I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sunday's post on a Monday

Yesterday was Sunday and I just did not have a moment even to post anything here, and trust me I keep loosing my internet connection last night.
I will post here as if it is Sunday (yes, even if we all know today is Monday).
Yesterday I was invited to this barbeque (BBQ) to a very nice palatial house in Vicente Lopez. It was planned for a few days and it being held in Buenos Aires was sort of an oxymoron , BsAs Barbeque, I mean.
The lack of spice here makes the barbeque part kindda not authentic but anyhoo...I volunteered to make the "american version" of a potato salad - it was popular of course and everyone enjoyed it, even those that were on the "not eating carbs diet" :-)
So this house was huge. When given the tour I stopped counting rooms when it hit 5 rooms with ample bathroon space. Just to get to the front door from the front gate was a long walk and I was not disappointed when I toured the house. There were more living rooms and sub-rooms than I have even see in any house here in Argentina. It was wow! The decor was "unique" but to each his own, so to speak.
The living room/dining room was huge, large wooden table that seated 15 people and even left room for more.
Barbeque burgers were served with all the trimmings. Coffee and cake were served in the end. I met loads of people. I like them all. After all I hardly meet a stranger I did not like, really. And yes even here in Argentina.
I drove there, and was amazed about the victorious feat. I was able to get there with minimal instructions and got back to the same autopista with little or no direction whatsoever. It was night time by the time I headed back but the drive I found lots of fun. When there is no pressure to be anywhere at any designated time, one gets to enjoy the drive. I love that part. I think I am learning to like driving again. I just had to re-think my whole concept of it. Leisurely and no stress, it was great.
I loved the change in activity for that Sunday. I missed church and that bums me out but I will go to church in the next day or so.
I am sure I will have to make up for it one way or another, but I liked the plannig, the trip there, meeting new people, dining with new people, gathered new info abotu BsAs restaurants and then the great drive home. It was great.
Oh and I got ice cream for everyone to enjoy on my way home. I wanted to share my nice day to everyone and all.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue