often.

Going light is better for your back and it leaves more room for souvenirs! Now, that's what I'm talking about.

Load up on scarves. Nothing jazzes up an outfit like a sharp looking scarf. I'll leave that comment as it is. Lifesaver!!

Shoes. Well, this is a matter of personal choice really. I like my espadrilles when travelling. Light and goes with everything. I wore the boots, since they are heavy and bulky. 

Remember, black is still the dominant color in Europe. Black clothes, shoes, jeans - everywhere. And it goes with everything. For a pop of color, use an accent accessory, necklace or earring, wristband, scarf. 

I carried a small crossbody leather black bag all the time. It worked out very well for me. I just rolled up a small fabric tote inside it. When we bought things during our day walks in museums and shops or streets, I will put them in there and carry them back to the hotel in the evening. 

I also brought in my luggage a large tote bag. When we took the train from one city to another, I pack our lunches in there. Handy, and any trash we had I stick them in there to be disposed as soon as I see a recycle bin or trash can when we get to our train destination. 

Remember, failure to plan is planning to fail. Plan with lots of flexibility in mind. 

If you have specific questions, just drop me a line here and I'll try to answer them. I want to be able to help those that are still on the fence about travelling to Europe. Go and see what the world has to offer. I made loads of new friends and I saw an old friend, and I loved every second of it.

Tomorrow, I will start a post about a city in Europe that is so close to my heart, Amsterdam.

See you tomorrow then....

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