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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Trip to Europe - Series 5 - Coloring Hair DIY in Europe

Oh wow! Really?! Coloring hair while on a trip to Europe?!

Yes, yes! I know. 

But it was one of those things that was I considered before leaving and thought, "Why not"!

The idea that I can do it just like any woman in Europe can DIY, appealed to me, greatly.
I have no set date to color my hair or where. But when I go to Norway, I thought, that place was a good place as any to try coloring my hair. R, was skeptical but was willing to give it a go, for me.

I had already befriended a lady at the front desk, we had shared a few moments a couple of days prior talking about our common hair experiences and I had pictures to show for it. I liked her. She spoke excellent english and was able to translate the directions on a box of the hair color I chose.

All the instructions on each hair color box you might think will be the same all around the world, right? I thought the same thing. But this little voice in the back of my brain said, ask for help. I thought, Norway is not really the place to loose one's hair nor to burn one's scalp. So, I did ask from the front desk. And you know what, the young lady came upstairs to my room, looked at the box and read the instructions for me. Now, how great is that! I think I have made a friend for life, right there.

I thanked her. She re-stated the instructions. What to do, how long to wait. Rinse only with lukewarm water..etc. 

I mean, I get to say, I colored my hair in Norway. The whole experience was great.  I shopped at a store in a mall. Store that sold me the hair color was called CUBUS and the girls at that store were great. I was pointed to an item that was even 40% off the regular price. And they had my color. BAM! Sold.

The name of the store was given to me by the hotel front desk as well. Amongst, three other store names that I checked out but settled on CUBUS because it was the best of all the other ones. And 40% off, can't beat that.

The coloring time was short, I have very short hair. And then the water pressure at the hotel was do good that it rinsed the color right off. The towel was not stained at all after I was done. 

Just like it is here, the box of hair dye came with its own conditioner as an after color rinse. Gloves and instructions. I liked the fact that the hair color was in the form of a cream, and not liquid. No drips! 

See photos below of the color I used. If I had to do it again, I will color my hair the same way again. I love trying new things..with great local help of course. Of course!

This is the L'Oreal brand I used to color my hair. Instructions came in all languages (almost) except English.

 Everything one can expect in a boxed hair color was in there. Cream based hair tint. No Drips!

As I was waiting for the hair color to set, I was having my cup of coffee. I loved the experimentation. Worked out great for me. 

So yes, you can color your hair while you are in Europe. Ask, if in doubt. And when traveling in Europe you can buy the L'Oreal brands there too. Very comforting to know their line of products are made in Germany. Wow!!

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