I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Trip to Europe - Series 6 - Photos

 I am very pleased to say - I went to Europe without a camera!

What?! Going to Europe WITHOUT a camera? No way, right? I did. And I am so glad I didn't.
I never regretted it that decision. I took my phone and that single piece of gadget served me so well. I was not only was able to text R (for free) when we were on our separate locations at a given time but it also was a great camera. This single piece of technology was able to serve so many purposes than just a phone/text.

My pictures are to my satisfaction. Packing light also meant a multi-purpose piece of technology. A phone that was a phone, internet access (over wifi), maps, GPS and of course, a camera. 

Everyone in every city in Europe had a phone and majority of the tourist and locals take selfies with their phone. I saw people taking food pictures with their phone. So was I. I never felt so well blended with the masses of people around me as when I whip out my phone to take a selfie. And a quick selfie with strangers and new friends. I loved the selfies I took with R. It could be in the bus, tram, train, plane and underground tube. The light weight of a phone being used as a camera makes it easy to carry in a very small purse. I stick that thing in my purse and I know I am covered in the photo taking department.

I am not going to mention my phone here because I do not believe that I should advertise a particular product, openly and publicly. If you want to know what brand I use, just send me a note and I'll tell you. But please do not ask me to say the brand name here on my blog. I made this choice not to endorse a particular product on my blog. I take no monies from any brand name. But I tell you this camera of mine is very, very good when taking selfies and panoramic and scene photos.

I have this camera with a good battery life and enough memory to store my photos. I took a power source in case I ran out of battery life, I never used it once.

When I am in a place with WIFI, I check my email in box and then at night I surf the web. But most of all my phone was a camera most of the time. 

The idea that I would have a camera around my neck as we walked the streets of Europe did not appeal to me, at all. So, I did not bring one. I saw people with expensive cameras all over Europe and I am so happy they did, but it was just not for me. I thought it said, tourist. But I am sure some of those people were also locals. But again, it was just not for me. 

My phone pictures will always be special to me because I loved their outcomes, some were blurred and that was because I shook my hand or something but majority of them were very good.

Again, my traveling light plan included assigning my cellphone as a multi purpose piece of gadget.

When I saw my dear friend after I got back in the States and showed her the photos, she thought I took them with a fancy camera. I told her - phone! Wow, she said, you wouldn't even know that by looking at these photos. I am good with that response. 

Think about it, light and carefree. I enjoyed the travel better and had more time to really enjoy the moment and not taking the perfect picture. Living in the moment and not just trying to catch that moment. 

See you tomorrow....

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  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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