I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The days after Christmas...

Christmas is always different each year. And I think, I like it that way. It is unpredicatable and always "quirky" in more ways than one.
I lost somebody very precious to me prior to Christmas. That was hard, and it still is. Her passing way was unexpected and that makes it even tougher for me. I loved her so dearly. I console myself with the fact that during our last long distance phone conversation, I always ended with telling her I loved her, and I meant it deeply each time. I smile every time I think about it, and it eases my pain a tad bit.
I wished "R" and "T" and I were together this Christmas, but that would not be how circumstance would allow. I was with "M" and it worked out great; and I had a blast of a Christmas Party with friends as well.
I love Christmas even if I get melancholy during the Holiday Season. I wished I was much younger and knowing what I know now, I could really enjoy the "innocence" of it all. Those were the days...
The idea of gift giving is always at the top my list any any given day but most especially during Christmas. I love to shop and get gifts -so what better season to indulge and enjoy both - but Christmas. I love any sparkling gifts and expensive ones. I just love bright objects and large purses and great Spanish and Italian shoes. Moving on...
Being around people who care about people are loads of fun as well. Friends are the next best thing to family, of course you cannot substitute one for the other but when one is lacking you can enjoy and love the other. I like Christmas in the US. The weather is cold, boots are in and hip, the coats and sweater are abundant. Food is great. Fruits and pies... I love to celebrate Christmas here every year. Shopping and getting around with all the hustle and bustle of the season is something I have crave for each year. I can live with this for the rest of my Christmas life. I will miss if ever I am not here on any Christmas. I will be happy wherever I am, but it will not be the same for me. My heart will be longing for Christmas in the USA. It is just so me.
So, as we fast approach 2008, I do not want to jump the gun early and think about what I want to do better and accomplish in '08. I would like to sit back and think about 2007 first. The people I've met, places I've have been, things found, people lost, and old friends found and met, people hugged and loved, feelings experienced, reconnections made, tears shed, smiles and grins, dreams that came true, new dishes cooked, all the good things and the bad. 2007 what a year!!
I am mostly thankful for the wonderful people that have visited my blog and have listened to my rantings in here. I wish you the best of 2008 and I hope you had a great 2007 like I did. Life is great, peaks and valleys of life gives living the texture that give us the great colors of our lives.
2008 will be another day...See you soon.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue