I am..

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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What is Southern California like this time of the year?

It has been hot/ dry heat since I arrived on the 14th. Southern California is sunny. It is cotton Tshirt and jeans (and open sandals) type of weather. I love it! What is there NOT to love right?
I love California, REALLY. People can say whatever they want and bash this place but you know what I live 6 miles to the beach and I know the best Japanese restaurants that make tuna sushi and chirashi and I am good. For bonus points I know the best makeup stores around, the best jewelry store in town. I know the best vietnamese place, thai place and mexican burrito place.
I have been enjoyin every moment since I arrived. I have not been here for 6 months and I miss it. My friends are here and after all these errands I need to do, I will enjoy their company and share meals with them. Customer service is EXCELLENT.
Okay, so why am I saying this you might wonder. I like Argentina but I am not too crazy about the city of Buenos Aires. I love the open country and in Southern California, it has been laid back here lately. I see more people in restaurants at my spa and of course at the grocery. I am not sure what recession people are talking about, but people are spending money in places that I have been going to. The car lots were full of prospective new car buyers. I had to wait for awhile at the service department at a local car dealership. Not sure why there was a lull (supposed) in the economy 2 months ago but the buying public is out en force. Target has lots of shoppers, Walmart was packed, Nordie's had a long line, MAC make up store was by appointment only. I mean people have money and they are spending it. Maybe not as much as before, but women are spending money. I have never seen so many women driving 2009 brand new E Class cars and swanky Beemers, more than ever.
Shoe stores are packed, electronic stores are packed and most especially Apple stores are full of people. Victoria Secret did not have a sale but women came in droves. The parking lot of my favorite mall was full.
Halloween is here (almost) and lawns are decorated as always to welcome the trick o treaters on the last day of October.
Southern California is great this time of year, it is hot but the heat is dry. My makeup stays in place a very important thing for me.
Cotton clothes and shirts especially, I just love wearing bright colored clothes.
Argentina is hot now as I have been told, but there is no Jamba Juice Argentina. My guilty pleasure this last 3 days have been MY BEER. I cannot tell you what it is. I take it with a wedge of orange in a nice frosted iced cold thick beer glass...HEAVEN ON EARTH.
California...people have come from all over the world to see this place - I like it, and I am sure you will to.
Ciao. See you another day, k?

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making a list of topics to post this week

Future Topic for Another Day

  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue