I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

April showers bring May flowers...oops..wrong hemisphere!

Spring is here in Buenos Aires. It began Sept 21st. Load of sunny days after the first day of spring but on the 28th, it rained. A much needed rain. The land around the ourskirts of Capital Federal have been dusty and arid lately, the rain was a relief to them I am sure. And today it is the 2nd of October, it has rained on and off for the last couple of days. The car is dirty, heck most cars are dirty. But today, God bless us all the sun is out - glorious!!!
So if springtime begins at the latter part of September, when do the May flowers show up I guess, this month? I was so glad to remember this ryhme when I was in the US because I know when is what..now..rains in September bring October flowers...nah...! does not sound good..you know what I mean...oh well..,.
And then...let us talk for a second about the beef in Argentina lately..I mean I would never talk bad about the beef in Argentina, but a few years ago, they have been so good and so...what is the word..perfect?! But lately now that I know a couple of carniceros in my neck of the woods (literally) I am disappointed to see the not so great quality of beef that I have been admiring in the years past. I thought now having a kitchen and cooking at home, it would provide the best ingredients in the meat department - but surprisingly I have been not so happy with it. There is the perfect carne picada especial and all that but the bone with the meats kind of cuts - what happened to those. I see almost second rate beef cuts flooding the market..where have all the good cattle gone? Up in smoke when all the ranchers are not growing soy? Just asking.
Here is another doozy one for you....today coming in Capital Federal, we had to take an autopista (toll road) and there are several lanes Pase (for cars with toll passes), Manual ( where you can pay with any denomination if you want change back) and then there is the Pago Exacto (pay EXACT toll - meaning do not expect the toll keeper to make change). But as always there are some drivers who just get on the wrong lane and do the wrong thing. I mean, would they let me get away with that if I did that? Why are the locals setting a bad examples to the foreigners like me? So if they throw trash out the window and I know it is wrong, but hey, he is a local and he does it - that means it is okay for me to do it as well. As they say...when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
I do not get the whole rebel without a cause kind of attitude around here. Remember that the rebel, James Dean, did die in a car accident.
Cuing on the PAGO EXACTO for a 2.20peso toll and then waiting for the change for a 5peso, is mind boggling. Why do something like this and then you hear people honking their horn because 3 idiots ( I got tired of being nice here) decided to do this. I mean come on people. You want all the visitors of your country to behave better than you and you trash and set bad examples. What gives?!
The honking to another car is just plain imbecile behaviour. There is really no excuse for pressing that horn. Be patient. For a country that hardly does anything on time, there seems to be a lot of people in a hurry to do what - NOTHING! Hilarious in a pathetic kind of way, come to think about it. BUt hey, it is your country, trash and cheat as much as you want, if you do not care, why should I right?
I follow your lead. And be warned that if you do anything stupid, that does not mean I will follow you. I will just adapt to your ways to make my life easir, just like you do.
I know I will be happier. Have you counted how much "I" have used the pronoun in the last paragraph. Tells you that id rules here, and alot!
Then let us go and visit... new TV Season...in the US...I am excited to see what I can catch and what I have missed in my shows ...would you believe I made a concious effort not to have a TV or cable here in Buenos Aires and believe it or not, I can live without it.
Things are good between me and "R", he knows I love him and I know he loves me. And for now that is all we need to know.
Ciao y'all.
Another day. Take care.

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue