I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, September 29, 2008

And then...

Man, a lot of things can happen in 15 days.
I apologize sincerely to the few people who really follow my blog :-) for my long absence, things are just in a lull lately and there is my spanish class to study for and other "stuff" to keep at bay.
Well let us see...there is today's bailout plan that failed in the US Congress, there was that news of Scarlett J. Reynolds being married to Ryan, there was the passing of Paul Newman and the plummeting of the stock markets worldwide...what a melange of events, and I would like to say that most of these happened in one day or 3 days tops. Wow, indeed.
I do not like to state my politics overtly because I leave that to the pundits who really know who or what they are talking about or can really fool us to think that.
I am just now certain more than ever that November's election is very important to me because my child's future is hanging on the balance here. The next working generation might not know it yet but if Mommy and Daddy do not vote this time, forget a "future" financially, we are going down the drain - literally.
I might live in Buenos Aires majority of the year but deep down I am still an American citizen. There is no use denying that. My child is there, born and raised in the US of A. I am a Filipina by birth and love that country still but I think I know where I really want to be.
I am not saying anything bad about Argentina, it is just that I am still learning the country and its people, it might take me sometime to do that, but I am willing and able. But at this moment, USA is my country of allegiance. People who speak ill of that country only define it by the bad governing of some and they fail to see how wonderful and kind people there can be. After all, I do have friends there that I care very deeply about. People I do not talk alot about but keep in constant communication with because there is a connection that distance cannot separate.
The chaos in the US, please allow me to say this is a self-correcting process that has to happen to remind everyone that when things are not what should be, nature will take its course and correct what needs to be straightened out to keep the balance of things. Monetary, financial or government wise. There is always a time for everything and everything has its time. I think more sacrificing is in the way. What the US feels now is also felt around the world because whether we like it or not the market has been global for quite sometime and when one major player falls ill everyone catches the fever.
Christmas is coming, I hope people who had thought so much about themselves lately would think about others for a change. And maybe we can all avoid this mess we are in right now.
Well....and then reality kicks in...money you know is not the root of all evil but it IS THE LOVE for money that is the root of all evil.
Do we really think that Argentina does not feel the ill effects of what happened in the US?
I thought for a moment there the stock market here in Buenos Aires also went down. But maybe I too am mistaken.
Another day...sooner, I promise.

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What am I doing right now?

making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

Book List

VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue