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Whenever there is a beginning, there is an end. It is not what came before or how things ended but what happened in between that makes life exciting - do not change the heartaches for they are colors in your own painting called My Life. Let them be vivid and bright!

Monday, November 10, 2008

MEDICUS - it is service, care and more...much more

Disclaimer: This is based on my own experience.
I never endorsed any products, service or brandname in this blog. I believe I am always leary about people just jumping in and pouncing on various levels should I endorse a very specific product or brand, let alone a service.
For one, I am very hard to please. Quality counts for alot for me to be loyal to a service provider but most of all I want everyone in all levels to show me they care, that they respect me the person and not just the money I give them for the service they provide. I just do not want to be another number.
I like lots of very good company names, products and brands. I like customer service, excellent customer service at that - and consistency on this is very important to me. I am sure it is for you as well.
Then, I went to Argentina and met a Medicus Rep. She was honest, transparent and clear, to top that she was kind and courteous. Wow, what a treat in Argentina - but she is. She is always there when I do need anything. Note that my spanish is horrendous, but she made it a point to explain and re-explain insurance cost and services covered in my plan. I knew I made the right choice with Medicus, when I met Mrs. B Tort. She came very highly recommended to me. I was impressed.
My coverage is very good. I know of others who pay more than I do and they are not with MEDICUS and they do not get a great service , like I do.
Medicus is not paying me squat to say these nice things about them, nor will they be able to pay me to shut up, if I was duped and unsatisfied about their service. So there!
My coverage includes international coverage. I never get sick when I am traveling (nothing a tablet can fix) but from BsAs I was traveling with an ear infection, a recurring thing for me for the past couple of months. Nothing major. My ear just itches like crazy and when I take a shower and water gets in there, it starts to drip endlessly for days. Ergo, and ear infection. Now what am I to do, you might ask. My coverage is in Argentina with international coverage. WOW! I called a number off their website, a very nice, calm and concerned lady from their Florida number answered my call and after a couple of questions from her, and confirmation of coverage I was off to see a doctor. The phone connection at first was not that good, so she asked for my location phone number and she called me back. The doctor's visit I did not pay a cent. All I had to do show my insurance cards and ID, for Medicus already faxed to the doctor's office my pre-approval for the coverage. I just paid for the parking meter $2.80. I opted not to park at the clinic's garage for free because I did not like the dark location a block away from the building. The clinic I went to was wonderful. The doctor was great. Medicus authorized for the ear culture that the doctor wanted. I will need to go back for a final visit before I leave back for Argentina. How excellent is that?
Medicus has always been very good to me. I know they cost alot for the coverage but with a nasty ear infection even thousands of miles away they made sure I was okay.
Just now as I was typing this post my phone rang and Medicus wanted to know that I am okay and that the doctor visit was to my approval and liking. I mean if you are going to Argentina and looking for medical coverage, email me and I will hook you up with Medicus. You will not be disappointed. I am not.
I am not making a cent out of this post. I just call a spade, a spade as I see it. For all the parents whose young fresh out of college kids are headed to Argentina, contact me and I will give you my Sales Rep's number. Medical coverage is important to have at all time.
Since I am traveling all the time, I thought it prudent and wise to get international coverage (ask for effective dates after BsAs departure, I think it is 60 days or something), for here I am having been attended by a doctor with ear drops and tablets to take to rid of my infection.
Medicus, thank you very much. I really feel the concern and care.
Kudos to Ms. T and everyone that is affiliated with Medicus. BRAVO!

1 comment:

Wu said...

Hi there, came across your blog because my wife and I are planning to move to Argentina in Jan 2010 and are interested in Medicus. Would it be possible for me to ask a few questions offline about services/cost/etc? Would love to know more. Thanks!

I think by posting you'll have my email address, but if not, let me know and I'll check the blog later. Thanks!

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  • 2021 The Great Resignation
  • Grief defined
  • What makes a family?
  • Toxic work environment

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VOGUE 120th special anniversary issue