I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, July 20, 2012


"Forgiveness Formula" by Kathleen Griffin, is presently a book I am reading.. well, it is more like a workbook, really.

I highly recommend it to anyone who has taken or has made the first step in recognizing that one is ready to "Let go of the pain and move on with Life". Forgive so to speak.

Let me list some of the lessons and meanings that I have understood about Forgiveness so far. It hits you right on the very core of why, how and when forgiveness is totally complete...and the heavy weight will surely be lifted, body and spirit. I have been working on what I need to do for the last few days. And, for all intents and purposes, I have been happier.

  •  Your past/hurt does not have to define your future.
  •  You choose to forgive. It can be difficult and painful but it is a choice.
  •  It does not mean that you forget what was done to you. Heal is the word.
  • Forgive the behavior but do not let yourself be exploited again.
  • You have to learn the lesson from what happened to you.
  • The process takes time and there is no hurry. This is a process and it takes the time it takes.
  • Accept that what happened to you, really did happen.
  • Never compartmentalize "before" and "after". Things will be different. You are different now.
  • When you forgive, the whole landscape will change.
  • You can only change you - those that had done you wrong has nothing to do with your forgiveness process.
  • There will always be someone to forgive. The better you get at it, the easier life will be.
  • The scar of each time you forgive is a reminder so you will not forget.
  • Half the battle is learning to forgive yourself. Healing starts there.
  • It is never too late to forgive.
  • Pride is what keeps you on top of a mountain "of always being right". It is lonely up there.
  • Forgiveness is never about them, it's about you. But what they did to hurt you may have nothing to do with you at all - Forgiveness Paradox.
  • The story may not end with " happily ever after" but you can start with a new... "Once upon a time.."
  • Remember the Lord's Prayer..Forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us..
  • One of the most sublime enjoyment in life is to forgive an enemy.
  • The final form of love is forgiveness.
  • When you know better, you do better. _ by Maya Angelou
  • Life is a constant journey of forgiveness.
I am still a work in progress. But each passing day with the help of this book, it makes the process understandable, doable and bearable. I make a point to do and be the improvement I want to see in the world around me. It is not easy but each baby step I take, I know I create a better world for those around me. And that is always good.

One day, very soon, I aspire to utter the words.."I choose to forgive..it stops here. Now. With me."

With that, I can truly say, I have moved on and have chosen a better path to happiness. No desire for justice, punishment or revenge.

Stronger and better. In the end, I will choose to be the victor. Life is a plethora and spectrum of colors that to get stuck in one color is such a waste..and I choose to be alive rather than just living.

Again, I recommend the book. You are not alone in your search for forgiveness for those you love and care about. Pick up the book and see what wonders it can do for you. It is helping me and thus, I am spreading the Kathleen Griffin "Forgiveness Formula" word.

Another day...the sun is up, it is a Friday, the 20th, smile and spread it around!

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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