I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Shopping 2007

(sigh) I had completed a huge task, I have completed my 2007 XMAS Shopping. Female friends gifts - check. Loved ones - check. Children of loved ones - check. Hairdresser - check. Etc, just in case I forgot you - check.
The list was endless, I tell you. I started very early in December and it took me 3 weeks to finish. I mean I know there are people who start shopping for next year's Christmas as soon as January 1 hits, but c'mon...the deals and the NEW STUFF. OK, OK I know I sound so materialistic but hey ...isn't that what gift giving is all about - I do not mean what Christmas is all about but..what gift giving is all about. Getting the stuff that the receiver will like, use and flaunt to others,right? Be serious, when you get someone a present you are hoping that first and foremost - they will like it, will like it enough to use it, and by golly not throw or GOD FORBID - regift it!!
SO there I was finished with my presents. I just have 2 present to give. One for my hairdresser and the other one to my "M". After that, I dust my hands and then I have survived the hurdles of the gift shopping for 2007.
Let us not lump into this conversation the crowds that I have to shove,elbow and backstroke against during the AFTER XMAS SALE. Be ready for that coz, I have worked out all year for this marathon of an event. Where would one even begin to start...Lots of lingerie sale, towels, perfumes, latest fashions and let alone the inticing websites... I need to focus here I know.
But I love the thought of doing this every year - REALLY. I love the challenge and the realisation that I can still come out a victor in a contact sport like shopping. I am sure if this becomes an Olympic sport I will go for the try outs and I am sure there are able bodied women out there (and men!) who can outwit me. But hey, my first rule of XMAS shopping is NEVER, EVER pay retail price for anything. Coupons is just one of the deals I come very well equipped with. 60% off the retail price is not a bargain for me. I need to pay no more than 20% of the original price and I know regular price coz I scout the pricing before XMAS come around!!
Love the adrenalin rush of XMAS shopping. I think I will shrivel and die if they ever outlaw shopping.
Oh well, I have to rest now for tomorrow will definitely be another day. I heard MACY's is having big sale, now if Nordie's could ever bring themselves to go down in price jsut a tad bit, I would shop there often, and I would like to get more shoes for 2008. A definite ADD ON on my to have list for next year.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone. And beware of those that keep saying "it is not the gift but the thought that counts" , they are definitely going to get you something you do not want, like, want to use and will definitely regift before the year is over! GOOD LUCK!
See you 2008.
Do not drink and drive. Get a DD - silly, it means designated driver!!

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue