I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Europe by Trains

                                               Our love affair with trains!

      R and I love a nice train ride. 

      Wherever we go if there is a train ride to be had, we are right on it. Our love affair with trains started a very long time ago. Of course, we have taken short train rides in the lovely city of Buenos
Aires when we are there, but there is nothing like riding the trains in Western Europe. If my memory serves me right, it was in the city of Amsterdam that this train ride excitement first began.

      The punctuality of the trains in Europe is something that we just praise and love. The trains themselves are well maintained (by the looks of them). The staff that runs the train system is always helpful and the feeling that it leaves you is that they truly appreciate your business and patronage. 

     From the moment we bought our train tickets on line before our trip even began down to the very moment we got off the train itself, the experience has always been pleasant and enjoyable. It is not difficult to really enjoy your trip if segements of your trip is served by train systems that are really there to please you. 

     The train stations are great. The conductors are great. The clarity of time and platform locations are great. The section seats on the trains are great. The comfort is exceptional. You get the idea. 

     For those who are on the fence regarding travelling by train in Europe, I say, try it. And your future trips will definitely include train rides, it is that good. The train stations work like Swiss clockwork. Dependable and of high quality. It will never leave you wanting.

    We were traveling light, so it was easy to get off and on our designated train sections. They have a food section in every train. You can travel first class or second class. We loved the fact that reservations on seat was available when securing your tickets online. 
     Each train station we went to was always delightful to those we passed (without disembarking) was fun to watch and admire. Well lit and seats available for those passengers waiting for their corresponding trains. I love it!

     It is so easy to decide to fly from one major city to another but if you ever have the chance to take the train, please treat yourself to the joy the train systems in Europe can give you. More than the people and the food, I enjoyed in Europe..it was the series of train rides that R and I took that hold such delightful moments for me. I don't think I will ever have enough of those trains. I am sure R feels the same way (well maybe not as passionate as I do, but he likes them I know!).


Both our bags were small (though it was at times heavy) so getting on and off the train was a snap.
Due to the size we were able to easily place these over head racks by our designated seats.

Netherlands, Germany and the Scandinavian countries have awesome train systems. Treat yourself to a short or a longer ride. You will love it!

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  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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