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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

..."We will REBUILD and the United States will emerge stronger than ever.."

This is the first time that Obama spoke in a joint meeting with Congress and he wanted it to be also viewed by the public. Transparency, he said.
The President of the United States of America wanted the people at home watching TV to hear directly from him what we can all do to help on paving that road to recovery.
I believed it when he said..."We will REBUILD and the USA will emerge stronger than ever.." if you want hope, this is hope! The plan is ambitious to say the least but for a great country like the USA, nothing less and nothing short can be expected. Like the Phoenix, the USA will rise above this and from the ashes a better country will emerge. I have to do my share of course, just like everyone is expected to do their share. Conserving energy and thinking more towards the future from now on and not just the present short term gratification. We have to think about our children and other's children, their health, their credit so their children can finish school. We have to stop thinking just about ourselves. It is time to think as a nation again. I believe he used "bold" in terms of the manner we have to face this predicament of the economy. And it is a pleasant and good change to see both parties of the aisle be nice to each other for a change, no?
I now believe that thought the 2nd stimullus package is more money than one can ever imagine, we have to dare imagine it! We are trying to rise from the ashes remember, and no amount of blame will make the effort easier. We just have to support the President in this endeavor and do our share, whatever we can to help.
I like the sound of that and when it becomes a reality all the naysayers will hopefully have enough humble pie and crow to eat and go around. You watch and see - the US will emerge after this crisis...stronger than ever. If that is not hope, I do not know what is. Do you?

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  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue