I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Do unto others...

I have found these last several weeks, that people do treat me differently just because I sound, look and act different. (Remember, I am in Argentina and not Argentinian looking.)
First of all, I do have some expat friends and clients but none that I hang around with in a regular basis. I live my own life and do my own thing. Basically I speak when I want to and not when I don't. I have heard of some very fanatical "americans who moved to argentina" group - who will not tolerate any "nega" talks about their adopted country - for chissakes - even the friggin' argentinos talk trash about their country and half of the crap they throw around I do not understand - and when I speak about the dog poop on the sidewalks I am told to go back to the USA - give me a f+++ break! And these from people who ask for tolerance yet they are intolerant, those who want to better undestand the poor of argetina yet talk trash to their fellow north americans. I continue to mention, bring to someone else's attention, criticize stuff around me - I do it in the US and I will do it here.
Second, there are those that I encounter on a regular basis. I learn spanish from everywhere and anywhere - I mean everywhere like the gas station, verdulero, gardener, workers, etc. And the best thing about learning from them is their hearts are pure and not judgemental of my grammar or pronounciation when they speak with me. They want to help me out and I see the sincerity in them. There are people out there that are kind because deep down they are no prejudice or biases about me.
Third, I really am not a fan of 101 questions. No one person should really know EVERYTHING that is going on with another. I mean - HOLA?! Give me some room to breath here- the air is starting to choke me with the 101 questions. Jeez!! For being different I continue to not comprehend why people want to know and ask so many personal (very personal) questions so what I do now, is I just I-G-N-O-R-E them, works like a charm.
I have also learned that here (for I have not experienced it anywhere else) that one person can just straight out and say "No" about an experience that you know is true and have happened several times yet one person can say "NO" as if it never happened to them , knowing full well that it has indeed happened. I do not want to call anyone a liar but if you are not telling the honest truth (for there is such a thing as a liar's truth) what else is there to call that person. You be the judge. For these kinds, I know trust is a very important thing and I just don't give them out as readily for these kinds.
I marvel at the dynamics I have encountered with various people. I learn alot about myself with the people I interact with regularly. I am determined in avoiding negative vibes, it is not good for my present quest to exercise and better my body. My mind is trying to play catch up with the fast paced regimen I am in. Dieting is next and boy it sends me sky rocketing when I go on a diet. No carbs and no sugar! We will see how this week will go. So far so good, I limit my carbs to morning only for I do not process them that well (metabolically) at night.
So for 2009 I have resolved that I will take better care of my body, exercise regularly, eat to enhance my metabolism, cut down on the sugar-carbs, enjoy what I like having without the guilt and I am sure the improved mind will follow.
I will not look back on 2008 with any positive or negative feelings; it is the past and should remain there for good.
I will face the challenges of 2009 and will be wiser.
So far, so good for 2009. I look forward to another day.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue