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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am stepping away from business topics for awhile. I have a horrendous headache today so I wanted to post something - light.
OK, so there we were at Siga la Vaca last Sunday..(I will not name the location to protect the identity of people to be mentioned) and we got there relatively early, we were early in BsAs standards because though there were people there - we still had our choice of seats. There were 4 of us in our party. So we sat in the middle of the whole place. I do not like heavy traffic area so we off to the side of the median of the restaurant.
So we ordered our drinks and we got our salads - buffet style you know. And then we all got talking and saw some people that were familiar to "R" and "T". So they said their hello's and did their besos, I guess, I really did not see because I was stunned by a phenomenon that caught my attention. OK, see, I have been complaining about how long the guys hair are in here in BsAs - I mean mullet haircuts - excuse me but that was like soooo long ago! And then as I stood in the middle of Siga la Vaca, I was in the midst of not plumes of asado smoke but I was in a sea of men with receding hairlines?
And then I got obsessed. I looked at men to my right, in my left, behind me, in front of me and then all around me - it was all the same. The men have either no hair, very little hair, have long hair but receding hairline and then those that have pronounced loss of hair --either recent or just still trying to cope with the reality that their hair are falling out.
I see the receding hairline in men phenomenon across the board in age level, except the 3 to early 20's guys. I even saw a guy in his mid-20's with a shaven head but you can make out the hairline that has apparently receded very recently. It was the most interesting thing I had ever seen. I did not mention anthing to anyone, especially since I was in the company of boys since I know how guys also feel so strongly about any criticism about their hair, these are not taken lightly. I know that about men's facial hair as well, guys with mustaches , beard and side burns feel so attached to them - do not really know why and I am scared to ask. I might understand their reasoning and for a woman that scares me - to begin to understand the men psyche. (shivers!)

So for the last 2 days, I have been observing the same about men that I see all around me, the men I meet at the store, the guard at COTO, the cobbler, every male I see I eye his head and see what level of hair he has. And sadly there are a lot of balding men in Buenos Aires. Just look around you. There are some guys who look so freakin' hot without hair and shaven head but somebody in between hair growth or just no hair is an oddity for me. There are men of course that can carry this hair loss fairly well, and others, well - do not have a choice.
I am not talking about you, should you be on the balding phase of your life. If you are offended by this article, then I am not talking about you.
I was just wondering what the cause is of this phenomenon. I do not think this is hereditary - since almost every is undergoing it - that they are all related - nah! What could it be - just curious. Bad hair care? Bad diet? Bad hygiene? From long hair to no hair - pretty extreme, no?
Well if you have an answer or would like to take a guess as to why this is happening - send me an note; would love to hear your take on this hair-y story.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue