I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Life Lessons...of 2013 (Part 1)

You are not alone. Even if you feel alone, you are never really alone.

Sometimes, life has a funny way of reminding us that during your moments of feeling the lowest of low and loneliness, it is when you need to be by yourself. It is a time of introspection. Sadness which goes hand in hand with loneliness, is a fact of life. They ebb and rise. We need to experience sadness to appreciate life's joyful moments. We choose happiness and we work hard at it. Anything that is of value is worth the work. 

In 2013, I have learned alot about myself and I have learned to bring and find joy so I can be grateful. I am never the kind to be grateful because I am happy at the moment. I find that it is long lasting to be joyful because I am grateful. 

First and foremost, I have confirmed that people in our lives are what matters the most. Things in life that matters the most, are not things at all. Say it if you love someone. Never wait or procrastinate to tell someone you love them, tomorrow may be too late. You will discover that you are at your best when you think of others before yourself. 

You are at the best of your game when you are doing something that comes from the heart. The world needs alot of love. Give until it hurts. For you to find out the answers to the secret of life, you have to live it. Love truly and expect nothing in return. What pain you experience now will be useful to you down the road of life.

Change can be a good thing. Make changes in your routine. Note that things or circumstances don't change, we change. I have been told by a wise man that it is ok to think about yourself and be selfish at times. This is life, it is short, so live it to the fullest. No one will come out alive in this thing called Life. Everyone dies. The sun will come up tomorrow even if you don't. Never settle for anything less than what you know you deserve and have worked hard for, because what I found out is that if you settle for less, you will later on find out you settled for something a whole lot less than what you think you originally settled for. 

We loose people in our lives because they have given us what they needed to give or teach us.We move on, forward. Learn from that. Cherish people not material things and remember to tell those that mean so much to you that you love them, squeeze their hand a little when you say this. Do this when they are still alive. No amount of flowers on their grave or tears will bring them back once they are gone. Grieving is for the living. Some grieve forever and regrets lasts for a lifetime.

Nothing stays the same ever. You see yourself and compare what you can do then to what you can't do now. We age, fact! Others age better than others. The important thing is to hold on to what we treasure that are non-material and don't let age and present situations bring you down. You are never alone. Look deep into your heart and you will find that someone resides in there that have promised you love. Love is what we live for and the thought of dying with love and without regret is the best thing to take to one's grave. To me that is very comforting. I made a note to myself, that wordly possessions after it has served me their purpose is to be shared with others, pass it on. For material things that we possess have a tendency to possess us, if we are not careful.

Love is for the loving, haters will hate. Do not let haters dictate what you are and who you want to be. Don't give them that satisfaction. Haters need love, you see. Do not give them the satisfaction of bringing you down. If you want to fly and soar in life, drop the dead weights that are bringing you down. Stand tall, back straight, stomach in, chest out. Throw in a big smile for good measure. A winner's pose, I call it.

Prayers. You can say a silent prayer to your own choice of Higher Power. Never ask for anything. Prayers are a manifestation and expression of your feeling and the abundance you enjoy in your everyday life. Be thankful for the green trees left on earth, for the singing birds, for the sufferings that help make you stronger, for the trials and tribulations that you are going through, you will find that being thankful is a wonderful feeling. If you always ask for something, sometimes you tune yourself out when the answer is NO. Ask for rain for the places that experience drought, ask for peace on earth, ask for an end to world hunger, asking for something for others is a true measure for one's selflessness. If you are doing this, thank you. Most people say their prayers when they are alone at night, surrender your worries to God, He will be up all night anyways. 

The world is full of sufferings, but remember that strong people come out swinging and recovering from these sufferings, those are our heroes. 

Anger has no room in a loving world. I have found that underneath anger is a person in pain.

When someone says, "I see" or "I understand", what they really mean is "Fuck Off". Think about it.

The world can be barbaric. If you have a chance to make someone smile or feel loved, do it. The world needs a lot of that, everyday. Give people space and room to be by themselves. Everyone needs their "me" time. Respect that.

The life you want to live starts today, not tomorrow. Do what it takes to pave the way to create the life you want to live because if you don't, you will be living the life of someone else other than yours. Now, that is sad.

There are some walks that you need to make alone. Do not fear. Taking a walk by yourself shows strength, not fear. Courage comes from the heart. And those that truly love you will allow you to take this walk alone as they wait for you at the end of the trail. This is a testament of their true love and devotion to you. They trust that you will come out of that walk with scars, cuts and bruises but they are there to tend to your wounds, body and spirit. They have given you the tools to be yourself. And we build relationships using those tools. And you will realize that during that lonesome walk, you find your center, yourself and that you were never really alone.

(part 2)..to be continued

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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