I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Breathe in. Breathe out. 

To say that I have been gone for awhile would definitely be an understatement of the century. I always find myself apologizing for my absence but in my defense, it has been an ardous several years. 

Let me give you a quick run down on what has happened so far:

2017 - was in another county looking for employment.

2018 - found employment and was very pleased with the job, but not the pay.

2019 - went on a trip to Europe and Asia

2020 and 2021 - a blur really! Work was still there but in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic there was a death in the family. Became part of the Great Resignation. 

2022 - (first 6 months) looked for and landed another job but..

2022 - (now) - looking for that "dream company" and will stop looking for that "dream job"

So far, that has what happened, I will try to break them down by year when I blog about it. 

It was the "best of times and the worst of times" sort of stories that I have in store. I am still reeling from the grief that I am trying to manage and process. Definitely, learned so many lessons in these several years of journey. 

And if you are asking why I chose the picture above, it is because in the great scheme of things, we are just but a dot on this journey called life, but if you do enough with what you are and what you have, someone, somewhere will be looking at you and say, "how beautiful" or "that took my breath away". That is all I am really living for at this time, to be a moment where I can take someone's breath away not by the force of nature that you think you see it to be but the beauty that lies within me. 

The pandemic with all the lessons that it has taught us (hygiene, empathy, honesty) left an indelible mark on me - and it is that - people who care, cares and people who don't, dont! 

More posts, more life stories, more pictures very soon.

Thank you for checking up on me. 

I hope to see you, tomorrow. Stay safe.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Trip to Europe - Series 8 - Ice Cream

Unless one is lactose intolerant, who doesn't love ice cream, right?

Europe has some of the best ice cream in the world. R and I are ice cream fanatics. We never pass up a good ice cream cone or cup or ice cream bar. Heck, if find excuses just to walk 2 blocks or more to get the best ice cream shop all around our Europe trp. Each time!

There is this ice cream bar on a stick, called ROYAL. It is comparable to the ones we can buy at a local gas station or 7-11 here in the US. But, let me tell you even the cheapest ice cream bar is excellent there. I guess, the quality of the milk and cream is above par over there. Creamy and smooth, all the time. The chocolate that covers said ice cream bar is also heavenly. I love dark chocolates, so the darker and thicker it is, I'm in heaven!!

There are also ice cream shops that litter almost every corner of every city in every country in Europe. Ask a local merchant where he buys his ice cream and I bet you he will steer you to the best ice cream shop in town. And if the place is indeed popular, it will be for a fair price and the store will be a hole in the wall with a line of people waiting to get their ice cream cone fix for the day. The more locals in cue, the better.

Well, here are the photos, I have of my ice cream favorites. These photos are mine and each one holds a sentimental value to me, each one comes with great memories. Enjoy!
This ROYAL comes in various flavors - the classic vanilla with dark chocolate is a winner.

 Creamy and smooth vanilla ice cream covered with thick dark chocolate with chunks of dark chocolate - a winner!
 My favorite of them all. This small bowl is worth going back to Europe, for sure! I shared it with one very, very special person on earth!!  Lovely memories.

Pistachio is always a classic flavor for me. Sharing an ice cream cone, makes the experience even that memorable. I think R took more of a bite than I thought he did :-)

Europe travels are always best remembered with milestones. But for me, I remember the best places by the quality of ice cream they have to offer. I'm just that way.

See you all again soon....

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Europe by Trains

                                               Our love affair with trains!

      R and I love a nice train ride. 

      Wherever we go if there is a train ride to be had, we are right on it. Our love affair with trains started a very long time ago. Of course, we have taken short train rides in the lovely city of Buenos
Aires when we are there, but there is nothing like riding the trains in Western Europe. If my memory serves me right, it was in the city of Amsterdam that this train ride excitement first began.

      The punctuality of the trains in Europe is something that we just praise and love. The trains themselves are well maintained (by the looks of them). The staff that runs the train system is always helpful and the feeling that it leaves you is that they truly appreciate your business and patronage. 

     From the moment we bought our train tickets on line before our trip even began down to the very moment we got off the train itself, the experience has always been pleasant and enjoyable. It is not difficult to really enjoy your trip if segements of your trip is served by train systems that are really there to please you. 

     The train stations are great. The conductors are great. The clarity of time and platform locations are great. The section seats on the trains are great. The comfort is exceptional. You get the idea. 

     For those who are on the fence regarding travelling by train in Europe, I say, try it. And your future trips will definitely include train rides, it is that good. The train stations work like Swiss clockwork. Dependable and of high quality. It will never leave you wanting.

    We were traveling light, so it was easy to get off and on our designated train sections. They have a food section in every train. You can travel first class or second class. We loved the fact that reservations on seat was available when securing your tickets online. 
     Each train station we went to was always delightful to those we passed (without disembarking) was fun to watch and admire. Well lit and seats available for those passengers waiting for their corresponding trains. I love it!

     It is so easy to decide to fly from one major city to another but if you ever have the chance to take the train, please treat yourself to the joy the train systems in Europe can give you. More than the people and the food, I enjoyed in Europe..it was the series of train rides that R and I took that hold such delightful moments for me. I don't think I will ever have enough of those trains. I am sure R feels the same way (well maybe not as passionate as I do, but he likes them I know!).


Both our bags were small (though it was at times heavy) so getting on and off the train was a snap.
Due to the size we were able to easily place these over head racks by our designated seats.

Netherlands, Germany and the Scandinavian countries have awesome train systems. Treat yourself to a short or a longer ride. You will love it!

Friday, October 21, 2016

KP Lotion

I used these 2 products when I had KP. I am not a doctor but these 2 lotions worked for me together with a controlled diet avoiding irritants that can cause or aggravate the flare ups of KP.

Please consult your doctor or dermatologist before using these products.

Due to numerous KP questions, I am taking a quick break from my Europe trip to address these questions. I am hoping my experience help you in conquering your KP.
The Amlactin on the left, I use multiple times a day. Whenever needed. The one on the right I use after my morning shower and nighttime shower.

I hope this helps.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Trip to Europe - Series 7 - Hotels

   Next to the airline tickets, I am pretty sure the accommodation cost and preferences get the most attention in everyone's preparation list when planning a trip to Europe. But sometimes, it can be more than just lodging.

   Hotels come in all sizes and price range. There are friends who in their well intentions suggests a place or two for you to consider. There are a good number of websites and promo prices online. There are a ton of ads in any magazine on hotels in all cities of Europe. Remember, YOU will be travelling and it is YOU that will be living in these quarters, so it is best to yes, consider the suggestions but go online and look at the traveler's photos on each hotel and take the time to read the various reviews posted. Take these resources and make up your own mind about what will best work for you. Hotel photos tend to be focused on the best feature of each hotel and fail to mention their shortcomings (rightfully so, best for business to focus on the plus side and not the negative). Sometimes you will luck out and get a great place that is so ideal for you and your travel plans but do your homework, nevertheless. 

   The best tip I can give any traveler is to think outside the city center. Costs are lower and the excellent public transportation in Western Europe can get you in the middle of any city center with just a short subway ride or bus ride. If cost is a major factor in your budget, think accessibility and distance. If you love a bus ride or a train ride in the morning. You can save a good amount that you can otherwise spend on souvenirs and a very good meal.

   There is no perfect hotel. Some have free breakfast included on the per night room price, others don't include this at all. Some have larger rooms, others have very small rooms. Some have toiletries and good towels others have no shampoo, conditioner nor lotion in a bathroom with "have seen better days" towels. Do your homework, take the time to look at reviews and traveler photos online.

   I spent a very good portion of my research on our European trip with R, looking for hotels, very good hotels that will suit R. He likes a quiet room, ample space and just a ride away from the city center. I looked at hundreds of hotels online and eventually used a very good site to make my life and search a whole lot easier. I have called hotel chains and asked my questions before I booked a room online.

   If you are a member of any hotel groups ask for a better rate. It pays to be a member of the larger group of hotels. They are worldwide and the membership is free.

   I do not endorse any products on this blog but I will mention the hotels that we used (we paid for the hotels and we are not getting any monetary compensation for this review) and worked very well for us. Service was always very, very good and we also prefer any hotel that is close proximity to the cuty center where the museums are.

   The next series of blog will focus on each hotel we stayed at and my reviews of each of them. They will be marked Series 7a and so on. They will be reviewed no particular order.

   Note that most Scandinavian hotels do not have the kind of air conditioning we are all so used to in the United States. These places are cold most of the year so AC is not a priority. Of course there are hotels with very good AC, again do your homework.

   The best hotel we stayed at was in Copenhagen, in my opinion. It was smack in the middle of the city. It was close to everything we wanted to see. It had a great breakfast buffet. Access to public transport was a breeze. I had a very cozy coffee place next to the hotel that I went to almost everyday, sometimes twice a day. Hotel service was excellent. I loved the bed, room size and the bathroom was one of the best during our trip. It was recommended by a friend who lives there. I will always be grateful for this because we loved the place and he made it one of the most memorable cities that we stay at during our trip. 

    In the end, we had to make our own reservation directly with one hotel in Germany because all the rooms in most hotels within our price range and extended price range fully booked. This hotel was a good 30 minutes from the city center. But it is what it is. We made most of what we had. We met some very nice people in that city. So you take the negative with the positive of a situation and make the most of it. Enjoy the experience.

   Let me state that I am now a great fan of booking.com as a great resource in making my hotel reservations. The website is user friendly and my options are limitless. I like that they tell you everything what you need to know and they are transparent about pricing. If it says one price, it will be the same when you check out. Their website allows you to make reservation and they remind you when your check in time is coming up. You can check in via your mobile. You can confirm your arrival time. 

   Most hotels have a set check in time. They try to accommodate your request for an early check in but please note that they also have set check out time, so how could the hotel give you your room at 11am when the one occupying the same said room has paid to check out at 12noon. And the cleaning crew will need to get your room ready for you. I have seen people at hotels with such expectations just to give nasty reviews to hotels that are just following rules and yet going out of their way to accommodate you. 

    I mean, the websites of these hotels clearly states check in time and check out time. I am perplexed by the attitude other travelers have towards front desk personnel who have to deal with customers who show up hours before the actual check in time, and expect to have a room ready for them. I have seen how front desk people have to listen to customers complain about such insane demands. I feel for the front desk people in these hotels. They are there to help us. And they deserve respect.

    Hotels from booking.com also asks you to review the hotels where you stayed a few days after you completed your stay. Please take the time to review them, they can only improve if we help them with our suggestions. 

    For major hotel chains, I also called and asked them questions which they are so kind to answer. Then based on that first contact, I make or do not make the reservations. The numbers are always 1-800 in the US. So I call. We stayed at two of these major hotel chains and I was very pleased with the outcome. Our stay was very good, on both hotels.

   If you are going to spend your money on hotels, then I suggest taking the time to do your homework and do it until you find a place where you will leave your luggage, bathe, sleep and eat that is to your satisfation. There is always one hotel out there that is for you. Just be diligent in your search.

    And if you have a local friend like I did, ask them to help you out. As a local and a friend, they will more than happy to help you and as a bonus they will get to see a friend in their city. Nothing gives your a warmer feeling than having a friend nearby, thinking that after all these years you will get to enjoy this side of Europe with them. 

   The best part about traveling is making the connections, positive connections with new people and if you are lucky enough  they will be a new friend. And for older friends, re-connections.



Thursday, October 6, 2016

Trip to Europe - Series 6 - Photos

 I am very pleased to say - I went to Europe without a camera!

What?! Going to Europe WITHOUT a camera? No way, right? I did. And I am so glad I didn't.
I never regretted it that decision. I took my phone and that single piece of gadget served me so well. I was not only was able to text R (for free) when we were on our separate locations at a given time but it also was a great camera. This single piece of technology was able to serve so many purposes than just a phone/text.

My pictures are to my satisfaction. Packing light also meant a multi-purpose piece of technology. A phone that was a phone, internet access (over wifi), maps, GPS and of course, a camera. 

Everyone in every city in Europe had a phone and majority of the tourist and locals take selfies with their phone. I saw people taking food pictures with their phone. So was I. I never felt so well blended with the masses of people around me as when I whip out my phone to take a selfie. And a quick selfie with strangers and new friends. I loved the selfies I took with R. It could be in the bus, tram, train, plane and underground tube. The light weight of a phone being used as a camera makes it easy to carry in a very small purse. I stick that thing in my purse and I know I am covered in the photo taking department.

I am not going to mention my phone here because I do not believe that I should advertise a particular product, openly and publicly. If you want to know what brand I use, just send me a note and I'll tell you. But please do not ask me to say the brand name here on my blog. I made this choice not to endorse a particular product on my blog. I take no monies from any brand name. But I tell you this camera of mine is very, very good when taking selfies and panoramic and scene photos.

I have this camera with a good battery life and enough memory to store my photos. I took a power source in case I ran out of battery life, I never used it once.

When I am in a place with WIFI, I check my email in box and then at night I surf the web. But most of all my phone was a camera most of the time. 

The idea that I would have a camera around my neck as we walked the streets of Europe did not appeal to me, at all. So, I did not bring one. I saw people with expensive cameras all over Europe and I am so happy they did, but it was just not for me. I thought it said, tourist. But I am sure some of those people were also locals. But again, it was just not for me. 

My phone pictures will always be special to me because I loved their outcomes, some were blurred and that was because I shook my hand or something but majority of them were very good.

Again, my traveling light plan included assigning my cellphone as a multi purpose piece of gadget.

When I saw my dear friend after I got back in the States and showed her the photos, she thought I took them with a fancy camera. I told her - phone! Wow, she said, you wouldn't even know that by looking at these photos. I am good with that response. 

Think about it, light and carefree. I enjoyed the travel better and had more time to really enjoy the moment and not taking the perfect picture. Living in the moment and not just trying to catch that moment. 

See you tomorrow....

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue