I am..

My photo
Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, October 8, 2007

The upcoming bijouterie...

These last few weeks (and months, really) I have trying to get the concept of my very simple website going. I am not in any way cyberspace savvy. I do not know the computer language, I have a very short attention span and for cryin' out loud - I am not used to following instructions!
So here I am trying to learn how to work a Pentax digital camera, set up lights to avoid drastic shadows and angles. I had to read a manual take lots of "test" photos with all the variables considered ( huh!) and then I started imagining what my website would look like ( I am very good at that ..imagining..) OK..so there I was with a working idea for the website, what photos to take.
I tell you this did not happen overnight..no way sireee. Well, at first the task was daunting. I mean a digital camera, I can take really good pictures ( really!) with SLR manual NIKON that was 20 plus years old, but this digital thing is so complicated. The manual was used friendly, but I wasn't. So I struggled abit in the beginning and then I said...let me pretend I do not know anything at all about picture taking and that I got myself a PENTAX, so how do I work it. There!
I acknowledged what I needed to say and I moved on...I emptied my memory of any ideas I might have of how this gizmo was going to work and I read the manual - boy did that thing work. I was able to turn the Pentax to a working, picture taking, wow your momma shots!
Then I worked the pictures with PHOTOSHOP, hey, a girl needs help so I turn to my every so able friend PHOTOSHOP and the pixs were good for the files for my website.
I read the website again and looked at what I needed to change - my website is very straightforward no nonsense, no bells or whistles or anything fancy like that - it will do what it needs to do. With alot of heart and sleepless nights, I am 99.98% readly to launch it to cyperspace. It just needs a couple of days to brew over and then I should be set.
I have never thought I could even do something remotely similar to what I had just accomplished. But it sure tastes really sweet as I sit back and think that a few months back I did not see this day and yet here I am basking in my small accomplishment.
One day when the store (thus the website) picks up I can have a professional spruce my website a tad bit ( or a whole lot) but for today and the next few months, I think I should be fine.
I love working and I love working for myself. I learned new things everyday as I worked on my website and one of the major accomplishments I acquired for this undertaking is ...patience.
The store is a bijouterie I will place a link from this blog to my website, so should you drop by in Buenos Aires, call me to make an appointment and I will show you what I have in inventory but better hurry because I only have a few of each item.
Ciao for now. Tomorrow will be...another day...what a nice day it was today.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue