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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Keratosis Pilaris (aka chicken skin) ...how I manage the itch, redness, bumps...etc.

   I remember how I had such smooth skin two weeks ago.

   But for the last week or so, it has been rough as sandpaper, bumpy with blotchy little "goosebump" like rashes. It itches! And since I am a well-known scratcher, I scratch away leaving my skin raw and red. Unsightly! Argh!
   First, I did not panic since I try all sorts of cosmetics all the time and being allergic to almost everything that is tasty good (not necessarily good food), I thought I was having a more than my usual allergy. After two days of intense itching, I thought, this is not normal at all. I took a couple of OTC allergy medicines and it did not help at all. Now what? The redness has now covered not just my arms (inside and out) but has gone down to my upper thighs and lower back part of my legs, down to my ankles. Horrible! The itch continues. I thought, dry skin, it is summer time and I thought maybe I just did not apply enough moisturizer. I tried a more enriched and total moisture lotion. Nothing! All the time, I thought I should look at how the rashes are...they are not like any other rash that I have had in the past. They do not look like something that I would have after maybe rubbing against something in the garden or too much sun exposure maybe. They are mostly concentrated in parts of my body where muscles are located, namely biceps and thighs, lower buttocks and just  above the calves. In the beginning, there were spots on my chest are and upper breast area, but that went away as soon as the rashes have covered my entire thigh.  The itch is driving me nuts!!
    I was frustrated with the itchiness more than the appearance part. I am vain but I am never so full of myself. Appearance is something we can do all sorts of things to work arount it but when it itchess, I gotta scratch and that is the devil that I have to keep away from me.
   What do I do  now?!
   Next, I called my Dad (in the medical profession) overseas and detailed the symptoms and appearance of these rashes. Of course, knowing me the first order was NOT to scratch, they will leave marks and scars, he said. Great, I thought, easy for the doctor to say DO NOT SCRATCH, when it itches like hell!! Anyhooo....So there I was describing in detail what I thought triggered this, I knew it was partially due to bad diet but what do I do about the unsightly appearance of this bumps and itching.
   Then, he said Keratosis Pilaris. Also known as, chicken skin. Excessive production of keratin of the body and is lodges underneath the epidermis and under the hair follicles. No medical literature to back up the theory but it is believed to be in the genes. A family history of KP can be a big contributing factor why I am experiencing this. No known medication can be given to make this go-away. No "poof" the blisters and redness with the itch is known. What he described as a derma condition that I will need to manage with diligence. My diet has to be changed immediately and drastically as well.
He prescribed:
  Main Mantra: DO NOT SCRATCH!
  Itchiness: Take Over the counter antihistamine.
  Body care: Exfoliate with Acne scrub exfoliator. Use lotion with AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) twice a day, preferably after the shower. Apply lotion numerous times a day. Let these dry before putting clothes on. Reapply lotion all day, even if skin looks hydrated, apply anyway to avoid dryness and itchiness. Use plain soap that do not have perfumes or anything unnatural in it. Shampoo with gentlest kind or skip this altogether and use conditioner only.
  Diet: changes were more involved than I thought it would be. I am converting to no meat, no eggs, no dairy, no grains, no sugar, very little to no soy, no nuts, gluten-free diet. So far, I have been on this diet for 4 days and I have no complaints. I spend more time reading labels now when I do my groceries but it's okay, I really should be reading labels of the food I eat anyways, so no biggie there. You will be surprised how many good selections are out there for a diet like this. I would prefer to take the time to cook my food at home than spend another hour scratching my skin and scalp due to allergy and KP. All the wholesome and natural foods out there is an unexpolored territory for me, and I love the challenge. I now sleep better when my dinner is on the healthier side. I eat loads of veggies and fruit.
   When I used to hear people say "You are what you eat", I never thought the day will come that it would apply to me. Now, I do undestand that what you put in your mouth, will show on your skin.
   Nobody likes rough skin and scratching makes me feel like I have some communicable disease (KP isn't communicable!). I took my smooth skin for granted when I had it, I know better now. I am working towards managing my KP and good health through diet.
   R, has been very kind in letting me fix my own meals, knowing I have lots of restrictions. He does not make silly comments about my skin, he continues to love me, smooth or rough skin ( I am sure he prefers the smooth skin though..hahaha..) and he encourages and supports me when he sees that my skin on my arms have improved even just a little bit. Gotta love a guy who sticks by you, smooth or rough skin.
   So far 4 days into this regimen (skincare, diet and antihistamine) has been good. I see improvements. I just have to remember NOT TO SCRATCH.
Easier said than done.
  One day at a time is the way to go. I am determined to have a normal life regardless of KP. I have made changes in my choices of clothes, and believe me it is not all long sleeves and long pants for me. I now understand that it takes a lifetime of caution in diet and skin care if you want good health and good skin. You can only better the odds by doing these preacautionary measures as early as you can. And no one can prevent KP, if can hit you when you are a weeks old or even when you are 70 years old. But to improve the quality of living with KP is attainable. Itching, redness, unsightly bumps can be kept at bay, you just have to know what works and what works best for you. And stick with that.
  If you want photos of the products that is working for me, please post a comment here, and I will post the pictures.
Please note that these are the products that works for me and my KP. What works for me does not guarantee it will work for you. I just wanted to share my experience here, just like anything else that I do, this is what my experience is. Learn more about what you eat, and if anyone had KP in your family. I am fortunate to have a doctor as a father, and he knows my eating habits, allergies and family medical history.
Will update next week...thank you for listening. My sharing here is to tell others that are googling KP and chicken skin, that they are not alone. I thought I should throw this little tidbit out there, I am thankful it is not on the back of my hand, that area of my arm is soft and luscious looking with all the lotions that I am applying to the rest of my body. Gotta stay positive about these things you know. :-)


Laurie Lehman said...

I have "Chicken Skin" you know what works...and you will see results over night. Its called KP Duty. The packaging even has a chicken on it. I've been cursed with this stuff for years. Some times its really bad and sometimes it's just a few spots. But when it gets bad I use this cream. I get it at Sophora and Ulta. I'm sure you can get it on the internet as well. But you will see a difference within 24 hours and if used every day it will completely clear up. At least till the next time your skin gets dried out.


Hi, Laurie. Thank you for the comment and suggestion. I have seen the KP Duty when I was researching my remedies for my own experience with KP. I loved the chicken logo on it..seemed appropriate (smile). Did you know that I switch around my regimen for KP relief just so my Asian skin does not develop a tolerance to just one medication? And since I travel alot my skin clears up a whole lot faster in humid weather, I've noticed. And my change in diet contributed to the elimination of irritation on my back. Thanks again for taking the time to visit and comment on my blog.

mary nor fortu said...

Good day

Just want to ask the sample photo for the product you use? I'm so upset right now bcus the itchiness my skin turn black spot due of chicken skin i hope you reply it really helps me a lot



Hi Mary. I feel your frustration about KP. The intense itchiness is my number one frustration with KP. You are not alone..please remember to rethink what you eat and what you use as lotion and other cosmetic products that you use daily.

It is important to not scrath with your nails. The dark marks after your scratching is going to leave a scar. Please clip your fingernails, the shortest you can. Always make a point to pat the non perfumed soap on your body when taking a bath. Please do not scrub anything rough on your skin.

You want the dead skin (meaning the KP is healing) to be really soft before you scrub them off during bathing. I used to take antihistamine (for allergy) to control the itchiness.. use clothes that can breath. Avoid activity that can result to excessive sweating. Have you tried the chilled washcloth applied on the itchy areas, I recommended?

Change your towels frequently. Make sure they are sun dried or really dry when you use them. Do not rub your body when drying yourself after a shower, pat the towel on your skin.

I cannot emphasize enough your personal evaluation of what you eat. Make a note of what you eat and avoid the ones that you feel can aggravate the itching. For me it was tofu, soy and some hard cheese.

I will post the AMLACTIN (I used 2 kinds) as a new picture today.

Please keep me posted. Be vigilant of your diet and I know it seems impossible, but you can control your scratching. Best of luck.

Guy said...

I have been suffering from KP for a couple of months it really very itchy and drive me crazy. I cannot resist of not scratching my skin. My whole arm, thigh and legs are full of KP and it's widespread. My previous smooth and fair skin turn to be like sandpaper and hyperpigmented. I tried so many kind of moisturizers and creams, antihistamine and plain soap still didn't works. Im looking into sorting out my diet to find out what triggers the severe itchiness.

Guy said...

I have been suffering from KP for a couple of months it really very itchy and drive me crazy. I cannot resist of not scratching my skin. My whole arm, thigh and legs are full of KP and it's widespread. My previous smooth and fair skin turn to be like sandpaper and hyperpigmented. I tried so many kind of moisturizers and creams, antihistamine and plain soap still didn't works. Im looking into sorting out my diet to find out what triggers the severe itchiness.


Guy, thank you for posting here.

More than anything, you have shared your KP experience and those of us suffering from it know that we are not alone on this. It is through sharing information, helpful information, that we alleviate the feeling of frustration and at times, helplessness we all feel when our KP flares up.

I have noticed that diet (healthy) and stress (lack of it) is a good starting point in addressing KP. We can apply as much relief as we can but if we do not assess the cause and triggers of our individual KP, we are only managing it not getting rid of it.

Please do not scratch. I have scars from my own worst scratching. If you have fair and smooth skin, think that a nice icy damp cold cloth will help relieve the intense itching. Wear fabrics that can breath, long sleeves preferrably. Avoid talcum powder, at any cost.

Again, thank you for sharing. Stay healthy.

Footsiegonerogue said...

Hi, it's been some time since your post.. How is your skin nowadays?


My sincerest apologies to Footsiegonerogue (love the handle name btw) - it has been a few years since I last logged in in here - and I know it is no consolation to you and your question but if it worth anything - I found out what the reason was about what triggered my KP..it is actually more of a genetic occurrence that KP do show up when they do show up. Itching was kept at bay, by me cutting my nails short, I apply lotion right after I shower (even before I towel myself dry and hydrating my skin all hours of the day, I wear natural fabric clothing only (most especially underwear!), no exception. I avoid letting my seat stay on my skin for a period of time (think - workout!) by wearing cotton sports bra and cotton loose t-shirt only. I learned how to relax so I do not obsess about the itching and burning sensation when my KP flares up. And in the past year, I also learned that I am allergic to gluten. BAM! no more itching on the thighs and arms, when I changed my diet 360degrees. And in the last 3 months - I stopped dying my hair - would you believe my KP did not come back, not once during this summer. I hope my late answer might cause you to pause and re-think what could possibly be the triggers. We often time take for granted what we slather on our body and think that it will not cause an irritation or reaction, but it does. I hope my answer, late as it is, will help you stop your KP. It is so unsightly and so excruciating to be with KP but if you take a moment to take stock of the things that helped me - maybe it will help you. Good luck and keep in touch. Stay safe.

What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue