I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I am in California....

Presently, I am once again in California. And honestly, I do not see what people in Buenos Aires are talking about hard times here.
I go to the grocery and I still have the choices and even more, than ever before. I see arugula, red oranges, all my favorite fresh herbs, veal, turkey, ground chicken, granny smith apples, snapple drinks, italian and english cheese and modena balsamic vinegar, italian and french wine for $5.00,etc.
When you read blogs in Argentina you would think the sky had fallen in the US, not so I say!
I can still buy my Yuban coffee for the same price I did 4 months ago.
When I was in Argentina and I read all these blogs, I was nervous that all I have to come to in the US is a pile of rubble and dust. But let me tell you, I went to Islands Burger last night and the place was packed! People are eating out. I went to the shopping mall and had to stand in line to pay for the 2 pairs of pants I got. My starbucks (one I frequent, I do not own one!) had a line at the drive thru. I went to McDo for my morning coffee and again, there was a line at the drive thru at 7am mind you. So I am thinking people who are posting on these sites talking about Argentina are a) either in other cities that where I am in California
b) have not been here in the US for sometime
c) are biased in what they see and will say anything negative in Argentina to "blend in" with the thinking there
d) never really left Argentina to get a good perspective of what it really is to live (NOT just VISIT) the US.
I like California, as a matter of fact I love it here. I will not go into comparing the 2 countries because it is like comparing apples and oranges, just not the same! I am sure there are people that are in Argentina and do not have the life in the US that they can go back to and that they have moved to Argentina and there is nothing for them here in the US. But for me, honestly, there is no place like the US. Nothing even comes close. What a great country!
Please do not misunderstand me, I love being in Argentina, my R is there and we have a life there, but all I am saying is I am ready to give up my life in California, my M is here. Both totally important to me and gladly I do not have to make an either or choice about it. Life is good both in California and in my little corner of the world in Argentina.
People who say negative things about US in Argentina do not really get it. I do not make any apologies for feeling sorry about some people who do not really get this. For in this lifetime, the US is a world leader, and others are mere peons. That is all I am saying..and California, rock (pump fist here!).
I am in California and the weekend is here...beach weather in winter...what is not great about that?

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue