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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mr. Darcy to my Elizabeth...

Movies, television, the internet even mere books have given me an unrealistic view on boy-girl relationships.

After seeing the movie with Mr. Darcy and his knee-weakening, ahhh-inspiring, tissue clutching declaration of love to Elizabeth, I mean, I was never the same again. 

But this is not what this post is about...what this is my own version of a list of guys a girl might fall for. I am sure you have your own list of the different types of guys you have had as boyfriends you would fall for but here is mine.

1) The one that introduced you to "love"
     This could be your puppy love. Or it could be someone you were teased with in school. Someone 
      who was just sweet and you had at one time took a second glace at and one of your grade school         friends thought, you liked. Nothing will come out of this but you will always remember this boy
      because if you liked him, he most probably was a "puppy love". You grow out of it.
2) Your first official "bf"
     This would be someone you would meet early on in high school. Someone who said he liked you        and that you might have liked as well. Or you had sought ways to be introduced and then friends         set you two up. It is so rare that high school sweethearts end up getting married either without a          break and be in other relationships before actually ending up together, but I have seen them                  happen. I have seen someone marry their high school sweetheart but have for awhile broken up           and be with someone else before getting back together and eventually getting married. This one          would be the official hearbreak as most likely also be a girl's first kiss.
3) The bad boy
     I think all girls have at one time or another have fanticized about being with a "bad boy". Someone
     their parents will not approve of, someone that just reeks "bad news". I think the excitement of           being with someone forbidden kind of sweetens the attraction.The kind of guy that forgets                   birthdays but girls forgive anyways.
4) The one that you "think" is the One
    This is the one that you had so long wanted. Either you were both in a relationship when you  met 
     or that one of you was unavailable when you meet and then it never was the right time. Or if you        ever were in a relationship, something happened and you parted ways. The girl will then look back
     and think that if she tried harder at that time with a little maturity added for good measure, that            relationship could have worked. Oftentimes, one would even get married with this one but just           like anything that is not meant to be, they part ways.
5) The One..the Mr. Darcy to your Elizabeth
     This is the one every girl thinks and dreams about. The One that she deserves. The one that will          rock her world. And if one is lucky enough to align the stars and with some pixy dust scattered on 
    her with a good dose of good luck, you will meet the One. And like any girl, hopefully even                 between here girlish giggles she will recognize a good thing when it is before and if he really is the     One...Mr Darcy is not that too far behind.

But in the meantime, as we all wait for our Mr. Darcy...we make sure we work on our being the best Elizabeth ever...

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