I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Hi y'all. So far the diet is coming along very well, have good energy during the day, not lethargic in the afternoon, no craving for sweets or chocolate in mid-afternoon and I sleep much better, now that I am eating healthier. And for good measure, I threw in a 15-20 minute yoga stretching routine in the mix. I feel very good before that morning shower. There is nothing like a very good sweat before a nice cooling shower.
There is one 'indulgence' I cannot quite get rid of - morning coffee. Well, no cigarettes, no bread, no sweets of any kind, no pasta, no soda, no alcohol - and others, at least a cup of coffee in the morning is okay - for now... at least. All my eating modification (diet) successes in the past always included coffee, my body I think is fueled with coffee and not blood..jajaja..
Now, regarding my "R" and our "situation" (notice how all are in quotation marks?) well, there is nothing to update, we are at an impasse. Not forward but not backwards, and definitely nothing sideways. Status Quo - I am not too fond of this stage on anything that pertains to life. As a Pisces, it is not my nature to standstill. Born under the sign of the fish, I never actually "swim" backwards, always forward. Vamos a ver! We will see what progress we will have this week.
Now for my spanish class - it was wonderful a delight, the positive thing lately that has happened to me. I did this long essay type homework, and I did it all by myself. My professor was very pleased with the effort and my writing style. I did not stick to simple sentences, I elaborated and was successful at it. I made some simple mistakes but I was able to use some " big words" that were outside of my comfort zones but loved every moment of the writing process; I had fun writing it (I am a journalism graduate after all) and sharing it with my teacher. We both had fun learning about his particular topic of my homework, the city of Manila.
Oh, I spoke with my father in the Philippines, needed to hear his voice and love. He is the only person that loves me without if, ands or buts about it. I am stronger today because I spoke with him yesterday. There is something to be said about people who loves you and does not ask any questions or declares statements that make love conditional. My father is the greatest!!
Well, that is all for now. I am working on tomorrow's homework, lots of reading and memorizing, but I have some very good music on and no interrruptions. Then lunch and then maybe a longer than usual walk around my neighborhood.
Hoping that "R" does not ask to visit me today. Just much better if we take our time and wait until we have real longer time together than just a minute here and there; not so nice feeling on my part when as soon as he arrives, he looks at this watch and figures what time he needs to leave. Again, I am just hoping "R" does not ask to visit me today. But if he does, I am sure he will be quick, so no prob. I have loads of reading and studying to do, in all honesty. And tomorrow, I know I will not see him, he is off to the burbs.
I cannot even begin to plan for the weekend, it is only Wednesday. Friday is a couple of moons away.
I liked the goodtimes better than the badtimes we are having right now. What we have no suck, big time. (sigh).
Another day...

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue