I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A funny thing happened on my way...

I did not even notice it that is alreadt Sunday and my last posting was Thursday - WOW this week went by so fast. I am actually working on my website and taking pictures for the website, so I am in a virtual cyberworld and nobody tells me what time it is..anyhoo.

So several days ago, I had to take a brand new pair of black, 2 3/4 inch heels with antique looking metal studs on it, shoes are pointy - of course, to my cobbler downstairs, Samy. I have told you about him - he is the guy I want every woman in Buenos Aires to meet so he can fix their tok, tok tok I no longer have heels but nails are protruding now heels - (roll my eyes here!)
Well, I took these brand new black...ok..ok...moving on...I had just lost my voice due to a bad cold...and so I was trying to tell Samy that the right shoe was making a noise every time I would take a step - in spanish. Well....that was the wrong thing to say, because shoes do make a noise when you walk on them. BUT no, the noise is coming from inside the shoe...like in the heel..inside..or something.

So for 2 minutes I was trying to have him hear this noise but to my dismay the store next door was doing some serious cement pounding more like excavation pounding so Samy cannot hear anything. By this time the line outside the cobbler's have started to get longer ( 3 people!).

So I said...try to diagnose it and I will be back. Well, my cold got worse and I was not able to see Samy bach until last Monday..and then he said - NO HAY PROBLEMA. What does he mean no problem - I still hear the freakin' noise. So I asked him to peel the cover of the shoes where the heel meets the body of the shoes and LO AND BEHOLD there was a screw in there - I asked him if the screw is tight. IT WASN"T. He turned the screw a few times and them gave the shoe back to me to try on..this time the line has gotten longer (4 people - and one of them my neighbor). So the noise is gone - PHEW! I thought another lovely pair of shoes to waste if the noise did not go away. I was not going to put on a pair of OH SO LOVELY shoes that squeek. NO WAY JOSE.

So before he put the glue on the back of the shoes and put everything back together, it occured to me that next to my laundry place is another Samy place - another cobbler. Could my Samy be moonlighting somewhere else? He cannot possibly be in 2 places at one time!

So there I stood asking "Samy" what his name was...with a grin worth a million bucks this sweet man says "RAUL". I knew I must have turned all shades of red ( a good tint for actually) but I was so embarrassed for all these years, months and days, I kept saying good morning, good day and all that to "SAMY", and the man's name is RAUL.

So there I was....standing in front of 4 people and RAUL paying him and thanking him at the same time. I was so glad my spanish is limited for I would have made a total ass of myself by apologizing profusely for my calling him Samy all this time.

So a funny thing happened on my wau to the cobbler...I finally found out his real name.

Raul...but he will deep down always be a "Samy" to me.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue