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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2008 General Election (Proposition 8 in California)

Well, here we are less than 2 weeks before we head to the polls and do out civic duty and exercise our right to choose. The Presidential Election of 2008 is just around the corner. I pretty much know whose name I am filling in for President and Veep. So that is that!
But as I go over my Sample Ballot and trying to be up to speed with the various propositions that are on the ballot, I find that more and more issues are turning up and they are getting bizarre each election period. There are an astounding 11 Propositions on the ballot and four more - Prop A, B, Q and R. I am talking State and County of San Diego propositions here. Man, my head starts spinning on the verbage and what "no" really means and a vote for "yes" does not really mean a YES. Got that? Good, coz so far I have read this thing twice and I still have to figure out what my NO really means.
Let us take Proposition 8, a proposition placed on the ballot in California to address the recent approval of same-sex marriage. Of course, Prop 8 is against same-sex marriage.
It is so stated, that Propositon 8 "eliminates right of same-sex marriage couples to marry".
Meaning there will be a constitutional change (State of California) for this amendment. It is also said that at present time only marriages between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.
This proposition has only fueled a good number of gay people getting married before the election.
So once and for all, the good citizens of California will decide if a marriage between 2 men or 2 women can be recognized as legal in this State. I believe the issue is just that - legality. The government is never really into the morality issue of things, or have they?
If the marriage between same sex couples are seen as legal then it follows that all the benefits a spouse is supposed to have each one gets; and remember they pay taxes too as a couple, should they choose to be. I think, it is about time we really think of this particular proposition as what it means in legal terms. My vote will come down to the wire. The ads on t.v. are real nasty and if I get fed up with one, I will for sure choose the other. What that means, I do not know. I have heard of some lawn signs disappearing and being vandalized.
This is a historic vote I guess, for those who are physically present in California, I mean; and can vote in local issues, because once and for all we are part and will partake in voting in for a constitutional change. For either way it goes, things have happened in the last few months in the State level on this issue that will define how we will move forward as a nation and as a State.
Change is now and we are in it. Every single one of us. What a country, huh?
No matter what they say about the great olde USA, there is no country better than this one. And California, though times are tough here, it is not as bad as they have it in Michigan. My dreams became a reality here, my next generation is here and the hope of the future is still in the youth of this county and millions of them will go and cast their ballot on November 4th, 2008. What a great country!

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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